Surrounded by Morons is recruiting members for PlanetSide 2!
Tired of guild hopping?
Want a friendly community to call home?
SBM Gaming is a growing community full of different types of gamers. No matter what your play style is, there's a group for you. There's no rules, no guidelines to fallow, no set time you have to be in-game. Because our motto has always been from the start: You Play, Your Way. In another outfit? No worries! Registering and applying to our website means you're free to come and go as you please. And just signing up means you're always welcome to participate in our contests and giveaways, even if you're not a regular!
We're constantly looking for more individuals to craft and shape the way our community is ran and you can be a part of it. Your dedication and participation just means we're entitled to continue adding to the growing list of events and activities that you're offered at SBM Gaming.
SBM's main faction of choice will be the New Conglomerate and will reside on US - West 3.
We have open leader positions available for the PS2 division that include the fallowing:
• Division Leader
• Division Officer x3
• Recruitment Officer
If you're interested in becoming one of the fallowing, please mention so in your application.
Head on over to and apply today!