While CGI is just CGI and says little about the game, there is no denying that is a beautiful piece of work.
The investment SE is putting into the relaunch is pretty staggering tbh...
I disagree, it says a lot about the game. Do you know how many people just cried because of this CS and their emotional connection to the charicters in the game like Louisoux?
No other MMO has been able to do this except FFXI. When Blizz killed of Cairne and that Dwarf in their crappy WoW book all people did was whine and get pissed at Blizz, when SE killed off Louisoux people litterly cried tears of sadness and happiness for his great death.
I meant in terms of gameplay and whatnot.
I am not dismissing the excellence of the trailer, or the game even ... I am just saying that if I didn't know more about the title then I do I would not base my decision to buy or not on this (as I wouldn't any CG game movie).
Well there's already a few gameplay videos of 2.0 combat right now (I believe one is a trailer), and the alpha / beta about to come out so there will be tons of gameplay videos of everything on YouTube, and around 6 months until the player esimated relaunch. But this is the end of 1.0 cutscene (and possibly opening to ARR) shown to finish the current storyline of the game. So it's more for the players of 1.0 than anything else.
And anyway, why could you want to see MMO combat in a trailer? It's not the kind of thing that draws people to a game.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one.
bad ass trailer, but havent we seen this in another game latlely?
Dragon that destorys the world...
Any way, is there a video of the last minutes of the gameplay?
I don't know about other "games lately" but Bahamut specfically has been a staple character in the Final Fantasy franchise dating back to the very first FF if I'm not mistaken. It has always been one of the most powerful beings in certain installments.
In XIV Bahamut seems to be one of the Primals. "Primals are powerful denziens that exist in another plane. They require a vast amount of energy in order to trancend into our world."
I found it very fitting Bahamut was used as a sort of God of destruction in XIV.
I know there are others like OnionThief in here who are buffs in FF lore, so please correct anything I may have said.
Something very cool occurred to me after reading a remark about it on the official forums.
At the end of the final trailer, we see Louisoix smile just as he's consumed in Dalamud's flames. It's easy enough to guess why he's smiling - he just sent a number of people away, saving them from destruction.
But there's actually a deeper meaning to it, that's rather personal to him, and it's provided in the last cut-scene for the "Living On A Prayer" Mission, which comes after defeating Nael Van Darnus (The White Raven).
At the end of that mission, Louisoix is speaking to you and confides,
"If I can but see you to a new future, I should want for nothing more."
At the end of the trailer, he sees his wish granted. And so he smiles.
Although you don't see *your* character in that movie, the adventurers (the Warrior, White Mage, Bard, etc) you see in the action throughout it - and all other movies going all the way back to FFXIV's original opening cut-scene, for that matter - are meant to represent all Adventurers (players) collectively. They are "us", basically.
It's easy to dismiss FFXIV for all its glaring issues and problems over the past couple years. In terms of storyline and powerful cut-scenes, it's classic Square-Enix through and through.
I would suggest you watch the cut-scenes from that mission. If you don't play the game, didn't get to complete that mission or, perhaps, did but didn't 'follow all the dialog, do read it this time, through both videos. It's long-ish, but it reveals a lot, and gives a good sense of the weight of the situation, and provides some beautiful foreshadowing of things to come.
What if the 12 gods they were praying to weren't gods at all, but visitations from extra terrestrials as many ancient alien theorists contend?
Joking aside, I'm totally stoked about the game even more than I previously was. This and the test trailer for the other FF trying out the PS4 graphics are simply epic. All other games are just filler for the downtime.
I was a little frustrated when 40 min before the event I got booted from the server I was on, but found some live stream. It seems SE had many server failures and connection issues for the event. BUT when I got to watch the video I was like ........ O M G ! Definately one of the best game videos I have seen in years! See you all in the future :P
Originally posted by dreamscaper That video was utterly fantastic. It definitely makes me want to play ARR. Anyone know what the release date is? I know alpha testing started about a month ago, so I doubt we'll see it before the end of the year....
So watching a video with no gameplay content makes you want to play it? Thats called hype. And you should never buy or play a game on hype alone, you will only be dissapointed.
