Ps:I want to thank Brevik and his team that they heard my request and they added Phoenix on release all that remains is make her a little darker.Just a bit
I can't choose just one. There are so many that I want to try. From Iron Man to Scarlet Witch to Spiderman to the Human Torch and all of the rest. I want to play them all with their unique styles.
Iron Man - The main reason I got interested in Marvel Heroes was Iron Man, been in beta since the second I could sign-up and been following development for months. Can't wait to beta test this game and help them make Marvel Heroes a better game!
Namor the Sub-Mariner Because somedays I feel good and some days I like to be bad as he was in his role he could aid the heros and sometimes be their foe.
Wonder Man. When the right writer picks him up, he is one of the strongest of the Marvel Universe and tends to be neutral to conflicts and picks the side he feels is right.
The one im having as my avatar for 2 years now.
Dark Phoenix! If not then just
Why?Because she's sexy and on fire
Ps:I want to thank Brevik and his team that they heard my request and they added Phoenix on release all that remains is make her a little darker.Just a bit
Gotta go with Squirrel Girl.
Anybody that can defeat Doom, Deadpool, Wolverine, Thanos, Fin Fang Foom, and a bunch of others has to be at the top of my list.
Captain America.
Avengers, assemble!
The Hulk.
Can not wait!!!
Carnage - Super powers of both Venom and Spiderman. Come on hes Unstoppable.
Iron Man - The main reason I got interested in Marvel Heroes was Iron Man, been in beta since the second I could sign-up and been following development for months. Can't wait to beta test this game and help them make Marvel Heroes a better game!
Repulsor Cannon to the face, inc!
Squirrel Girl
she is my one true love
Captain America, because he's old and anachronistic, just like me.
Still love Cap!
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
So I can say " I must break you" like Ivan Drago while clicking away
Cause then I can meta-game without falling out of character on a roleplaying server.
Because he's the best!
Apocalypse of course!
Stronger than the hulk, shapeshifting, immortality, technopathy and extremely intelligent.
Well Captain America
Because of his valors and because it's less easy to be a hero when you are just stronger htan usual.
Being a hero without amazing powers is the sens of being a hero for me
I am Ironman!!
rich and gets all the chicks
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda