Originally posted by AvatarBlade Haven't done a lot of farming or DEs latley, but as far as explorable goes, more tokens for harder paths than for easy ones would be a way better solution. Don't mind it getting less token for running the same path only, but I did 2 of them in Arah yesterday. One has 2 champion fights and 2 boss fights, which took like 1.5-2h to complete. The second one had 1 champion fight and 5 boss fights, took like 4h to complete, yet gave the same ammount of tokens. Sure it was rewarding to finish that hard path, but it still felt that you should get a bit more tokens for completing it.
Yeah the queues of flaming armour geared hardcores outside of CoF doing the same run all day is testament to this. I've done the run three times and am now bored of it.
The fact I want the flame weapons for transforms means I will be running the dungeon some more, but I am getting tired of being forced, when I am pugging, to do the same run ad nauseam because the gear looks good and everyone wants it as fast as possible becuase it is level 75 and not something they regard as endgame (aka get through it ASAP) - I want to do the other wings of the dugeon and this imbalance is spoiling my enjoyment and the enjoyment of others I know trying to enjoy the rich extent of the game - not wallowing in the farming hotspots doing the same thing again and again....
....the little-discussed flip side to the leetist desires and negative collateral effects of the 'I want it all and I want it now' crowd.
Sounds like you're jealous?
I mean, those of us who put the time and effort into getting it fast, deserves it, don't we? We play however we like, and we don't talk bad about you, so why do you feel the need to talk trash about us?
What is the negative collateral effect from me getting all the pieces fast? Does it hurt you in any way?
Not trying to start a war here, I'm just curious.
The problem has been a fairly obvious one since MMO's began - it's the solution that has eluded designers....
Accusations of jealousy are just lazy - so I'll treat that with the *sigh* it deserves.
Onto the meat of the issue however;
I want to get some kit from CoF; I can't guild group run it all the time and so I pug. But pugging means I am restricted exclusively to the damn spam run in explorable and I am not enjoying that content anymore. I could do what the majority have done and bypass it for the level 80 dungeons and their greater rewards, but I want the look of the weapons because it goes bests with my culture gear - also chosen for appearace not stats.
It is not the choice of the run-spammers which is actually the root cause of the problem - it's the fact the run is too easy and too fast for consistently high reward. The spammers are just scratching the spot until it bleeds....
Spammers always complain about restrictions on choice and then go and throw themselves into the same repetitive miminum effort/maximum reward repetition cycle - using the loudly defended 'we want a variety of choice' arguement to then go and choose to play the minimum variety of content.... counterintuitive to say the least.
The flipside of this is the 'casuals' who want everything on a plate and no advantage for the 'no-lifers'. 'I pay the same so I should get the same', 'time chained to your computer doesn't equal skill'.... blah blah the same old points regurgitated....
Take you're pick - they are both 'wrong' in my opinion - it's just the 24/7 players are more vocal due to having the time to spam forums ....
... anyway, where was I.... ah yes - I want a balance - maximum content accessibility with just a reasonable diminishing returns brake on content spamming so a more balanced game economy and less adversarial, leetist... call it what you like, vibe is to be had all round.
I have my full Ravagers Set, all the accessories I wanted for dungeons and most for soloing. I have the full culture set for appearance. I just want to get the flame weapons whilst having soem fun just for the looks.... already got better weapons equiped stat-wise.
But bugger me if I can find a pug-group for anything else but that bloody same explorable run every time.
I don't craft much - but I do appreciate the economic arguement for balance - it's as plain as the nose on my face.
It is simply not tenable to have a parallel line between reward and time played when the source of reward is infinite - it ruins games. ANet just need to get the counterbalance system better tuned and fairer to all concerned.
The "jealousy" accusation came to life, because you bring "no lifers, elitists, and hardcore gamers" into a lot of your posts, as if they are the source of the problem.
If something is too easy then bottom line is game design, and tweaking the game design in a way so it doesn't feel punishing to gamers, no matter how they play.
I'm in a guild that did run CoF a lot, and was able to do guild runs almost exclusively, so I guess that's a matter of choosing the right guild. I'm certain that there are guilds out there that focuses more on exploring different paths in dungeons, but still "farm" it to a lesser degree of what hardcore guilds do, to get the weapons you wanted.
And if such a guild didn't exist, I could imagine just saying "LFG CoF, path X" would help you to get in groups that doesn't concentrate on just getting through it as fast as possible.