Originally posted by Roxtarr Ok, so somehow SE just made Deathwing and Zaithan look like muppet babies. I'm speechless - amazing trailer. (Maybe I'm getting a bit over hyped :P)
You just read my mind here m8, Deathwing looks like a child of a special care next to him ^^
You seem misunderstood the trailer, this is what the END event was, the party of the story is actually YOU who were playing fighting the Gaarlan empire which the event was we were fighting the empire until server dropped. That's WHAT make it EPIC..
also there is a story line follow by this trailer, all the character feature beside the main team (who are supposedly be you and your friends) are actually NPC that the story follows. Company leader stand on the hill and the main npc are praying for the forks.
Originally posted by snapfusion
Originally posted by dreamscaper That video was utterly fantastic. It definitely makes me want to play ARR. Anyone know what the release date is? I know alpha testing started about a month ago, so I doubt we'll see it before the end of the year....
So watching a video with no gameplay content makes you want to play it? Thats called hype. And you should never buy or play a game on hype alone, you will only be dissapointed.
Originally posted by dreamscaper That video was utterly fantastic. It definitely makes me want to play ARR. Anyone know what the release date is? I know alpha testing started about a month ago, so I doubt we'll see it before the end of the year....
So watching a video with no gameplay content makes you want to play it? Thats called hype. And you should never buy or play a game on hype alone, you will only be dissapointed.
The tone, the story and the epicness of the movie is intended to reflect the enormity and gravity of what's happening in-game, and - in this particular case - sets the stage for what's to come. It's certainly something to get excited about in terms of what A Realm Reborn will deliver in those areas.
As far as not getting hyped over a pre-rendered cinematic alone, I agree. One should never do that. I think you should even keep a degree of cautious optimism after watching in-game footage as well.
Fortunately, we will have Alpha tests, Beta tests, and then a free period for all current game owners, as well as a free trial for potential players. That's where it'll count.
That said, having been part of the history that comes to a close in that cut-scene, I have absolutely no problem saying that being moved, even to tears, at the events in it is 1000% appropriate. A good story should move the viewer/reader/listener, whether it be to joy, sadness, anger or any other emotion. "End of An Era", in my opinion, easily succeeds in that.
I played it and liked it at launch, but have not followed much of what's changing for 2.0. I am sure since I really liked it at launch there are things i will not like much in 2.0, and probably some things that i will like as well. I'm digging now but can't seem to find an answer to this question, so I ask those of you who have followed it in detail...
Are they maintaining the ambiance? Things like the long boat ride? The lights and torches coming on at night? Weather effects that have meaning? The sound of footfalls changing on wet ground vs dry ground? things like that? That stuff really set the FF mmorpgs apart for me, that's the stuff I notice and enjoy. Do you think they are aiming to keep that stuff intact?
While CGI is just CGI and says little about the game, there is no denying that is a beautiful piece of work.
The investment SE is putting into the relaunch is pretty staggering tbh...
I disagree, it says a lot about the game. Do you know how many people just cried because of this CS and their emotional connection to the charicters in the game like Louisoux?
No other MMO has been able to do this except FFXI. When Blizz killed of Cairne and that Dwarf in their crappy WoW book all people did was whine and get pissed at Blizz, when SE killed off Louisoux people litterly cried tears of sadness and happiness for his great death.
I meant in terms of gameplay and whatnot.
I am not dismissing the excellence of the trailer, or the game even ... I am just saying that if I didn't know more about the title then I do I would not base my decision to buy or not on this (as I wouldn't any CG game movie).
Well there's already a few gameplay videos of 2.0 combat right now (I believe one is a trailer), and the alpha / beta about to come out so there will be tons of gameplay videos of everything on YouTube, and around 6 months until the player esimated relaunch. But this is the end of 1.0 cutscene (and possibly opening to ARR) shown to finish the current storyline of the game. So it's more for the players of 1.0 than anything else.
And anyway, why could you want to see MMO combat in a trailer? It's not the kind of thing that draws people to a game.
I think you are looking for some kiind of debate off me when there really is not one to be had.
