I played WoW when BC came out. I loved the challenge and the struggle. The way that it was. Then Wrath came out. Then they nerfed my character so much over a 2 year period and every update Tuesday became Nerf Tuesday. My character became so alien to me. The way it worked was becoming a child's toy. I tried Pandaria. It was fun in the start area and I got out into the main world and appeared in stormwind and suddenly i realised that there is no difference outside of the pandaria area. What a shame. What would save WoW would be a few live servers with different levels of patches like 3.5 etc. So people could play at the stage of the game they loved. But that isnt going to happen and so many of my guild who left over 300+ of them will never come back. I dont think Blizzard understands the situation here. But they want to go into China and they need to cater to their needs and not ours. But then I realise that its time to move on. So bye bye WoW it was a great game. /sadface
Not sure at all with op what he wanted to say with "Mists of Pandaria is doing a lot to make Azeroth feel new". Cata and only Cata did that! Never in any game some company succeeded in such way, to make all feel fresh again, reshaping old world with added value for those that have known "old" world of course, for the one that started to play wow with Cata will mean nothing going back on starting areas and seeing destruction or dead once live and known NPCs.
I do not see anything MOP is doing to change feel of Azeroth if not slowly continue to kill it with that abomination of new talent system. They did it already with Cata forcing player to go at bottom before investing in other trees. If this was not bad enough ... now we get this "thing" that is all but some kind of system.
In general I always liked more than I disliked what they changed. I.e. starting from Cata my hunter was finnaly fun to play. And same for warlock. To better also with rogue, worse with dk but still acceptable. They have destroyed with Cata all my wish to play my (dps caster and healer) druid as they are now hurting shamans. Of course, IMO. Everyone have different taste. But once there was only wow and the rest of the world. Now players have much wider choices what to play. And I would much more careful with hated changes. Because, yes, I indeed hate what they did to druids and i really hate what they did with talent tree and shamans. For the rest at worst I might dislike and adapt.
For the first time after all this years I'm actually not sure to level all my 10 maxed out alts. And very likely this will not happen with monk, 95% of guilt accounted to talent tree. Got new level. Meh, another one.
But of course, all this is IMO. Only numbers after aprox half year (or maybe even after 2 months) will show them if they did more good then bad. And Cata would dare to say did more bad as for the first time sub numbers have dropped pretty a lot. Could be of course for new games and could be to bad things Cata started. Time will show.
Originally posted by Rockniss My thoughts are this is great, I was getting bored as heck in GW2, thanks for the little hold me over though now its tike for the real mmo.
i hope u are kidding.. Wow is so extream boring.. nothing to do in that game u level to 90 yes? and then u do about 100 dungeons and raids and then its dead.. again wasted money and live.. now Guild wars 2 still features alot of fun and i love that Game 100% Wow is a no lifer game.. buy 1 month of gameplay u only play for like 10 of the days and waste money god..
I had 5 good years of playing WoW on and off, hardcore and casual, I find myself wanting to still play it, I want to like things about it but I just can't. I have many good memories from the game and whenever I log in now it feels stale to me.
If I hadn't stopped playing it more than a year ago I would probably have continued but i've missed to much to bother going back now.
I still log in every now and then to see what's up but yeah I think it's over for me.
For completely new players and veterans that still play each day the expansion will be pretty good but for everyone in the middle ground it's got nothing to pull us back.
This is my frist WoW expansion I will not be buying. Loved WoW deeply for many years but I am loving GW2 to much to even consider it. Maybe if Blizzard picked up ANets pay to play way of doing things I may come check it out.
I really hope MoP does well because I want all of the people who bitch and bitch in GW2 about leveling too fast and not having 20 person 6 hour raids to just go back to games like WoW so the rest of us can enjoy the game we always wanted in peace.