You can't have better weapons than exotic CoF weapons, they are all the same statwise.
For example: Crafted exotic beserker greatsword, is exactly the same as the exotic power/precision/crit.dmg greatsword from CoF, just saying :P
Molten weapons are level 80??
As for the labels - 'no lifer', 'casual', 'carebear' etc. - they are just shorthand. I have been a no-lifer, a carebear and a casual myself. You can't avoid the labels even when you try - so I use them....
This post seriously confuses me... people actually are upset that they need to explore and do different things?
Variety is the spice of life. Go enjoy the rest of the game to level up rather than grinding that one DE.
It's about "putting it out there" and then suddenly changing up. We gamers call it "bait and switch". People enjoy running dungeons. People invest time in game, making the game look populated, praising it on forums and defending it to haters on reddit, and then the thing they like is stripped because they were never meant to like it.
yes because Anet is god and GW2 is the best thing since sliced bread. Dude chillax, people are allowed to play however they want to play and if they want to farm for hours on end as long as it doenst violate the EULA they are in their right to do so. Claiming someone has no life, or has issues if they are playing too much is not only retarded on your part but also makes your entire post garbage. The methods in question have not prevented farming since it is still rampant, however it has also affeceted the players as you can see from the record of this thread. YOu either add constructive critisism or add some depth into the conversation or you might as well stfu, just saying.
Yes, I played almost every dam MMO on mmorpg.com list that is not at lowest bottom. Because I was looking for MMO that give me a feeling that I play MMO. Not some single player garbage with people around me (I'm looking at you TOR). So for me, GW2 IS next best thing. My next MMO after EVE that I loved because it allow me to progress even doing short sessions per day or even once every few days.
ANet is not a GOD but they listen anyway. Things OP mentioned are EXPLAINED BY ANET. There release note about this.
No one prevent farming. You can kill those mobs for days until they restart servers and when servers come back online you can farm even more. You can farm until you die. Just don't expect rewards at some point. Still - if you enjoy farming, lower rewards should not be a problem.
Just like dungeon farmer in other posts. If you love doing dungeons one after another without break etc then decreasing rewards should not be a problem. Because you should enjoy activity anyway right ? It seems they do it just for the sake of farming. And farming my friend is kind of bad for economy.
Also it is quite logical. After you cleared dungeon or anything else you should not expect that gold will magically return to the chest or something. Same with farming mobs. You killed all donkeys in the area. One donkey killed and ate knight in golder armor. You cut out that armor and you wear it (blah... ) and you expect that donkeys ate more knights in golder armor ? Sorry :P
This method affect farmers. Call it all you want. Once you are doing same activity for hours and hours you are a farmer. Like it or not. And if you do it for hours and hours then trust me - you really have problems in your life. Normal person return from school/work, eat something, do something around the house, play hour or two and go to sleep or go out with friends. I don't know how people could waste their life playing 6-8 hours (long sesions in mmo last even more than 1 day !) a game.
Like they can't do a thing in real life so they need virtual one with easy mode (compare to real life). This is kind of sad. Those people need help.
That is the whole point here, sir. You are basing your posts on a preformed idea of what a "normal" person should and should not do. That is not how the world works, if the OP is obsanely rich and can afford to play 24/7 let him do so. It doenst affect you in the slighless besides a case of jelousy because he doenst have to clock in his 40 hrs a week (Id be jelaous as hell). Anet is punish the type of players that enjoy doing what the OP does and that in itself is 100% wrong. If you want to attack botters you go at them directly since tey are not even part of your customer base at that point. But you dont go and hit the players where it hurts and expect no backlash. Every game out there has bots and farmers, you dont see them doing what Anet did, why do you think that is the case?
At least with a sub game they know that people won't tolerate bullshit and leave. With anet we have no recourse but to buy our own lube so our assholes don't get too stretched out from getting bent over a table at Anets will. - Hrimnir
Originally posted by Sylvarii This has nothing to do with botters and more to do with ArenaNet wanting everyone to use the cash shop. Did you really think that buying the game is enough for ArenaNet,nope cashshop is their bread and butter.
When they start selling linen scraps or vials of assorted bloods in the cash shop then your argument might begin to make sense.