I haven't said you cannot see gameplay elsewhere. I didn't say I *wanted* to see combat in this particular vid.
I think you are missing what I am getting at in the need to win some kind of point. I will assume it isn't deliberate.
I see the failure of the gods to prevent the next era to be symbolic of the failure of the devs to keep the game's current incarnation alive, they must have been working on this story the moment Yoshida realized they would need to start from scratch.
bad ass trailer, but havent we seen this in another game latlely?
Dragon that destorys the world...
Any way, is there a video of the last minutes of the gameplay?
I don't know about other "games lately" but Bahamut specfically has been a staple character in the Final Fantasy franchise dating back to the very first FF if I'm not mistaken. It has always been one of the most powerful beings in certain installments.
In XIV Bahamut seems to be one of the Primals. "Primals are powerful denziens that exist in another plane. They require a vast amount of energy in order to trancend into our world."
I found it very fitting Bahamut was used as a sort of God of destruction in XIV.
I know there are others like OnionThief in here who are buffs in FF lore, so please correct anything I may have said.
For starters, any implication that Bahamut is a ripoff of the elder dragons or that dragon from WoW just won't, forgive the pun again, fly with me. As was said, Bahamut is a staple of the series and has been seen throughout the games as laying waste to entire nations or being a harbinger of doom. The moderm progenitor of the dragon archetype that we see in games today, like Skyrim, should really be creditted to Tolkien and Smaug. And then there's the whole point that Bahamut is totally more bad ass. :P
All signs point to the fact that Bahamut is some type of primal. How this ties in to the current XIV story precisely, including why the anti-god, anti-primal empire chose to summon him is a mystery. Currently it seems Bahamut will reprise a similar role, perhaps with added malice, to what he had in XI. This ending created lots of questions for those really into the lore, so we just need to stay tuned and see how it plays out.
I played it and liked it at launch, but have not followed much of what's changing for 2.0. I am sure since I really liked it at launch there are things i will not like much in 2.0, and probably some things that i will like as well. I'm digging now but can't seem to find an answer to this question, so I ask those of you who have followed it in detail...
Are they maintaining the ambiance? Things like the long boat ride? The lights and torches coming on at night? Weather effects that have meaning? The sound of footfalls changing on wet ground vs dry ground? things like that? That stuff really set the FF mmorpgs apart for me, that's the stuff I notice and enjoy. Do you think they are aiming to keep that stuff intact?
From seeing brand new alpha footage last night, I can say yes to this and more. They're even looking into added ambiance elements such as having forested regions change colour with season, but due to time constraints may not be able to deliver. Either way it's on the radar.
I see the failure of the gods to prevent the next era to be symbolic of the failure of the devs to keep the game's current incarnation alive, they must have been working on this story the moment Yoshida realized they would need to start from scratch.
Good point! Didn't think of it like that at first, though on a subconscious level I think I realized it.
That's one thing I love about the new development team: they haven't been afraid to acknowledge past failures, appologize for mistakes made along the way, and even preserve those mistakes by remaking a game on a premise essentially built on them.
Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like there are still a ways away from any type of playable beta. I am cautiously optimistic as the video was epic but after SWTOR, we have seen cinematic videos can be outstanding but the game play may not live up to the hype.
To give a little context: just gonna repost what I messaged to a friend who wanted to know WTF was going on in the vid:
in XIV 1.0 theres an empire, which is a nation of anti-deity fanatics, and this one crazy general who leads them. he summons to earth this meteor to kill the deity worshiping nations who oppose the empire (everyone else, basically). at the end of 1.0 you kill the general but it's too late, the meteor is still coming. this gandalf like guy named louisoux (a recurring character) tells you that your only hope of stopping it is to pray to the 12 gods (deities) in hopes they will save you. so everyone did for like 1 month leading up to the end, and there were quests/events focused around that.
in the video: there was this final confrontation between the good guys and empire before the meteor hit. a last stand of sorts. right before the meteor hits, turns out it was a prison for bahamut who then proceeds to nuke everything basically. gandalf guy tries to summon the 12 gods (the blue symbols) and reseal bahamut using the accumulated power of prayer, but this fails. using the last bit of prayer power he transports those good guys on the battlefield to safety/or to 5 years in the future (gandalf guy is closely aligned with the deity of time and space). the world is basically left in ruins with survivors in the cities, but a lot of people died. as for what happens next... well, we'll see! ~FIN~
Thank you so much!