" I was also very worried that the talent system had been ruined but it hasn't, not by a longshot, it's actually been much improved. Before basically most people would just go online and copy which was the "popular" spec for each class, now you can make it your own, and the talents that are offered are badass"
Sorry, but you really drank too much "LOL" juice. The talent system is beyond borked, you used to be able to actually make your avatar somewhat unique, now almost everyone is running around with the exact same spec. How you can construe this as better is beyond me. I guess for people that don't want any challenge in a game it is better...
This is all about Wow staying afloat and not bothering about it's customer base IMO and as I do not play wow I will not be fooled into buying this or any of their products and the sooner this company file for chapter 11 the better IMO. The suits have taken control and are the wrong people at the helm so it's only a matter of time now and once the hype of this expansion dies in a month or too it will be back to normal IMO...
I don't hate WoW. I played since launch. Had a blast. But when I played through the childish Goblin starting area, I knew that they were going in a direction I didn't want to go. The Goblin starting area was like a $4.99 wal-mart kiddie game. Unbearable especially at 15 bucks a month.
No hard feelings with WoW, it's just time to move on.
Originally posted by DSWBeef I like how these "thoughts" are all from people who are playing it right now. It would have been a good article if you had some editors post why they are not playing MoP.
They would have to play the game first for the thoughts to have any merit.
Which is why about 90% of the negatiive comments in this thread are worthless
Here is an example of one such comment:
Originally posted by Ozmodan
When they killed the skill trees, they killed any chance of many of us ever returning.
This will be the top of the list when it comes to worst expansions ever!
And if you use the word "hater" in your subject matter it just identifies you as an uneducated boob, the word is critic.
This tells us absolutely nothing about the quality of the expansion, only that someone made a choice not to play based on how he percieved something would work out. And while his post may not be a 'hater' post, its equally garbage. It is completely devoid of logic 'this will be the worst expansion ever because they get rid of talent trees! (that havent been remotely interesting for several years now anyway). Now, its a valid reason to not play. But its the equivalent of saying 'GW2 sucks because its not a sandbox'.
And to think you are being a critic when you are just passing blind judgment is pretty hysterical. I dont think Ebert would have had a career if he said stuff like 'Return of the King is three and a half hours long. That is too long to sit through a movie so I won't be watching it. Furthermore, its a book adapation and its always better to read the book instead. Therefore I award the movie one star and give it a thumbs down.
These opinions are not worthless - many gamers posting on these forums have been playing MMORPGs for years and they know more about what makes a good game than most.
FYI, skill trees enable customisation, and more choice is generally a good thing.
Someone saying a game or expansion is bad because of one thing he doesnt like is indeed worthless. I miss the vanilla skill tree as much as anyone. But lets be honest, with the major tree streamlining thats been happening since day 1 by the time wrath rolled around customization was already suffering. Cataclysm had almost zero customization. It was pick your skill tree, fill most of it, take the 10 points from the other tree that was very, very obviously designed to appeal to your given tree and you are done. There was no customization via sill tree in Cata, it was only an illusion.
MoP does probably have more "choice" than Cata, but its choice that is usually not that interesting. The real loss from the skill tree is it makes levelling a little less fun because it removes some of the progression feel. At max level the removal of skill tree means nothing choice wise. Much like from Wath onwards, there is still choice but its not compelling choice. I do still prefer the trees, but can accept the fact that customization has been small for 4 years now.
And yes, the comment is worthless because deeming something bad because of something you read on the back of a box tells someone absolutely nothing about the quality. And he doesnt even discuss the impact of these changes on the game/experience either.
" I was also very worried that the talent system had been ruined but it hasn't, not by a longshot, it's actually been much improved. Before basically most people would just go online and copy which was the "popular" spec for each class, now you can make it your own, and the talents that are offered are badass"
Sorry, but you really drank too much "LOL" juice. The talent system is beyond borked, you used to be able to actually make your avatar somewhat unique, now almost everyone is running around with the exact same spec. How you can construe this as better is beyond me. I guess for people that don't want any challenge in a game it is better...
What does it have anything to do with challenge? I like customization too but it does NOT add to challenge, at least not in the way WoW implemented it.