Here is what it comes down to: GW2 at 80 is nothing but grinding. You grind mats, gold, karma, skill points or what ever else for exotics and ledgendaries. That is all there is to do at 80 and now they are putting a limit on being able to grind.
That is just stupid! You can not make a game around grinding a than limit grinding.
On topic, I haven't been hit by this recoding, but from what I've heard, it appears that ANet may have made a mistep (they are human...).
I'll give them until the 25th. If nothing changes, then I'll get on the bandwagon.
"As you read these words, a release is seven days or less away or has just happened within the last seven days those are now the only two states youll find the world of Tyria."...Guild Wars 2
This post seriously confuses me... people actually are upset that they need to explore and do different things?
Variety is the spice of life. Go enjoy the rest of the game to level up rather than grinding that one DE.
It's about "putting it out there" and then suddenly changing up. We gamers call it "bait and switch". People enjoy running dungeons. People invest time in game, making the game look populated, praising it on forums and defending it to haters on reddit, and then the thing they like is stripped because they were never meant to like it.
Don't like it? Too bad. Your hype has influenced hundreds of thousands of 12-16yo kids to con their parents into retail versions and their allowance in the cash shop.
It's about "putting it out there" and then suddenly changing up. We gamers call it "bait and switch". People enjoy running dungeons. People invest time in game, making the game look populated, praising it on forums and defending it to haters on reddit, and then the thing they like is stripped because they were never meant to like it.
its not "bait and switch" when players are exploiting a specific dungeon
un the same path over and over and over for fun, and so they didn't get punished at all.
That is the thing, you are punishing those that want to speed run since they are in their right to do so with in the EULA. And as I mentioned in a previous post no one runs the same content indefinetly wiht no reward. YOu can only do the same thing so many times before you are bored. Just like any single player game, once you beat it once you have seen everything that particular thing has to offer. So you etiher really want to run it again or you do it because there is something you want at the end. If its the former then you can only do it so many times before you are sick of it. I mentioned Chrono trigger since it is the game I have replayed the most of and even then iut was far between months because it got boring. Dont get me wrong I love Chrono Trigger to death and will probably replay it again this weekend, but my last playtrhough was 3 years ago. YOu cant do that in an MMO you need people constantly doing the same content or the player pool starts to shrink and you cant do group content anymore. That is where I am goiung at.
I don't recall seeing anything in the EULA about a specific set return rate of rewards that every player was entitled to? Perhaps you can find that part for us?
I dont know if you are trolling or being serious for that question. What I mean by the EULA part is that tehy are not violating the terms of service, aka using bots, hacks, exploits to get an unfair advantage. What the speed runners are doing is within their right since they are playiung the game normally. If you want to fix the issue then you do a small lock out for the people that kill 1 or 2 bosses and leave without completing. But if you give ht eplayers the choice to select 1 out of X amounts of paths and they all give the same rewards but 1 is shorter then it is a no brainer that the players will choose the easiest way out. Anet basically punished the players for being human and that is teh whole point of this thread. If they want to do the slowest time on the dungeon let them do it. Adjust the rewards so that overtime it shouldnt matter which one you do, however they did not do that, htye flat out eliminate rewards after Xammount of farms or tries on a dungeon.
At least with a sub game they know that people won't tolerate bullshit and leave. With anet we have no recourse but to buy our own lube so our assholes don't get too stretched out from getting bent over a table at Anets will. - Hrimnir
Originally posted by Tardcore You know what this whole kerfuffle reminds me of? When FFXIV announced their Fatigue System.
I love you! That is exactlpy what I am saying. The same problem that happened then is happening now and they cant see it. You never punish a player since that is in the human psyche to retaliate.
At least with a sub game they know that people won't tolerate bullshit and leave. With anet we have no recourse but to buy our own lube so our assholes don't get too stretched out from getting bent over a table at Anets will. - Hrimnir
It's about "putting it out there" and then suddenly changing up. We gamers call it "bait and switch". People enjoy running dungeons. People invest time in game, making the game look populated, praising it on forums and defending it to haters on reddit, and then the thing they like is stripped because they were never meant to like it.
its not "bait and switch" when players are exploiting a specific dungeon
Sometimes I just want to grind mobs too OP. I did it while leveling in WoW the first couple times. More recently I did it in TSW. To my welcomed suprise it was a viable choice for xp.