Because I was looking at that (amazing) trailer and thinking I missed something along the way. Then again I did kind of get lost in this game, only did some of the main quest stuff and ended up doing levequests trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
All i can say is i almost lost it when Bahumut broke from his prision and decended to the world. Seeing Ul'Dah in closed in Fire made you feel the reality of it all. The people praying to the 12 faith without faith made me think of all the people who do not believe in a god or gods but to quote the song "In one fleeting moment" the events that happen drive the people to there knees because the end was at hand. The Chocobo on top of the hill with the Grand Company leaders when he lets out a chirp knowing his world is also at a end in that moment. I have to give it to SE . I have not been moved by a CS in a game by SE or anyone for that matter in a long long time. Thank you SE for instilling back in me hope.
bad ass trailer, but havent we seen this in another game latlely?
Dragon that destorys the world...
Any way, is there a video of the last minutes of the gameplay?
I don't know about other "games lately" but Bahamut specfically has been a staple character in the Final Fantasy franchise dating back to the very first FF if I'm not mistaken. It has always been one of the most powerful beings in certain installments.
In XIV Bahamut seems to be one of the Primals. "Primals are powerful denziens that exist in another plane. They require a vast amount of energy in order to trancend into our world."
I found it very fitting Bahamut was used as a sort of God of destruction in XIV.
I know there are others like OnionThief in here who are buffs in FF lore, so please correct anything I may have said.
I do understand your point, and you are correct that Bahamut is a thing that is a staple character in the FF franchise. But you have to understand it from my and others view point as well. It dosent matter if they are naming a thing differently, when it has the same shape, acts the same way and are causing the same issues (destorys the world). The video of the bahamuth/dragon is such a bad move mainly because another franchise did the exacet same thing a couple of months ago and for me it creats just a big yawn (its a good animated sequence, dont get me wrong.). Its the anti thesis of fantasy when developers are copy/pasting stuff.
They could have done this so much better.
Originally posted by OnionThief
Originally posted by NBlitz
Originally posted by mymmo
bad ass trailer, but havent we seen this in another game latlely?
Dragon that destorys the world...
Any way, is there a video of the last minutes of the gameplay?
I don't know about other "games lately" but Bahamut specfically has been a staple character in the Final Fantasy franchise dating back to the very first FF if I'm not mistaken. It has always been one of the most powerful beings in certain installments.
In XIV Bahamut seems to be one of the Primals. "Primals are powerful denziens that exist in another plane. They require a vast amount of energy in order to trancend into our world."
I found it very fitting Bahamut was used as a sort of God of destruction in XIV.
I know there are others like OnionThief in here who are buffs in FF lore, so please correct anything I may have said.
For starters, any implication that Bahamut is a ripoff of the elder dragons or that dragon from WoW just won't, forgive the pun again, fly with me. As was said, Bahamut is a staple of the series and has been seen throughout the games as laying waste to entire nations or being a harbinger of doom. The moderm progenitor of the dragon archetype that we see in games today, like Skyrim, should really be creditted to Tolkien and Smaug. And then there's the whole point that Bahamut is totally more bad ass. :P
All signs point to the fact that Bahamut is some type of primal. How this ties in to the current XIV story precisely, including why the anti-god, anti-primal empire chose to summon him is a mystery. Currently it seems Bahamut will reprise a similar role, perhaps with added malice, to what he had in XI. This ending created lots of questions for those really into the lore, so we just need to stay tuned and see how it plays out.