In the past 20 years there has not been unique chatacters. There has always been optomization builds that everyone used. I have yet to find a game not built around this. Your choice is a illusion. You can be crappy and tell everyone instead you are unique or you can be optimal.
Garrett, somebody else maybe has already pointed this out, but the shaman class was not available at beta. It was part of the Burning Crusade expansion ^^ Unless you meant the beta of TBC?
Regarding WoW and Mists of Pandaria itself: like lots of people (millions of us, it would appear), I have a soft spot for WoW. I played shortly after launch and WoW remains the only game which held my interest enough to level a character straight through from 1-60 (or was it 50 in vanilla?) without a break, and without making an alt. After that, my interest did wane a bit, but I do return to Azeroth from time to time and always enjoy my brief visits there. Once MoP drops in price, I'll definitely go back again and take a look at what's on offer.
I've played most fantasy mmorpg's now, and WoW remains the only one which I return to (albeit after long gaps away, and not staying for more than a couple of months at a time). I used to hate the bright, cartoon-style graphics, but over the years they've grown on me and I find they actually raise my spirits. Plus, it's been said so many times, the game play still feels so beautifully fluid. It's not a perfect game, of course, but then what in life is perfect?
Hmm, after playing some more, I have to say, I am not enjoying the new expac. I can't put my finger on it. Is it because I beta'ed it in part and was so intent on testing the material rather than seeing how I felt about it? I dunno... just don't feel immersed. Cataclysm's new areas knocked my socks off (the opening part to going down into the maelstrom in particular), this is to me a real let down.
I really wanted to have an Oriental themed area, but the new parts I did not test out and that I got to just leave me feeling blah.
I am a WoW fan in general and felt upbeat about this expac. Not sure why I am feeling so differently now. Is anyone else getting this?
Hmm, after playing some more, I have to say, I am not enjoying the new expac. I can't put my finger on it. Is it because I beta'ed it in part and was so intent on testing the material rather than seeing how I felt about it? I dunno... just don't feel immersed. Cataclysm's new areas knocked my socks off (the opening part to going down into the maelstrom in particular), this is to me a real let down.
I really wanted to have an Oriental themed area, but the new parts I did not test out and that I got to just leave me feeling blah.
I am a WoW fan in general and felt upbeat about this expac. Not sure why I am feeling so differently now. Is anyone else getting this?
Maybe you just need a break and come back to it fresh?
Originally posted by DSWBeef I like how these "thoughts" are all from people who are playing it right now. It would have been a good article if you had some editors post why they are not playing MoP.
They would have to play the game first for the thoughts to have any merit.
Which is why about 90% of the negatiive comments in this thread are worthless
Here is an example of one such comment:
Originally posted by Ozmodan
When they killed the skill trees, they killed any chance of many of us ever returning.
This will be the top of the list when it comes to worst expansions ever!
And if you use the word "hater" in your subject matter it just identifies you as an uneducated boob, the word is critic.
This tells us absolutely nothing about the quality of the expansion, only that someone made a choice not to play based on how he percieved something would work out. And while his post may not be a 'hater' post, its equally garbage. It is completely devoid of logic 'this will be the worst expansion ever because they get rid of talent trees! (that havent been remotely interesting for several years now anyway). Now, its a valid reason to not play. But its the equivalent of saying 'GW2 sucks because its not a sandbox'.
And to think you are being a critic when you are just passing blind judgment is pretty hysterical. I dont think Ebert would have had a career if he said stuff like 'Return of the King is three and a half hours long. That is too long to sit through a movie so I won't be watching it. Furthermore, its a book adapation and its always better to read the book instead. Therefore I award the movie one star and give it a thumbs down.
These opinions are not worthless - many gamers posting on these forums have been playing MMORPGs for years and they know more about what makes a good game than most.
FYI, skill trees enable customisation, and more choice is generally a good thing.