It's about "putting it out there" and then suddenly changing up. We gamers call it "bait and switch". People enjoy running dungeons. People invest time in game, making the game look populated, praising it on forums and defending it to haters on reddit, and then the thing they like is stripped because they were never meant to like it.
its not "bait and switch" when players are exploiting a specific dungeon
And there's that little "Exploiting" word again. So these players were EXPLOITERS huh? Well then A-net can take away their toys and ban the biggest culprits then. And please don't tell me its because they can't. They can look at logs and see who ran this dungeon and how many times and at what intervals.
However if A-net isn't going to do that then maybe you guys need to quit accusing these people of being something they aren't. And more importantly start wondering exaclty why A-net is doing things in the manner that they are.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
So much to your theory that one needs nessecarily gold to get a set right?
The only part that CAN involve gold but doesn't NEED or HAVE to, is crafting.
If you don't play a game but care enough to participate in its discussions, then at least inform yourself before you get involved so you know how things works before you come up with contradicting or false arguments.
First of all we're talking about exotics and secondly about getting gear that improve looks that are getting nerfed. They didn't just put diminising returns on the gold you make per dungeon run, they put diminishing returns on the tokens as well.
The path of least resistance and the easiest way to acquire exotics, just not necessarily a set, is via the auction house and crafted equipment. That needs gold. If you don't buy gems to add extra inventory and bank slots, then you may have enough for most equipment soon after you hit 80. This is the path of least resistance because even if you don't have enough gold, all you need to do is swipe your CC and spend some RL money on gems.
As a non crafter, assuming you don't want to spend gold, you have two avenues for exotics, WvW for karma or dungeon runs for tokens. Why you may not want to spend gold? Perhaps because you want to be a meaninful contributor in WvW and buy siege equipment when needed. This is the path that requires time and effort, the path that is not dependant on the cash shop in any way and surprise surprise, the path that is getting further nerfed due to that.
Anet made a very decent Warhammer decendant, but seriously, they are pushing the cash shop down everyone's throat in any way they can. Sure, they are subtle about it. In the name of battling hackers and bots, they cut down every avenue of gold from people so they have to rely on the cash shop.
I wonder if people would defend these absurd changes if/when they put diminishing returns on sPvP and WvW rewards. Personally and since the PvE aspect is really not that appealing, it'll be the straw that broke this particular's camel back. The fanatics will still defend the changes of course, but the game will lose players to other, more reasonable and consistent avenues of entertainment.
Here is what it comes down to: GW2 at 80 is nothing but grinding. You grind mats, gold, karma, skill points or what ever else for exotics and ledgendaries. That is all there is to do at 80 and now they are putting a limit on being able to grind.
That is just stupid! You can not make a game around grinding a than limit grinding.
Originally posted by Tardcore You know what this whole kerfuffle reminds me of? When FFXIV announced their Fatigue System.
It reminds me of the fact that the mmo community has generally gone to shit.
If you find yourself blaming everyone else, it might not be everyone else. The devs made this game in a manner to be palatable to masses and now the shortcomings, because it attracts least common denominator, are shining.
I dont know if you are trolling or being serious for that question. What I mean by the EULA part is that tehy are not violating the terms of service, aka using bots, hacks, exploits to get an unfair advantage. What the speed runners are doing is within their right since they are playiung the game normally. If you want to fix the issue then you do a small lock out for the people that kill 1 or 2 bosses and leave without completing. But if you give ht eplayers the choice to select 1 out of X amounts of paths and they all give the same rewards but 1 is shorter then it is a no brainer that the players will choose the easiest way out. Anet basically punished the players for being human and that is teh whole point of this thread. If they want to do the slowest time on the dungeon let them do it. Adjust the rewards so that overtime it shouldnt matter which one you do, however they did not do that, htye flat out eliminate rewards after Xammount of farms or tries on a dungeon.
You'll notice no one is getting banned for speed runs, right? They've changed the mechanics so that speed runs are less efficient (as their intent) and from what I've read they've slowed them down a bit with added difficulty. Speed runs were not the intended way of running dungeons, so they adjust the dungeons. No one is being punished. No one is having "ill-gotten rewards" removed or anything silly like that. They simply said "Oops, that's too easy, let's fix it.".
This is much better than leaving an unintentionally out of balanced part of the game unchanged.
The so-called farming 'nerfs' were for the benefit of the entire game. People really need to use their heads and think for more than two-seconds about this stuff.
