You can post pictures all day long with whatever settings you use on PC and it wont make console games look any better than the PC games on my screen. I'm not saying console games look bad, games just simply look better on my PC screen and I have the freedom to add or remove features through options which is never a bad thing.
Not to mention pad vs. kb + mouse, you can have your personal preference but it does not change the fact that mouse is a lot more accurate and imitates better a situation where you aim a gun since you do it with your hand seamlessly instead of thumb on a little stick. Also pad sucks major on RTS games for obvious reasons.
Right, that's why in real life gunfights, everybody shoots everybody in the head perfectly every time- because pointing a crosshair on a screen better imitates what it's like to aim a gun, as opposed to a stick that reacts to different amounts of tension...
People like keyboard + mouse for FPS because it's easymode, not because it's 'realistic'.
You can post pictures all day long with whatever settings you use on PC and it wont make console games look any better than the PC games on my screen. I'm not saying console games look bad, games just simply look better on my PC screen and I have the freedom to add or remove features through options which is never a bad thing.
Not to mention pad vs. kb + mouse, you can have your personal preference but it does not change the fact that mouse is a lot more accurate and imitates better a situation where you aim a gun since you do it with your hand seamlessly instead of thumb on a little stick. Also pad sucks major on RTS games for obvious reasons.
Right, that's why in real life gunfights, everybody shoots everybody in the head perfectly every time- because pointing a crosshair on a screen better imitates what it's like to aim a gun, as opposed to a stick that reacts to different amounts of tension...
People like keyboard + mouse for FPS because it's easymode, not because it's 'realistic'.
I didnt say it's realistic, I said it imitates the situation better where you aim the gun, since you aim with your hand and not a little stick. Try shooting with real guns and you know what I'm talking about. It's not easy mode since it's the same for every player, it's just simply less frustrating.
I don't think that pc gaming is dead. I play pc games every day. I think a lot of folks in mmo's have been turned off over the years, but it is far from dead. You have wow with 10 Million, Eq2 with about 300k, swtor with less than 500k, so forth and so on.
I only own 5 xbox 360 games. Halo whatever it was that came with the package, dragon age, skyrim, star wars lego for my 11 year old, who plays it all the time.
All I can say if all you do is surf the web its time to trash your desktop and get an ipad or something. All pc's are good for nowadays is pc gaming, and personal finance.
I didnt say it's realistic, I said it imitates the situation better where you aim the gun, since you aim with your hand and not a little stick. Try shooting with real guns and you know what I'm talking about. It's not easy mode since it's the same for every player, it's just simply less frustrating.
That's a whole lot of opinion being touted as fact.
People like to say "just because you're bad at mouse/keyboard shooters that you can't handle it you play console."
Well I bet you guys really suck at console shooters.
Both are aquired skills gained through practice.
I own a 80$ precision gaming mouse and 50$ "gaming surface" mouse pad, and I've got a 60$ left-hand WASD periphial thing - I still prefer console for shooters.
I didnt say it's realistic, I said it imitates the situation better where you aim the gun, since you aim with your hand and not a little stick. Try shooting with real guns and you know what I'm talking about. It's not easy mode since it's the same for every player, it's just simply less frustrating.
That's a whole lot of opinion being touted as fact.
People like to say "just because you're bad at mouse/keyboard shooters that you can't handle it you play console."
Well I bet you guys really suck at console shooters.
Both are aquired skills gained through practice.
I own a 80$ precision gaming mouse and 50$ "gaming surface" mouse pad, and I've got a 60$ left-hand WASD periphial thing - I still prefer console for shooters.
I'm merely saying the same thing that I usually keep hearing from others on the interwebz about mouse vs. pad, and I believe when bias and defensive behaviour is put aside and the matter on hands is looked in a neutral way, that kb + mouse is more accurate and more varied which in my eyes makes it better. Kb + mouse removes the need for clumsy scrollable menus, and aiming being more accurate is quite obvious pro. It was the console games that introduced auto-aim in shooters.