Someone saying a game or expansion is bad because of one thing he doesnt like is indeed worthless. I miss the vanilla skill tree as much as anyone. But lets be honest, with the major tree streamlining thats been happening since day 1 by the time wrath rolled around customization was already suffering. Cataclysm had almost zero customization. It was pick your skill tree, fill most of it, take the 10 points from the other tree that was very, very obviously designed to appeal to your given tree and you are done. There was no customization via sill tree in Cata, it was only an illusion.
MoP does probably have more "choice" than Cata, but its choice that is usually not that interesting. The real loss from the skill tree is it makes levelling a little less fun because it removes some of the progression feel. At max level the removal of skill tree means nothing choice wise. Much like from Wath onwards, there is still choice but its not compelling choice. I do still prefer the trees, but can accept the fact that customization has been small for 4 years now.
And yes, the comment is worthless because deeming something bad because of something you read on the back of a box tells someone absolutely nothing about the quality. And he doesnt even discuss the impact of these changes on the game/experience either.
Well gee, sorry to ruin your day, but the skill tree is HUGE in that game, granted Cataclysm damaged it, but the joke they put in for this expansion is truly ridiculous. Why even bother to put in a skill tree with what they have, there is no way to make your character unique anymore.
I feel sorry for you if you can't figure out how game breaking for some of us that is. Wow has become the ultimate hold your hand at every instance MMO. Why bother to play a game that has zero challenge?
I went back for Cataclysm because all my friends went back. Even the most die hard fo them is passing on this POS.
So yes, what I said is highly pertinent to this thread. If you like all the hand holding go for it, I am not in any way ruining your fun by criticizing Wow. Just that many of the people that played from launch have lost their interest due to them catering to the don't give me any sort of challenge crowd.
Garrett, somebody else maybe has already pointed this out, but the shaman class was not available at beta. It was part of the Burning Crusade expansion ^^ Unless you meant the beta of TBC?
Shamans were in vanilla.. ffs.
Sorry, you are quite right, I had mis-remembered. They were restricted to Horde, I believe, and I was playing Alliance at the time. Was there any need for the "ffs", I wonder? I thought Garrett had made a mistake, and politely pointed it out. Turned out I was wrong myself, but I don't see the need for the "ffs". Makes you seem rather angry, and I can't see why.
" I was also very worried that the talent system had been ruined but it hasn't, not by a longshot, it's actually been much improved. Before basically most people would just go online and copy which was the "popular" spec for each class, now you can make it your own, and the talents that are offered are badass"
Sorry, but you really drank too much "LOL" juice. The talent system is beyond borked, you used to be able to actually make your avatar somewhat unique, now almost everyone is running around with the exact same spec. How you can construe this as better is beyond me. I guess for people that don't want any challenge in a game it is better...
What does it have anything to do with challenge? I like customization too but it does NOT add to challenge, at least not in the way WoW implemented it.
[mod edit]
Well I was a beta tester, so I most certainly tried out the new system. I will say the monk is an interesting new class and it is a bit overpowered atm. Once players get them up to max level you will soon here complaints from the pvpers. My guess there will be monks at max level within two weeks or sooner.
Enjoy the game, but 3 weeks of beta testing was too much for me. I will bet half the people who bought this expansion don't play beyond the first month.
Well I was a beta tester, so I most certainly tried out the new system. I will say the monk is an interesting new class and it is a bit overpowered atm. Once players get them up to max level you will soon here complaints from the pvpers. My guess there will be monks at max level within two weeks or sooner.
Enjoy the game, but 3 weeks of beta testing was too much for me. I will bet half the people who bought this expansion don't play beyond the first month.
there already are level 90 monks
w the help of Recruit A Friend bonuses, players can start monks at level 80
I going to have to agree with oz on the longevity of this expac. I was excited but not impressed thus far, nothing grabbing my attention, its funny how dinner makes dumb look good, I'm going to give it a month though and see how heroically go, maybe chalk up a few times see what I can do, have to say first impressions are hurting though.
