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i personally think the score is a tad high. with all the teething prblems i would score it late 80's but as somebody points out in the comments, pc.gamer did give DA2 94%
If someone is talking in general chat in a language you dont understand, chances are they're not talking to you. So chill out and stop bitching about it!
How can you score it already? That's patently ridiculous. And if you score it now you have to deduct for HUGE queues on many servers for WvWvW and the TP being down so long.
I don't understand the rush to review MMOs.
Review scores for big budget MMOs are always inflated. 94 is of course too high for a game that doesn't have in game trading.
Hell, SWTOR, an awful MMO, got 9s and 10s on almost every site. A column writer was fired from this very site for giving it a 6.
Reviews are worthless.
Why are you suprised? Welcome to the world of "professional" reviewers.
Oh, and regarding PCgamer
I think its too low
Had a good laugh out of that, I hope it's not actually true though.
I do agree reviews are worthless, especially for MMOs.
iirc the writer was dismissed for posting an article that he'd not been given permission to post, not because of his review of SWTOR.
If someone is talking in general chat in a language you dont understand, chances are they're not talking to you. So chill out and stop bitching about it!
Basicly 10* size of company + last game they made + 1 or 2 points for actually being good, that's how these reviewers roll.
Not just MMOs. Almost every game has inflated reviews, it even happens with indie games -- which, I suppose is only being fair to the indie developers by not punishing them relative to the big names.
Professional reviews for games in general are garbage. The industry has too much control over them.
This part:
"ArenaNet seem to have wilfully ignored the fact that gamers have, over the last decade, segregated themselves into camps: PvPers and PvEers, hardcore and casual. GW2 wants you to be a generalist. Overcommit to a single part and the experience suffers: you’ll either burn out on chasing down vistas, grow weary of competing over the same four PvP maps, or lag behind the levelling curve of your personal story. The experience suffers when the pace falters, but it’s a solvable problem. You can always do something else."
It is so very true. It describes GW2 perfectly.
Wait a minute, wouldn't it be fairly silly to mark it down for technical launch issues? I mean, a few weeks later and those things are sorted and the review means nothing anymore. Of course, its better to wait those few weeks before doing a review....
Oh and trading is up and working now anyway....
Scores for big releases are always high.. means nothing.. but in this case imo the score is right.
The writer was dismissed because he gave SWTOR a bad review. said "hey instead of posting your review, how about we do a point counterpoint debate in which you play devil's advocate and someone defends SWTOR? You get your ideas out there and we don't make SWTOR look bad." The questions and answers were picked ahead of time, and he had a limit on what he could say about SWTOR.
Instead of doing tihs, he just posted his review. He got removed, "officially" because he bragged abuot his review on another forum.
The problem is a simple conflict of interest. Who wants to advertise on a video game review site? Video Game publishers of course. You can't bite the hand that feeds you.
But at least we know to just subtract a half a point from their reviews to get a more accurate score. Vonsumer reviews of games are often much worse simply because of DRM. These people review games they never even play.
That's right ShaKyMo. I win.
Honeslty, i do think the score is far too high. From my beta impression, i'd give it a max of 8.5, which isn't a bad score. Of course, i haven't played teh full game, so, won't give anything.
But, if TOR gets 93/100, then GW2 should get about 130/100
Thats how all MMOs were designed before WoW.
Funny, the WOW fans spend all their time talking about how bad pre WoW MMOs were, and now that an MMO comes along that embraces the ideas of pre WoW MMOs, its the JEsus MMO.
Forget the score, have you read the text?
That is one of the longest reviews PC Gamer has ever written.
Not only that if you have been following PC Gamer's coverage they were doing a "Review In Progress" reviewer diary:
Not only that they had multiple editors playing the game, with their review editor maxing out one character, trying several others, and getting input from the other staff playing the game aswell.
What more do you want from a gaming publication? They can't wait too long because then their review is no longer relevant to people who may or may not be looking to buy the game.
Might not work for a sandbox game like EVE Online, but GW2 is a Thempark at heart and after 2 weeks, and several hundred hours across multiple people I think you can form a pretty educated opinion.
GW2 has in-game trading.. it just doesn't have character to character trading. There's a difference, and GW2's system is better since it still gets to you immediately and your mail is accessible from anywhere. I'd give it higher points for this.
What are you talking about? GW2 bears little resemblance to the biggest MMOs before WOW: UO, EQ and AC.
I remember those mmos differently. Gring, camp grind, some more grind and a little bit more camping.
A fair and brutally honest review, independent of how big a budget the MMO has.
What do u mean? In-game trading? It has a flawless mail system and a trading post.... How gives a crap about early MMO sickness that will get flushed out in a couple of weeks.
94% is a good score if compared to every other MMO out there. It should have the highest score among MMO's released since the DAOC/Everquest days.
I agree that reviews are worthless though, it's one random dude/dudett's opinion. Things like metacritic etc and the total score on's user ratings is a better indicator of a games awesomness.
No it's not better. What if only one person sends the item for the trade? Character to Character trading is also far more convenient if you are together.
complaining about an early review isn't the same as complaining about teh actual score.
I remember that, and also remember extremely long travel times. Essentially just a ton of wasted time overall. Ugh.