It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! has partnered up with Firefall developers Red 5 Studios to give out Firefall Founder's Pack codes to a number of lucky winners. We've got codes all the way from the base Ensign to Commander ranks, but you're going to really have to work for some of the better rewards.
This will be a dual contest of sorts, with our top prizes reserved for our video contest.
Contest #1: Video
One Grand Prize Winner: One (1) Firefall Commander Founder's Pack w/ five bonus beta invites.
Two Runners-Up: One (1) Firefall Lieutenant Founder's Pack w/ three bonus beta invites each.
Details and Rules:
Create your very own Firefall video using any format you wish. It can be a guide, fan-made trailer, or whatever you want. However, the video must be no longer than 2 minutes 30 seconds in length. You must denote that the video was created for the Firefall Founder's Pack Contest either in the video itself or in the video description. Also include your username in either the video or description as well.
Video links must be submitted via e-mail to community AT mmorpg DOT com with the subject line "Firefall Video Submission". Mis-labeled submissions will be discarded. Please also include your username in the e-mail body.
All submissions must be made by October 22, 2012.
Contest #2: Screenshots
Ten Winners: One (1) Firefall Ensign Founder's Pack w/ two bonus beta invites each.
Details and Rules:
Select your best Firefall screenshot and post it in the comments below. Please include a short description of what we are looking at. Ensure that your screenshots are posted in reasonable dimensions so as not to break the display of the thread.
All submissions must be made by October 22, 2012.
Winners of both contests will be announced on October 25, 2012. Contest entrants may submit to both contests, though only a single entry in each contest will be accepted.
Additional entries will be disqualified.
My awesome Tier 2 Dreadnaught is shown gliding over beautiful Trans-Hub Command. Gliding in Firefall is so much fun.
Rageclaw's fireball incoming towards my Dreadnaught. Someone seems very angry.
even if i had acces to the beta, i found this contest a joke.... What about those who dont have acces huh? Anyone should have acces to this contest..
So.. I heard you like beer? My Dreadnaught ran into this sign. Time to get me some pints after slaughtering many Aranhas in Firefall.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
It's a Fall, but not of Fire, taking a break behind it before going back into the fray.
I was pretty excited that we found an invisible mountain in my favorite melding thumping spot
When the melding struck, everything changed.
But none of them moreso than the extermination business.
The way they seem to play favorites with people in beta is definitely wierd. Do they really have no idea that's how it looks, or is that how they want it? Maybe they think it makes the game seem extra special, like an elite clique or something? Call me jelly if you must, but it just seems obnoxious to me.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I'm quite annoyed that it's only for beta participants.
What a lame way to sell your game.
Founder's Pack!! I have to take a photo and join! =P
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Gah whats with the edit option not working on this site? It's the 2nd time i try to edit my post in a topic and the edit doesn't shows up, i mean to type this after the quote:
Apart that some screens look indeed bad, I have to agree also that if this kind of events are not public,
keep them inside the house and not post it within a public form.
Players intressted already have the game on the their radar.
I'm kind of inching above min requirements, and I suspect many others are considering how tight budgets quickly became.
Its a rather scalable game and people with hardware from roughly 2009 are still more than capable of playing on lowmedium at 30+ FPS while people with newer components can really let it shine.
And I've generally considered that newer games generally look much worse as still pictures than in motion anyways.
found a hole in the map, this is me falling through the world.
I agree with both of you.
Daft contest is daft.