Consoles are based on convenience, they are both convenient for developers because the standard hardware for each machine, and convenient for gamers for being easy to use, anyone knows how to plug a power cord and press the power button.
It honestly depends on the game for me. games that are Openworld with Modding allowed is what i will play on PC. games that are very specific in what you can or cant do to the game will remain on the console for me just to save hard drive space.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
think the OP is laughably uninformed about the gaming industry, console vs PC, its a joke, consoles have been left so far in the past technology wise that their obsolete, the reason why companies like Sony etc buy the rights to certain games is because if they didnt, then their platform would suffer for it. There hasnt been a single MMO released that was console compatable that was worth the name, the only successful ones have been strictly PC only. The odd thing is that you can walk into any shop that sells 'games' and you would think PC's didnt exist, yet PC games are probably more available now than at any time in the past, better still, their cheaper than console games, and easier to get hold of, digital downloads, how many games now are relying foremost on digital downloads vs physical discs, never mind games are getting so huge these days that discs are struggling to hold them, even Blu-ray is showing its limitations, which frankly are many. The age of the dvd/bluray disk is long past, time they were buried and forgotten about, along with cd's and tapes.. if you want a physical media your better off with a sd card or something, smaller compact and a far better delivery rate, not to mention, gasp, you can modify the data on them. Frankly, consoles are approaching end of life, only desperate measures to try and restrict access to games is likely to prolong their existence. PC's will be around a long time after consoles become just another retro form of gaming, if they arent already
Well I can say this I will not buy a console to play BS games, I am also thinking about removing my TV because there is nothing on that is truly entertaining any longer, to think about it way have a cell phone. It is all useless wastes of time. Maybe we all need to start an community of living natrual with no electronics.
Odd. A couple of articles I've read recently have been proclaiming the imminent demise of the console. I couldn't really say whether such reports are exaggerated as I don't really pay much attention to console gaming and haven't done since the era of the PS1 and N64. But if the PC did die as a gaming platform, I would simply stop playing games.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
Originally posted by crack_fox Odd. A couple of articles I've read recently have been proclaiming the imminent demise of the console. I couldn't really say whether such reports are exaggerated as I don't really pay much attention to console gaming and haven't done since the era of the PS1 and N64. But if the PC did die as a gaming platform, I would simply stop playing games.
I was just reading that article.
One point they made that I found interesting was that "40% of all Xbox activity now is non-game".
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
PC game single and MMO has still 20 times more sales than consoles
pirate copies are a lot from both sides (PC and consoles)
so far the MMOs are the top sale in game industry with the lesser piracy
f2p doesnt mean that the PC dying that some ppl say, is just another way to keep the players playing (cash shops and advertising in those games are enough to keep the gamers)
fan of SWG, XCOM, Defiance, Global Agenda, Need For Speed, all Star Wars single player games. And waiting the darn STAR CITIZEN
The only game I can think of right now i've wanted, but been unable to play on the PC is Dragons Dogma. I feel PC gaming might be held back a little by console requirements at times, but I don't see how it's dieing out or anything.
Playing on a PC has it's advantages anyways. Lots of free community/personal made games available you can't get for a console, and of course a great variety of mods and tweaking you can use.
of course its dying no one wants to make a video game that someone is just going to rip it off for free. Why do you think they beg the company to make it for pc. Why do you think such titles as street fighter, Unleashed, and gta comes out a year or two later on pc. So they can get those sales in for the console then come out later then do it for pc... I give pc gaming about 3 years before it just finally dies off and its just mostly fps mmorpgs and mmorpgs all together.
Gears of war is another title that doesnt want it on pc and that is even microsoft that should tell you something right their.
3 years sounds about right, but not for your reasons
But because windows 9 will be out then, and all your games will come VIA the Microsoft shop with a console style markup on unsubsidised hardware, minimal patching and with no modding support.
