Originally posted by Vorthanion An area attack that punches icicles from the ground up and they call it Ice Storm? Gotta say, that's the first time I've ever seen the term storm applied to something that has no atmospheric origin. I also agree with Ozmodan, the nomenclature for the classes sound childish at best.
Are you beinig a bit nitpicky cranky? Early D&D and AD&D had really simplistic class names as well. Fighter, Cleric, Thief, Ranger, Druid. They made fluffier names for later editions. Were you looking for fluffy? How is Control Wizard childish? A bit mundane possibly, but childish? It's not like you proably can't make up your own name for your style. I did that for my RIFT builds.
Did I push one of your buttons? You don't think it's childish, I do. I never attack people for their opinions, but only if they are lying about the facts. What is with the fluffy attack and I certainly didn't come off as cranky, but whatever. At least games like EQ and GW2 had the decency to give their control classes interesting names like Enchanter and Mesmer.
So how is the control wizard childish? Like I said a bit mundane, but how is it childish? Both your and that blue text posters opinions sound overly critical in a nitpicky fashion and, yes, the tone of your post does sound cranky. GW, EQ, and EQ2 having interesting or exotic names has nothing to do with the D&D name being childish. So are you going to answer any of my earlier questions or just be put out?
If my tone seems cranky, then yours sounds outright angry. Like I said, I must have pushed one of your many hot buttons.
So does this mean you don't want to answer the questions or explain the childish comment?
Dude, I don't have to justify my opinions to you, get a grip.
Dude, I don't have to justify my opinions to you, get a grip.