What to say. Wow=dragon/beast/fantasy creature destorys the world with flames. FF XIV=Dragon/fair/beast/fantasy creature destorys the world with flames. If you cant see the similarities I can only try to compair it with the movie industry. A couple of years ago there was a movie called Armagedeon, some may remember it. It was about a comet and Liv Tylor. During that time there was another flick called Deep impact, it didnt have Liv Tylor in it. Guess which one the viewer remember best :P....Damn, that was a bad comparing. The thing is that we have seen this already, just recently. And the mmo games are not exactly know to be so much differnt from each other so why not give us something differently, something that tickles the imagination. Dont give us lazers, big explosions and dragons for the 100th time. Pleaes give us something else. Give us a freaking Kefka or a Zeroumus that will say *poof* when it makes its entreance.
And it dosent matter that the Bahamut is a staple of the series. There is so much else to get from the "rich" lore of FF univerise. This was just lazy. The issue Ive is the time space between another serie useage of a big dragon and FF XIV usage. And yeah, the Bahamut is much cooler
And thanks for the summarize of what happend before the meteor
Eve online and +1500 steam games in the back cataloge makes me a stressed out gamer.
All i can say is i almost lost it when Bahumut broke from his prision and decended to the world. Seeing Ul'Dah in closed in Fire made you feel the reality of it all. The people praying to the 12 faith without faith made me think of all the people who do not believe in a god or gods but to quote the song "In one fleeting moment" the events that happen drive the people to there knees because the end was at hand. The Chocobo on top of the hill with the Grand Company leaders when he lets out a chirp knowing his world is also at a end in that moment. I have to give it to SE . I have not been moved by a CS in a game by SE or anyone for that matter in a long long time. Thank you SE for instilling back in me hope.
Well, that's not really how it happened. Y'shtola, Yda, Papalymo, Thancred and certainly Louisoix believe quite strongly in the Twelve and that's why you're asked to pray to each Diety in hopes of stirring them and bringing their assistance to bear, because the strength of mortals alone would not be enough, and they knew this.
At the end, it still wasn't enough. Louisioux, however, "has the final say" of sorts by sending the heroes of Eorzea (us) to - as he puts it in a previous mission cut-scene - "a new future" - so that we may survive the destruction and live to rebuild.
The ones without faith were the Empire/Garleans. Their entire goal was to wipe all the religious from the world so they could take it over.
I have to say, this was truly a stellar, stellar effort on SE's part. True, quality story-telling wrapped up in an incredible cut-scene. Beautiful work. This is the kind of inspiration I was hoping to find again in XIV, after being so moved by XI's opening movie. Took some time, but it looks like they have, hopefully, hit their stride and brought XIV into its own.
Well there's already a few gameplay videos of 2.0 combat right now (I believe one is a trailer), and the alpha / beta about to come out so there will be tons of gameplay videos of everything on YouTube, and around 6 months until the player esimated relaunch. But this is the end of 1.0 cutscene (and possibly opening to ARR) shown to finish the current storyline of the game. So it's more for the players of 1.0 than anything else.
And anyway, why could you want to see MMO combat in a trailer? It's not the kind of thing that draws people to a game.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one.
We will always remember your sacrifice, Louisoux!
I don't know about other "games lately" but Bahamut specfically has been a staple character in the Final Fantasy franchise dating back to the very first FF if I'm not mistaken. It has always been one of the most powerful beings in certain installments.
In XIV Bahamut seems to be one of the Primals. "Primals are powerful denziens that exist in another plane. They require a vast amount of energy in order to trancend into our world."
I found it very fitting Bahamut was used as a sort of God of destruction in XIV.
I know there are others like OnionThief in here who are buffs in FF lore, so please correct anything I may have said.
Something very cool occurred to me after reading a remark about it on the official forums.
At the end of the final trailer, we see Louisoix smile just as he's consumed in Dalamud's flames. It's easy enough to guess why he's smiling - he just sent a number of people away, saving them from destruction.
But there's actually a deeper meaning to it, that's rather personal to him, and it's provided in the last cut-scene for the "Living On A Prayer" Mission, which comes after defeating Nael Van Darnus (The White Raven).
At the end of that mission, Louisoix is speaking to you and confides,
"If I can but see you to a new future, I should want for nothing more."
At the end of the trailer, he sees his wish granted. And so he smiles.