I've really been excited about some games on the horizon, only to find out they too are to be added to the list of console exclusives.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not really against consoles themselves, just the fact everything is going console ONLY. They might do that for pirating, they might do it to raise console sales, i dont really care.
What i do care about, is that as a gamer, i have little to no use for my PC anymore. I browse the web, post on forums, look for gaming news, and game. That's about it. With all the games going only to console, i find myself wondering just why i built this big nasty pc. I can do everything i do on a ps3 or xbox. Typing might be abit funky at first, but like the old cell phone button scheme, i'll figure it out quickly and it wont be an issue.
Hell even mmo's are going to consoles, and thats really the last straw for me. This makes me pretty sad actually, PC gaming is where it started for me.
So where does this head? Eventually, no more games for PC, right? MMO's might hang for awhile, but honestly, i dont know if they are for me anymore, havent stuck with one for a long period of time in forever. Maybe they will head to consoles as well.
As a PC gamer getting his first taste of the bad side of consoles, i worry how long itll be. If me, a pretty avid computer gamer, find myself in this position, how long will it be before everyone is?
Worried man....worried and sad.
EDITED to clarify: I own a ps3 and a wii. I have ample games for both. The post is supposed to convey how i feel pc's are phasing out gaming wise, not that i hate consoles.
Not sure if this article has been posted anywhere in the previous 10 pages of this thread (I could have missed it while browsing).
In a thread that says, "Is PC gaming done for?" CNN Tech puts up an article called, "Why console gaming is dying."
Hmm, so are BOTH dying?!?
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
The poster who said "theyhave been saying it for decades" makes my head hurt... The apex of PC gaming was the mid to late 1990s and (honestly) its been going downhill since then.
PC gaming is moving towards casual, F2P farmville type games... Very few PC exclusive games anymore outside those arenas. MMOs are (for the moment) the only thing left for the PC and those will be slowly phased top consoles.
-I personally love PC gaming and far prefer it- been gaming on a PC since the Commodore 64. Yes, its dying- And badly. Most "PC" games of note are console ports now.
Sad but true...
EDIT- Let me add though that this is going to be a chance for GOOD indies to rise up- I hope this happens. AAA games is what I am refering to.
pc gamign isn't dieing its changing.
Most of the linked data doesn't include digital sales, subscriptions, item shops, or direct online purchases. Thus missing the vast majority of the pc $. (Such as purchases from say RS, blizzard or steam games). These numbers are estimated, there is no report of them without a study condected (and scientific instruments utilized).
A study done 3-4 years ago showed that growth in gaming is highest on pcs by a very large margin over any other platform. This is logical if you think about it how many differnct games are there are on say xbox or w/e now how many on say just steam alone. The release rate and number is far greater on pcs then any platform. Now include say browser based games and reality becomes fairly evident. One can say those games do not make much money (those browser based games) . this is true however, they also do not cost much money to make. In raw numbers of games developed and played pcs very outscale any platform.
- this is of reported sales of large companies. It also says nothing about profit.
PS how is a counsole port a real port anymore, I mean using that concept are not all games port because they sure as heck are not made on consoles nor freerunning in a windows enviroment.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I read somewhere that the consoles where showing their age and people are coming back to the pc as a gaming platform. I do think that the tablet and mobile games are chipping away at the market also.
It's interesting that this should be brought up because I've heard in the past year or so various articles questioning whether console's are dead due to the ever growing app games industry. It is nonsense.
Yes, consoles are more viable for the masses due to the fact that there is not a concern about system requirements and paying large sums of money for upgrades until the next console generation.
As for MMO's, well yes they are naturally best on PC. However, MMO's can be possibly even more system orientated than the offline games, and these MMO's are subject to change and their system requirements can change because of it.
I don't think there will be a mass migration of MMO's to console anytime soon but if FFXIV is a success on PS3, where both PS3 and PC users share the same servers (unlike DCUO) then we may well see more developer interest in bringing MMO's to consoles. Because after all, if everybody's systems run the same and have the same requirements then you're going to attract a larger audience for your game.
