Why do so many flight games always lack a sense of speed when flying. Shouldn't this be the most important thing to this kind of game. After watching gameplay footgae of Star Citzen I think I'll pass, The ships look like they are moving in slow motion zzzzzz.zzzzz......zzzzzzzz
watch a space shuttle trip in space and come to say that again
also space have completely different perspective from surface, simply cuz its huge and nothing to compaire the distance between points.
You can consider also that the battleship can be 6-40 times bigger than a air carrier simply cuz its in space.
This guy (op) is just dieing to complain about anything ,Christ dude
condeming a game on 1st footage. Wow just wow
Go play Burnout.
You are absolutely right, it is so slow...incredibly slow....it indeed makes you want to fall asleep.
Speaking if why don't we push Roberts to hire some suits to convince the investors, that if the game becomes fast enough, let's say, so fast that in one moment you see a carrier it outmanouvers a fighter, chases it, even surpasses it in speed, yea that would be an awesome idea!!! Or maybe it was that the footage was intentionally made for slow motion, nevertheless, we do indeed need to press on making footages with so fast moving ships, and alternating images, like let's say....advertisements have??? hm...that's right...suit bred, advertisement bred way of thinking, speed above substance, sense of speed above quality it's all that matters to the modern gamer right?
Wrong...there is a saying you know....i go slow, because i am in a hurry actually...:) And really not long ago people believed the sun moves around earth. So if you calculate the speed at which earth is moving, compared to you watching Robert's footage, then it is quite probable, you are moving so fast, that the footage seems to move so slow....gosh, you are cruising at lightning speed and you fell asleep zzzzzzz, epic:)
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wtf its a space combat game.. i guess the OP is a bit confused..
I am also pretty sure we have not seen any actual ingame footage or gameplay.... its probally just using the movie feature within cryengine to make the videos..
Space is vast.
So vast that as "fast" as you might THINK you are going, its still slow.
It takes the sun 8 minutes to get to earth. 8 whole minutes of travel time. Thats sooo dull right?
So what you are saying is this is a current day space sim? I'm confused doesn't this game take place in the future ? It may be "real" but its still not very fun to be flying a ship and have no sense of speed. The guy who is making the game referenced Star Wars a few times in one of the video's, Ships had a sense of speed in those movies.
I guess if realistic space combat is your thing , Ie moving at a snails pace then you will probably enjoy this game. To me this looks like a snooze fest, Guess I'm more of a arcade flyer so to speak, Meh to each their own i guess, I'll pass on this one.
Aloha Mr Hand !
It's something you notice in a lot of space games. Unless you have a lot of objects/asteroids/planets or whatever densely packed, it's going to seem like you aren't moving fast, I guess because you have nothing stationry around you to zip by. I get the same sensation in World of Warplanes at high altitudes. Once i'm closer to the ground of course I realizing i'm going way faster than i'd like to, and end up crashing into the side of a mountain.
I haven't actually looked at footage of this game yet, one thing that would be cool though is if they had newtonian physics like I-War or Diaspora though.
This is so funny. The game is not even in Alpha yet, and here come the trolls already. Give it some time, will you?
Freelancer Jumpgate and the x series had space dust but i like flying in space without the dust effect. If your not close to something it really does not matter in space.
But consider this when thinking of your speed in deep space and you realize that it is all relitive.
When you take into account the three-dimensional picture of the Sun's movement through our Milky Way Galaxy, things get very complicated.
4. The sun {and hence the solar system} is moving towards the constellation Hercules, namely to the star Lambda Herculis at 12 miles per second {or 20 kilometers per second} which is 43,200 MPH
5. The Solar system is also moving upwards, at 90 degrees to the plane of the Milky Way, at 4.34 miles per second or 15,624 MPH. But we are actually leaving the Galaxy, out about 50 light years now and will be moving out to 250 light years before it reverses. Details of the mechanics of this are explained in the link below. We also crossed the Galactic plane 2 million years ago.
6. The Solar system is orbiting around the Galaxy at an "estimated" speed of 124 miles per second {or 200 kilometers per second} which is 446,400 MPH. The way that figure has been calculated can be found at the link below.
Which is important to know when asking:
"How the Hell Do I Calculate the Way Home"
It is also interesting to contemplate how fast I am moving through space sitting here at my computer. Is it close to 43,200 MPH? It's hard to say really.
Aloha Mr Hand !
The "sense of speed" you refer to is something entirely relative. There must be points of reference near the traveling mass / object in order for the observer to experience it. In the vastness of space these points may be some thousand of kilometers away hence the absense of "sense of speed". Have you ever been in an jet liner flying at 35000 feet? You travel at almost 400 knots yet when you look outside the window you barely notice any motion at all.
you could also here the fighters buzzing around. pro tip, theres nothing in space to carry sound waves.
Perhaps Elite: Dangerous could be more of a space game you might enjoy?
But I like the amount of detail in Star Citizen much more and just the total concept of the game including having playable characters that interact with their spaceship instead of being a spaceship.
the game does look f*cking awesome.
I dont think you have seen any gameplay footage.. you have seen video footage from within cryengine but its a scripted video not gameplay..
Anyway so your flying in space what can you see to relate yuor speed to? a distant planet or moon ? its hard to have a sense of speed in space..
Particle effects and smaller objects moving near by you will accomplish the sense of speed. But do you know what? This game is not even in alpha.. no particle effects at the moment.. and we didnt see any real dogfight up to now.
Wait until the end of the year until the backers get to play the dogfight part and you may see some new vids.. and then you may feel the sense of speed.
(or alternatively play Freelancer, Privateer or any Wing Commander.. graphics may be dated, but you can at least feel the sense of speed o.O)
The lack of imagination from some kids nowadays is rather disturbing...