Although you don't see *your* character in that movie, the adventurers (the Warrior, White Mage, Bard, etc) you see in the action throughout it - and all other movies going all the way back to FFXIV's original opening cut-scene, for that matter - are meant to represent all Adventurers (players) collectively. They are "us", basically.
It's easy to dismiss FFXIV for all its glaring issues and problems over the past couple years. In terms of storyline and powerful cut-scenes, it's classic Square-Enix through and through.
I would suggest you watch the cut-scenes from that mission. If you don't play the game, didn't get to complete that mission or, perhaps, did but didn't 'follow all the dialog, do read it this time, through both videos. It's long-ish, but it reveals a lot, and gives a good sense of the weight of the situation, and provides some beautiful foreshadowing of things to come.
Living on A Prayer - Part 1
Living on A Prayer - Part 2
What if the 12 gods they were praying to weren't gods at all, but visitations from extra terrestrials as many ancient alien theorists contend?
Joking aside, I'm totally stoked about the game even more than I previously was. This and the test trailer for the other FF trying out the PS4 graphics are simply epic. All other games are just filler for the downtime.
That was so bad
But it was so good
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
So watching a video with no gameplay content makes you want to play it? Thats called hype. And you should never buy or play a game on hype alone, you will only be dissapointed.
You just read my mind here m8, Deathwing looks like a child of a special care next to him ^^
(Retired)- Anarchy Online/Ultima Online/DAoC/Horizonsz/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Atlantica Online/Manibogi/Rift+(SL)/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/Champions Online/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/Tabula Rasa/Meridian 59/Vanguard/Shadowbane/Fury/SotW/Dreamlords/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/Warhammer Online/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2/ESO/FF14/Archeage/Gw2
The tone, the story and the epicness of the movie is intended to reflect the enormity and gravity of what's happening in-game, and - in this particular case - sets the stage for what's to come. It's certainly something to get excited about in terms of what A Realm Reborn will deliver in those areas.
As far as not getting hyped over a pre-rendered cinematic alone, I agree. One should never do that. I think you should even keep a degree of cautious optimism after watching in-game footage as well.
Fortunately, we will have Alpha tests, Beta tests, and then a free period for all current game owners, as well as a free trial for potential players. That's where it'll count.
That said, having been part of the history that comes to a close in that cut-scene, I have absolutely no problem saying that being moved, even to tears, at the events in it is 1000% appropriate. A good story should move the viewer/reader/listener, whether it be to joy, sadness, anger or any other emotion. "End of An Era", in my opinion, easily succeeds in that.
they sure as hell don't skimp on the CS.
i would love to spend my time on an updated FF online game. as long as this game doesn't flat out suck, i think i'll be happy.
Bravo. That was moving. Just like the XI intro.
I played it and liked it at launch, but have not followed much of what's changing for 2.0. I am sure since I really liked it at launch there are things i will not like much in 2.0, and probably some things that i will like as well. I'm digging now but can't seem to find an answer to this question, so I ask those of you who have followed it in detail...
Are they maintaining the ambiance? Things like the long boat ride? The lights and torches coming on at night? Weather effects that have meaning? The sound of footfalls changing on wet ground vs dry ground? things like that? That stuff really set the FF mmorpgs apart for me, that's the stuff I notice and enjoy. Do you think they are aiming to keep that stuff intact?
I would go as far as to call that art.
I think you are looking for some kiind of debate off me when there really is not one to be had.
I haven't said you cannot see gameplay elsewhere. I didn't say I *wanted* to see combat in this particular vid.
I think you are missing what I am getting at in the need to win some kind of point. I will assume it isn't deliberate.
I see the failure of the gods to prevent the next era to be symbolic of the failure of the devs to keep the game's current incarnation alive, they must have been working on this story the moment Yoshida realized they would need to start from scratch.