I'm already selling all my collector's edition Warcraft, RTS to vanilla to cataclysm, box goodies (minus the game CDs for WoW because they're linked to my SC2 account) in craigslist and other online sites.
There's really nothing in the new expansion that will bring me back to playing the WoW I loved. The Tarren Mill-Southshore, Grom'Gol-Booty Bay control, Ashenvale retaliation, World Bosses, and the Crossroads wars pre-BG are not coming back. Back then, people did not go to war because of in-game rewards; they go to war for server bragging rights and the subsequent forum wars that turn into some seriously funny threads complete with ASCII bombs, vent recordings, guildVSguild videos, and character profiles from the old facesofwow site. It's a completely different crowd. My friend stopped hosting the server's annual barbecue event because he doesn't really know who's who in the server anymore.
Someone really needs to put something out there that says WoW is no longer that been-there done-that game anymore.
I'm already selling all my collector's edition Warcraft, RTS to vanilla to cataclysm, box goodies (minus the game CDs for WoW because they're linked to my SC2 account) in craigslist and other online sites.
There's really nothing in the new expansion that will bring me back to playing the WoW I loved. The Tarren Mill-Southshore, Grom'Gol-Booty Bay control, Ashenvale retaliation, World Bosses, and the Crossroads wars pre-BG are not coming back. Back then, people did not go to war because of in-game rewards; they go to war for server bragging rights and the subsequent forum wars that turn into some seriously funny threads complete with ASCII bombs, vent recordings, guildVSguild videos, and character profiles from the old facesofwow site. It's a completely different crowd. My friend stopped hosting the server's annual barbecue event because he doesn't really know who's who in the server anymore.
Someone really needs to put something out there that says WoW is no longer that been-there done-that game anymore.
Those were some great times
There is no doubt that WoW lost that "Magic" a long time ago
Yea, I'm another one that this will be the first x-pac that I don't play. I checked out the beta for a short time and just couldn't get into it. Honestly, there are better games on the market. There was a time where this one was hands down the best. Not any more.
Originally posted by nsignific Amazing how much energy some of you manage to channel towars hate for one singular thing. I dread asking how you feel about Apple, M$, pop music or anything else mainstream, really. Like food. Or water.
You say this and yet....I don't see one single post that's a "hater" post. I see a few critics and mostly people just offering both positivie and negative feedback on the new expansion and it's "flavor." Some like it, some don't. Where are these "haters" you speak of?
Since you say you can't see a single such post, then what is your analysis of following post made by the poster Ovum: "Nothing to see here, move along."
Huh? If you are going site an example, perhaps you should use one that actually supports your point? Saw some critical posts, mine among them, but that is all. People are quite civil in this thread.
She gave a statement that she thought applied to every single previous post, not just in general, not just for most; I disagreed and asked her to provide her analysis for the post I quoted.
The post I quoted is merely a negative conclusion without any criticism presented at all.
Not sure at all with op what he wanted to say with "Mists of Pandaria is doing a lot to make Azeroth feel new". Cata and only Cata did that! Never in any game some company succeeded in such way, to make all feel fresh again, reshaping old world with added value for those that have known "old" world of course, for the one that started to play wow with Cata will mean nothing going back on starting areas and seeing destruction or dead once live and known NPCs.
I do not see anything MOP is doing to change feel of Azeroth if not slowly continue to kill it with that abomination of new talent system. They did it already with Cata forcing player to go at bottom before investing in other trees. If this was not bad enough ... now we get this "thing" that is all but some kind of system.
In general I always liked more than I disliked what they changed. I.e. starting from Cata my hunter was finnaly fun to play. And same for warlock. To better also with rogue, worse with dk but still acceptable. They have destroyed with Cata all my wish to play my (dps caster and healer) druid as they are now hurting shamans. Of course, IMO. Everyone have different taste. But once there was only wow and the rest of the world. Now players have much wider choices what to play. And I would much more careful with hated changes. Because, yes, I indeed hate what they did to druids and i really hate what they did with talent tree and shamans. For the rest at worst I might dislike and adapt.