I didnt say it's realistic, I said it imitates the situation better where you aim the gun, since you aim with your hand and not a little stick. Try shooting with real guns and you know what I'm talking about. It's not easy mode since it's the same for every player, it's just simply less frustrating.
I don't think that pc gaming is dead. I play pc games every day. I think a lot of folks in mmo's have been turned off over the years, but it is far from dead. You have wow with 10 Million, Eq2 with about 300k, swtor with less than 500k, so forth and so on.
I only own 5 xbox 360 games. Halo whatever it was that came with the package, dragon age, skyrim, star wars lego for my 11 year old, who plays it all the time.
All I can say if all you do is surf the web its time to trash your desktop and get an ipad or something. All pc's are good for nowadays is pc gaming, and personal finance.
That's a whole lot of opinion being touted as fact.
People like to say "just because you're bad at mouse/keyboard shooters that you can't handle it you play console."
Well I bet you guys really suck at console shooters.
Both are aquired skills gained through practice.
I own a 80$ precision gaming mouse and 50$ "gaming surface" mouse pad, and I've got a 60$ left-hand WASD periphial thing - I still prefer console for shooters.
I'm merely saying the same thing that I usually keep hearing from others on the interwebz about mouse vs. pad, and I believe when bias and defensive behaviour is put aside and the matter on hands is looked in a neutral way, that kb + mouse is more accurate and more varied which in my eyes makes it better. Kb + mouse removes the need for clumsy scrollable menus, and aiming being more accurate is quite obvious pro. It was the console games that introduced auto-aim in shooters.
Consoles are based on convenience, they are both convenient for developers because the standard hardware for each machine, and convenient for gamers for being easy to use, anyone knows how to plug a power cord and press the power button.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
think the OP is laughably uninformed about the gaming industry, console vs PC, its a joke, consoles have been left so far in the past technology wise that their obsolete, the reason why companies like Sony etc buy the rights to certain games is because if they didnt, then their platform would suffer for it. There hasnt been a single MMO released that was console compatable that was worth the name, the only successful ones have been strictly PC only. The odd thing is that you can walk into any shop that sells 'games' and you would think PC's didnt exist, yet PC games are probably more available now than at any time in the past, better still, their cheaper than console games, and easier to get hold of, digital downloads, how many games now are relying foremost on digital downloads vs physical discs, never mind games are getting so huge these days that discs are struggling to hold them, even Blu-ray is showing its limitations, which frankly are many. The age of the dvd/bluray disk is long past, time they were buried and forgotten about, along with cd's and tapes.. if you want a physical media your better off with a sd card or something, smaller compact and a far better delivery rate, not to mention, gasp, you can modify the data on them. Frankly, consoles are approaching end of life, only desperate measures to try and restrict access to games is likely to prolong their existence. PC's will be around a long time after consoles become just another retro form of gaming, if they arent already
Nevermind... somebody posted something similar.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
I was just reading that article.
One point they made that I found interesting was that "40% of all Xbox activity now is non-game".
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
PC gaming diyng rumors are untrue for the moment.
PC game single and MMO has still 20 times more sales than consoles
pirate copies are a lot from both sides (PC and consoles)
so far the MMOs are the top sale in game industry with the lesser piracy
f2p doesnt mean that the PC dying that some ppl say, is just another way to keep the players playing (cash shops and advertising in those games are enough to keep the gamers)
The only game I can think of right now i've wanted, but been unable to play on the PC is Dragons Dogma. I feel PC gaming might be held back a little by console requirements at times, but I don't see how it's dieing out or anything.