In other games when a mob is killed, one person gets the loot. In GW2 EVERYONE who hit it gets loot. That means there are more drops and that equals more money/items flooding the market.
The entire economy > a few individual farmers.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
Originally posted by Tardcore You know what this whole kerfuffle reminds me of? When FFXIV announced their Fatigue System.
It reminds me of the fact that the mmo community has generally gone to shit.
Stop your generalization. This topic has lot of genuine concerns and questions.
Players were blasting through content to get rewards at a rate that ANET felt was unintended. ANET put in diminishing returns as opposed to lock outs to bring rewards within what they consider "reason" whilst still allowing people to speed run to their hearts content.
It is still incredibly easy to get mats for crafting by rotating maps/zones and farming outside of DE's/Dungeons. So (but I can't craft) is not a viable comment
ANET may have dropped a ball by not fixing a "cap" in the first place, they would have dropped more of a ball by not fixing what they felt was not working at all. Or are we saying they should not fix the game to match their intended vision?
People are getting pissy because they cannot get teh super dooper looking items in 5 minutes flat.
So no, not a great deal of genuine concerns as far as I can see.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
of course! all pro developers are always perfect --- they never make mods to their code
Every mmo released has exploits due to code or oversights
thats what patches and hotfixes are for
So now if a dungeon has an easy way to beat the end boss and a harder way, if people choose the easy way they are exploiters? That's a new one. I bet none of you in your high horses that defend so feverly Anet have skipped trash mobs in dungeons before. And if you did, did you consider yourselves exploiting? Give me a break.
Simply put, Anet is cutting every avenue to gold besides the cash shop .
Dungeon running? Check
Selling materials for gold? Check
Killing mobs? Check
Running dynamic events? Check
The only thing they haven't touched yet is WvW, so I expect it to get the finger in an upcoming patch as well.
Molten weapons are level 80??
As for the labels - 'no lifer', 'casual', 'carebear' etc. - they are just shorthand. I have been a no-lifer, a carebear and a casual myself. You can't avoid the labels even when you try - so I use them....
... and example of ME being lazy - true....
It's about "putting it out there" and then suddenly changing up. We gamers call it "bait and switch". People enjoy running dungeons. People invest time in game, making the game look populated, praising it on forums and defending it to haters on reddit, and then the thing they like is stripped because they were never meant to like it.
That is the whole point here, sir. You are basing your posts on a preformed idea of what a "normal" person should and should not do. That is not how the world works, if the OP is obsanely rich and can afford to play 24/7 let him do so. It doenst affect you in the slighless besides a case of jelousy because he doenst have to clock in his 40 hrs a week (Id be jelaous as hell). Anet is punish the type of players that enjoy doing what the OP does and that in itself is 100% wrong. If you want to attack botters you go at them directly since tey are not even part of your customer base at that point. But you dont go and hit the players where it hurts and expect no backlash. Every game out there has bots and farmers, you dont see them doing what Anet did, why do you think that is the case?
At least with a sub game they know that people won't tolerate bullshit and leave. With anet we have no recourse but to buy our own lube so our assholes don't get too stretched out from getting bent over a table at Anets will. - Hrimnir
When they start selling linen scraps or vials of assorted bloods in the cash shop then your argument might begin to make sense.
Oderint, dum metuant.
On topic, I haven't been hit by this recoding, but from what I've heard, it appears that ANet may have made a mistep (they are human...).
I'll give them until the 25th. If nothing changes, then I'll get on the bandwagon.
"As you read these words, a release is seven days or less away or has just happened within the last seven days those are now the only two states youll find the world of Tyria."...Guild Wars 2
Don't like it? Too bad. Your hype has influenced hundreds of thousands of 12-16yo kids to con their parents into retail versions and their allowance in the cash shop.
its not "bait and switch" when players are exploiting a specific dungeon
doing workarounds to what was not intended
most devs have done dungeon tuning post release
EQ2 fan sites
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I dont know if you are trolling or being serious for that question. What I mean by the EULA part is that tehy are not violating the terms of service, aka using bots, hacks, exploits to get an unfair advantage. What the speed runners are doing is within their right since they are playiung the game normally. If you want to fix the issue then you do a small lock out for the people that kill 1 or 2 bosses and leave without completing. But if you give ht eplayers the choice to select 1 out of X amounts of paths and they all give the same rewards but 1 is shorter then it is a no brainer that the players will choose the easiest way out. Anet basically punished the players for being human and that is teh whole point of this thread. If they want to do the slowest time on the dungeon let them do it. Adjust the rewards so that overtime it shouldnt matter which one you do, however they did not do that, htye flat out eliminate rewards after Xammount of farms or tries on a dungeon.