For the first time after all this years I'm actually not sure to level all my 10 maxed out alts. And very likely this will not happen with monk, 95% of guilt accounted to talent tree. Got new level. Meh, another one.
But of course, all this is IMO. Only numbers after aprox half year (or maybe even after 2 months) will show them if they did more good then bad. And Cata would dare to say did more bad as for the first time sub numbers have dropped pretty a lot. Could be of course for new games and could be to bad things Cata started. Time will show.
i hope u are kidding.. Wow is so extream boring.. nothing to do in that game u level to 90 yes? and then u do about 100 dungeons and raids and then its dead.. again wasted money and live.. now Guild wars 2 still features alot of fun and i love that Game 100% Wow is a no lifer game.. buy 1 month of gameplay u only play for like 10 of the days and waste money god..
I had 5 good years of playing WoW on and off, hardcore and casual, I find myself wanting to still play it, I want to like things about it but I just can't. I have many good memories from the game and whenever I log in now it feels stale to me.
If I hadn't stopped playing it more than a year ago I would probably have continued but i've missed to much to bother going back now.
I still log in every now and then to see what's up but yeah I think it's over for me.
For completely new players and veterans that still play each day the expansion will be pretty good but for everyone in the middle ground it's got nothing to pull us back.
" I was also very worried that the talent system had been ruined but it hasn't, not by a longshot, it's actually been much improved. Before basically most people would just go online and copy which was the "popular" spec for each class, now you can make it your own, and the talents that are offered are badass"
Sorry, but you really drank too much "LOL" juice. The talent system is beyond borked, you used to be able to actually make your avatar somewhat unique, now almost everyone is running around with the exact same spec. How you can construe this as better is beyond me. I guess for people that don't want any challenge in a game it is better...
This is all about Wow staying afloat and not bothering about it's customer base IMO and as I do not play wow I will not be fooled into buying this or any of their products and the sooner this company file for chapter 11 the better IMO. The suits have taken control and are the wrong people at the helm so it's only a matter of time now and once the hype of this expansion dies in a month or too it will be back to normal IMO...
I don't hate WoW. I played since launch. Had a blast. But when I played through the childish Goblin starting area, I knew that they were going in a direction I didn't want to go. The Goblin starting area was like a $4.99 wal-mart kiddie game. Unbearable especially at 15 bucks a month.
No hard feelings with WoW, it's just time to move on.
Someone saying a game or expansion is bad because of one thing he doesnt like is indeed worthless. I miss the vanilla skill tree as much as anyone. But lets be honest, with the major tree streamlining thats been happening since day 1 by the time wrath rolled around customization was already suffering. Cataclysm had almost zero customization. It was pick your skill tree, fill most of it, take the 10 points from the other tree that was very, very obviously designed to appeal to your given tree and you are done. There was no customization via sill tree in Cata, it was only an illusion.
MoP does probably have more "choice" than Cata, but its choice that is usually not that interesting. The real loss from the skill tree is it makes levelling a little less fun because it removes some of the progression feel. At max level the removal of skill tree means nothing choice wise. Much like from Wath onwards, there is still choice but its not compelling choice. I do still prefer the trees, but can accept the fact that customization has been small for 4 years now.
And yes, the comment is worthless because deeming something bad because of something you read on the back of a box tells someone absolutely nothing about the quality. And he doesnt even discuss the impact of these changes on the game/experience either.
What does it have anything to do with challenge? I like customization too but it does NOT add to challenge, at least not in the way WoW implemented it.
Garrett, somebody else maybe has already pointed this out, but the shaman class was not available at beta. It was part of the Burning Crusade expansion ^^ Unless you meant the beta of TBC?
Regarding WoW and Mists of Pandaria itself: like lots of people (millions of us, it would appear), I have a soft spot for WoW. I played shortly after launch and WoW remains the only game which held my interest enough to level a character straight through from 1-60 (or was it 50 in vanilla?) without a break, and without making an alt. After that, my interest did wane a bit, but I do return to Azeroth from time to time and always enjoy my brief visits there. Once MoP drops in price, I'll definitely go back again and take a look at what's on offer.
