Thinking about playing WoW again i have not played sense WoTLK. GW 2 was not for me or my wife she really enjoys WoW but not sure how long it will hold my attention.. The thought of playing again seems fun with the new xpac. /Shrugs how about you all any one else going to give it another try?
If they have made any progress towards recapturing the replayability formula they had back in 1.x - 2.x then sure. Otherwise. Nope. And I'm not holding my breath on that one.
A recommendation might be to check out where the current talent calculators stand - it's changed a HELLALOT since LK. Perhaps even hitting up EJ's forums to see where the discussions stand, etc, etc, etc.
Depending on how you played - you might enjoy it. I stopped shortly after Cata and will not be going back personally; but I think it's important that folks have a game they enjoy - even if it's not one that I personally would.
Do a bit of searching out there at any of the sites you might have hit up to see what's going on with the game. You might pass or you might have a blast.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
wow has always been wow, people like it cause they use to it, its a king of a chat hubs and comfy same o, anything new and different scares and whats the point reading rewievs on something thats gona be totally the same again? yeah this time we got pandas, last time we got werewolfs, next time something else and yet it dosnt change abit cause it sells anyways.
Not for me. The constant simplification of talents to the point where it's now just 6 talents you can choose. Constant re-working of core class mechanics. Horrible PvP imbalance which they have stated quite clearly will never be fixed. Same "end game" treadmill of running the same instance over and over once a week for the next tier of kit.
Ex-pac or no, WoW is done for me.