Originally posted by smb916 I just want EverQuest Next to be as hard and as bad ass as EQ1, i want group play, massive raid and guild content and less catering to the solo player after all its a MMO. people working as a team to acomplish goals build strong ties, and I am still in touch with players from EQ1 we all are just looking for a game to give us that feeling again and have yet to find it. EQ2 tried and dumbed down the game due to WoW.
Eq2 came out first. Nice try. Eq 2 isn't that dumbed down.Still best skill trees in the mmo landscape.
Honestly, between this and the web-cam emoting they put into EQ2 this summer, I'm glad to see that someone (even SOE) is looking ahead at player-customized gaming. Unlike games that let you come up with a backstory so you feel like you have a real stake in your character, or games with class quests/storylines, SOE is actually working to put people and their creations into the games. How did sites like Facebook , Twitter, and YouTube get so big? Because people want to share... whether it is information, photos, videos, or random stuff they found on the web that they like. SOE is just evolving the social aspects of life on the interwebs and testing their spin on them in their f2p games to determine whether these ideas are worth incorporating into whatever MMO launch is the next big thing for them, be it EQNext or otherwise. Glad to see that a big company with some cash to throw around is thinking ahead and not resting on their Station Cash laurels.
A great move by SOE and an excellent opportunity for creative gamers to either make some side cash or get a foot in the door on a possible career in the industry. I love it!
I suppose, except Second Life has been doing this all along so those creative types have already gone there to make money and get a foot in the door.
I guess you're right. There's no one left in the gaming community with talent or that may find this fun. *shrug* Oh, well. Nevermind then. Silly thought on my part.
...or maybe you're just a little black raincloud, sir.
No just a realist.
This isn't anything new at all is what I was saying. You also aren't going to get a job in the industry because you created a sword that you put in the SOE store.
A few talented people will make a couple bucks off this even with SOE pulling off 60% of the profit which is absolutely absurd. However, most of those who do will already work in the computer art industry in some form and will use it as extra income.
The gaming industry has never hesitated to hire people with talent. They build resumes by either working on indie projects or by modding or by just building a lot of models/textures and showcasing their work. The avenues are already there so a store like this isn't suddenly going to open doors for tons of computer artists who are very talented yet overlooked.
Where did I say that this was a first or that there weren't other ways for players to show off their work to devs? You're so rapt in pessimism that you've gone as far as to see a 40% cut for accepted content as a bad thing.
Holy cow, man. Welcome to Block.
40% for doing all the work is a VERY bad thing. You're so optimistic you can't even see that.
Even places like Amazon and other large internet marketplaces only take 30% leaving 70% for the creator. SOE is asking you to create content for their game to help them profit more and get more players into their games and then taking a 60% cut from your work on top of that.
Anyone should be able to see that as a bad thing.
What you did say was you saw it as a way for people to get a foot in the door and decided to ignore all my reasoning as to why that isn't the case. But you are right, everything in the world is great, SOE is awesomesauce, and losing 60% of the cut is a fantastic thing that every human being should be happy with. Please pass the drugs.
Agree with Snarlingwolf here. This is win for SOE on many levels but not for designers. SOE gets to put minimum effort in and get maximum return. The designers will be creating the marketing info as well as the items. Add in the fact that it must go thru an approval process. This isn't going to be like IMVU or SL. Also, they can actually downsize their art department because they will get people who will literally be working for free. They won't have to offer any benefits or anything because they will have effectively outsourced their cash shop content. Anyone who thinks they will get into the business like this is deluding themselves.
Interesting concept & if implimented correctly could be of good use for $OE & players. Seems a bit behind in timing compared to the current trend of other games. $OE is showing progress in understanding/listening to the players' complaints/suggestions though with their better F2P model for Vanguard compared to EQ & EQ2. Also, "Rain of Fear" doesn't seem a correct fit for a title. Perhaps it's meant to be Reign of Fear, but I guess that depends upon the theme of EQ's next expansion.
Eq2 came out first. Nice try. Eq 2 isn't that dumbed down.Still best skill trees in the mmo landscape.
Agree with Snarlingwolf here. This is win for SOE on many levels but not for designers. SOE gets to put minimum effort in and get maximum return. The designers will be creating the marketing info as well as the items. Add in the fact that it must go thru an approval process. This isn't going to be like IMVU or SL. Also, they can actually downsize their art department because they will get people who will literally be working for free. They won't have to offer any benefits or anything because they will have effectively outsourced their cash shop content. Anyone who thinks they will get into the business like this is deluding themselves.
So now SOE wants the players to make the items for cash shop, so now they don't even have to spend that much effort before gouging players.
Just when you think SOE can't be any more sleazy, they find a way to go futher into the sewer.