I've played most fantasy mmorpg's now, and WoW remains the only one which I return to (albeit after long gaps away, and not staying for more than a couple of months at a time). I used to hate the bright, cartoon-style graphics, but over the years they've grown on me and I find they actually raise my spirits. Plus, it's been said so many times, the game play still feels so beautifully fluid. It's not a perfect game, of course, but then what in life is perfect?
Hmm, after playing some more, I have to say, I am not enjoying the new expac. I can't put my finger on it. Is it because I beta'ed it in part and was so intent on testing the material rather than seeing how I felt about it? I dunno... just don't feel immersed. Cataclysm's new areas knocked my socks off (the opening part to going down into the maelstrom in particular), this is to me a real let down.
I really wanted to have an Oriental themed area, but the new parts I did not test out and that I got to just leave me feeling blah.
I am a WoW fan in general and felt upbeat about this expac. Not sure why I am feeling so differently now. Is anyone else getting this?
Playing MUDs and MMOs since 1994.
Maybe you just need a break and come back to it fresh?
Well gee, sorry to ruin your day, but the skill tree is HUGE in that game, granted Cataclysm damaged it, but the joke they put in for this expansion is truly ridiculous. Why even bother to put in a skill tree with what they have, there is no way to make your character unique anymore.
I feel sorry for you if you can't figure out how game breaking for some of us that is. Wow has become the ultimate hold your hand at every instance MMO. Why bother to play a game that has zero challenge?
I went back for Cataclysm because all my friends went back. Even the most die hard fo them is passing on this POS.
So yes, what I said is highly pertinent to this thread. If you like all the hand holding go for it, I am not in any way ruining your fun by criticizing Wow. Just that many of the people that played from launch have lost their interest due to them catering to the don't give me any sort of challenge crowd.
Sorry, you are quite right, I had mis-remembered. They were restricted to Horde, I believe, and I was playing Alliance at the time. Was there any need for the "ffs", I wonder? I thought Garrett had made a mistake, and politely pointed it out. Turned out I was wrong myself, but I don't see the need for the "ffs". Makes you seem rather angry, and I can't see why.
Well I was a beta tester, so I most certainly tried out the new system. I will say the monk is an interesting new class and it is a bit overpowered atm. Once players get them up to max level you will soon here complaints from the pvpers. My guess there will be monks at max level within two weeks or sooner.
Enjoy the game, but 3 weeks of beta testing was too much for me. I will bet half the people who bought this expansion don't play beyond the first month.
there already are level 90 monks
w the help of Recruit A Friend bonuses, players can start monks at level 80
EQ2 fan sites
I'm already selling all my collector's edition Warcraft, RTS to vanilla to cataclysm, box goodies (minus the game CDs for WoW because they're linked to my SC2 account) in craigslist and other online sites.
There's really nothing in the new expansion that will bring me back to playing the WoW I loved. The Tarren Mill-Southshore, Grom'Gol-Booty Bay control, Ashenvale retaliation, World Bosses, and the Crossroads wars pre-BG are not coming back. Back then, people did not go to war because of in-game rewards; they go to war for server bragging rights and the subsequent forum wars that turn into some seriously funny threads complete with ASCII bombs, vent recordings, guildVSguild videos, and character profiles from the old facesofwow site. It's a completely different crowd. My friend stopped hosting the server's annual barbecue event because he doesn't really know who's who in the server anymore.
Someone really needs to put something out there that says WoW is no longer that been-there done-that game anymore.
Those were some great times
There is no doubt that WoW lost that "Magic" a long time ago
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
She gave a statement that she thought applied to every single previous post, not just in general, not just for most; I disagreed and asked her to provide her analysis for the post I quoted.
The post I quoted is merely a negative conclusion without any criticism presented at all.