Playing on a PC has it's advantages anyways. Lots of free community/personal made games available you can't get for a console, and of course a great variety of mods and tweaking you can use.
of course its dying no one wants to make a video game that someone is just going to rip it off for free. Why do you think they beg the company to make it for pc. Why do you think such titles as street fighter, Unleashed, and gta comes out a year or two later on pc. So they can get those sales in for the console then come out later then do it for pc... I give pc gaming about 3 years before it just finally dies off and its just mostly fps mmorpgs and mmorpgs all together.
Gears of war is another title that doesnt want it on pc and that is even microsoft that should tell you something right their.
But because windows 9 will be out then, and all your games will come VIA the Microsoft shop with a console style markup on unsubsidised hardware, minimal patching and with no modding support.
this is your answer.
pc gaming isnt dead. never will be. PC is the only REAL gaming plattform. thx for the discussion
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
Not sure if this article has been posted anywhere in the previous 10 pages of this thread (I could have missed it while browsing).
In a thread that says, "Is PC gaming done for?" CNN Tech puts up an article called, "Why console gaming is dying."
Hmm, so are BOTH dying?!?
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
pc gamign isn't dieing its changing.
Most of the linked data doesn't include digital sales, subscriptions, item shops, or direct online purchases. Thus missing the vast majority of the pc $. (Such as purchases from say RS, blizzard or steam games). These numbers are estimated, there is no report of them without a study condected (and scientific instruments utilized).
A study done 3-4 years ago showed that growth in gaming is highest on pcs by a very large margin over any other platform. This is logical if you think about it how many differnct games are there are on say xbox or w/e now how many on say just steam alone. The release rate and number is far greater on pcs then any platform. Now include say browser based games and reality becomes fairly evident. One can say those games do not make much money (those browser based games) . this is true however, they also do not cost much money to make. In raw numbers of games developed and played pcs very outscale any platform.
- this is of reported sales of large companies. It also says nothing about profit.
PS how is a counsole port a real port anymore, I mean using that concept are not all games port because they sure as heck are not made on consoles nor freerunning in a windows enviroment.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
What games are console exclusive?
I own all consoles and havent bought more than 2 games a yea on my consoles in over 4 years.
This year it was Halo 4 and Dragon's Dogma, Last year it was Gears 3 and Dark Souls...
I purchase around 30-40 games a year and almost all are on PC.
Lets see.
THis is what im playing.
Diablo 3 (PC only)
Guild Wars 2 (PC only)
Tribes Ascend (PC Only)
Skyrim with Mods (mods are PC Only)
Torchlight 2 (PC Only)
Dota 2 (PC ONly)
Planetside 2 (PC ONly)
Path of Exile (PC Only)
Binding of Isaac (PC Only)
Star Craft 2 (PC Only)
Darksiders 2 (multi-plat but superior on PC)
Sleeping Dogs (multi-plat but superior on PC)
Hotline Miami (PC Only)
Hawken (PC Only)
Borderlands 2 (Multi-plat but superior on PC)
Airmech (PC Only)
Civ 5 (PC Only)
Terraria (PC Only)
Minecraft with Mods (Superior on PC)
War of the Roses (PC Only)
Firefall (PC Only)
Magic the Gathering Online (PC Only)
The War Z (PC Only)
I just listed the icons on my PC that i've booted up the last month or so. Believe me PC gaming is far from dead.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
It's interesting that this should be brought up because I've heard in the past year or so various articles questioning whether console's are dead due to the ever growing app games industry. It is nonsense.
Yes, consoles are more viable for the masses due to the fact that there is not a concern about system requirements and paying large sums of money for upgrades until the next console generation.
As for MMO's, well yes they are naturally best on PC. However, MMO's can be possibly even more system orientated than the offline games, and these MMO's are subject to change and their system requirements can change because of it.
I don't think there will be a mass migration of MMO's to console anytime soon but if FFXIV is a success on PS3, where both PS3 and PC users share the same servers (unlike DCUO) then we may well see more developer interest in bringing MMO's to consoles. Because after all, if everybody's systems run the same and have the same requirements then you're going to attract a larger audience for your game.