At least with a sub game they know that people won't tolerate bullshit and leave. With anet we have no recourse but to buy our own lube so our assholes don't get too stretched out from getting bent over a table at Anets will. - Hrimnir
I love you! That is exactlpy what I am saying. The same problem that happened then is happening now and they cant see it. You never punish a player since that is in the human psyche to retaliate.
At least with a sub game they know that people won't tolerate bullshit and leave. With anet we have no recourse but to buy our own lube so our assholes don't get too stretched out from getting bent over a table at Anets will. - Hrimnir
Because... they're such professional developers they'd never have seen this coming? This isn't a coding flaw this time...
It reminds me of the fact that the mmo community has generally gone to shit.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
And there's that little "Exploiting" word again. So these players were EXPLOITERS huh? Well then A-net can take away their toys and ban the biggest culprits then. And please don't tell me its because they can't. They can look at logs and see who ran this dungeon and how many times and at what intervals.
However if A-net isn't going to do that then maybe you guys need to quit accusing these people of being something they aren't. And more importantly start wondering exaclty why A-net is doing things in the manner that they are.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
First of all we're talking about exotics and secondly about getting gear that improve looks that are getting nerfed. They didn't just put diminising returns on the gold you make per dungeon run, they put diminishing returns on the tokens as well.
As that list indicates there is nothing to do at 80 but grind.
Stop your generalization. This topic has lot of genuine concerns and questions.
If you find yourself blaming everyone else, it might not be everyone else. The devs made this game in a manner to be palatable to masses and now the shortcomings, because it attracts least common denominator, are shining.
"You can't fool all the people all the time."
of course! all pro developers are always perfect --- they never make mods to their code <sarcasm>
Every mmo released has exploits due to code or oversights
thats what patches and hotfixes are for
EQ2 fan sites
You'll notice no one is getting banned for speed runs, right? They've changed the mechanics so that speed runs are less efficient (as their intent) and from what I've read they've slowed them down a bit with added difficulty. Speed runs were not the intended way of running dungeons, so they adjust the dungeons. No one is being punished. No one is having "ill-gotten rewards" removed or anything silly like that. They simply said "Oops, that's too easy, let's fix it.".
This is much better than leaving an unintentionally out of balanced part of the game unchanged.
Oderint, dum metuant.
This lie keeps getting regurgitated in order to elicit an emotional response, yet it's not based in facts in any way, shape or form.
Oderint, dum metuant.
The so-called farming 'nerfs' were for the benefit of the entire game. People really need to use their heads and think for more than two-seconds about this stuff.
In other games when a mob is killed, one person gets the loot. In GW2 EVERYONE who hit it gets loot. That means there are more drops and that equals more money/items flooding the market.
The entire economy > a few individual farmers.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
Players were blasting through content to get rewards at a rate that ANET felt was unintended. ANET put in diminishing returns as opposed to lock outs to bring rewards within what they consider "reason" whilst still allowing people to speed run to their hearts content.
It is still incredibly easy to get mats for crafting by rotating maps/zones and farming outside of DE's/Dungeons. So (but I can't craft) is not a viable comment
ANET may have dropped a ball by not fixing a "cap" in the first place, they would have dropped more of a ball by not fixing what they felt was not working at all. Or are we saying they should not fix the game to match their intended vision?
People are getting pissy because they cannot get teh super dooper looking items in 5 minutes flat.
So no, not a great deal of genuine concerns as far as I can see.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
Play our way, or don't play...
GW2 system ported to WoW battlegrounds
kill 10 players in 10 minutes and earn 100 honor.
kill 100 players in 20 minutes and earn 200 honor.
and in gw2 its a good system,revolutionary?
Let's internet
So now if a dungeon has an easy way to beat the end boss and a harder way, if people choose the easy way they are exploiters? That's a new one. I bet none of you in your high horses that defend so feverly Anet have skipped trash mobs in dungeons before. And if you did, did you consider yourselves exploiting? Give me a break.
Simply put, Anet is cutting every avenue to gold besides the cash shop .