For starters, any implication that Bahamut is a ripoff of the elder dragons or that dragon from WoW just won't, forgive the pun again, fly with me. As was said, Bahamut is a staple of the series and has been seen throughout the games as laying waste to entire nations or being a harbinger of doom. The moderm progenitor of the dragon archetype that we see in games today, like Skyrim, should really be creditted to Tolkien and Smaug. And then there's the whole point that Bahamut is totally more bad ass. :P
All signs point to the fact that Bahamut is some type of primal. How this ties in to the current XIV story precisely, including why the anti-god, anti-primal empire chose to summon him is a mystery. Currently it seems Bahamut will reprise a similar role, perhaps with added malice, to what he had in XI. This ending created lots of questions for those really into the lore, so we just need to stay tuned and see how it plays out.
From seeing brand new alpha footage last night, I can say yes to this and more. They're even looking into added ambiance elements such as having forested regions change colour with season, but due to time constraints may not be able to deliver. Either way it's on the radar.
Good point! Didn't think of it like that at first, though on a subconscious level I think I realized it.
That's one thing I love about the new development team: they haven't been afraid to acknowledge past failures, appologize for mistakes made along the way, and even preserve those mistakes by remaking a game on a premise essentially built on them.
(Retired)- Anarchy Online/Ultima Online/DAoC/Horizonsz/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Atlantica Online/Manibogi/Rift+(SL)/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/Champions Online/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/Tabula Rasa/Meridian 59/Vanguard/Shadowbane/Fury/SotW/Dreamlords/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/Warhammer Online/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2/ESO/FF14/Archeage/Gw2
Thank you so much!
Because I was looking at that (amazing) trailer and thinking I missed something along the way. Then again I did kind of get lost in this game, only did some of the main quest stuff and ended up doing levequests trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
All i can say is i almost lost it when Bahumut broke from his prision and decended to the world. Seeing Ul'Dah in closed in Fire made you feel the reality of it all. The people praying to the 12 faith without faith made me think of all the people who do not believe in a god or gods but to quote the song "In one fleeting moment" the events that happen drive the people to there knees because the end was at hand. The Chocobo on top of the hill with the Grand Company leaders when he lets out a chirp knowing his world is also at a end in that moment. I have to give it to SE . I have not been moved by a CS in a game by SE or anyone for that matter in a long long time. Thank you SE for instilling back in me hope.
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I do understand your point, and you are correct that Bahamut is a thing that is a staple character in the FF franchise. But you have to understand it from my and others view point as well. It dosent matter if they are naming a thing differently, when it has the same shape, acts the same way and are causing the same issues (destorys the world). The video of the bahamuth/dragon is such a bad move mainly because another franchise did the exacet same thing a couple of months ago and for me it creats just a big yawn (its a good animated sequence, dont get me wrong.). Its the anti thesis of fantasy when developers are copy/pasting stuff.
They could have done this so much better.
What to say. Wow=dragon/beast/fantasy creature destorys the world with flames. FF XIV=Dragon/fair/beast/fantasy creature destorys the world with flames. If you cant see the similarities I can only try to compair it with the movie industry. A couple of years ago there was a movie called Armagedeon, some may remember it. It was about a comet and Liv Tylor. During that time there was another flick called Deep impact, it didnt have Liv Tylor in it. Guess which one the viewer remember best :P....Damn, that was a bad comparing. The thing is that we have seen this already, just recently. And the mmo games are not exactly know to be so much differnt from each other so why not give us something differently, something that tickles the imagination. Dont give us lazers, big explosions and dragons for the 100th time. Pleaes give us something else. Give us a freaking Kefka or a Zeroumus that will say *poof* when it makes its entreance.
And it dosent matter that the Bahamut is a staple of the series. There is so much else to get from the "rich" lore of FF univerise. This was just lazy. The issue Ive is the time space between another serie useage of a big dragon and FF XIV usage. And yeah, the Bahamut is much cooler
And thanks for the summarize of what happend before the meteor
Well, that's not really how it happened. Y'shtola, Yda, Papalymo, Thancred and certainly Louisoix believe quite strongly in the Twelve and that's why you're asked to pray to each Diety in hopes of stirring them and bringing their assistance to bear, because the strength of mortals alone would not be enough, and they knew this.
At the end, it still wasn't enough. Louisioux, however, "has the final say" of sorts by sending the heroes of Eorzea (us) to - as he puts it in a previous mission cut-scene - "a new future" - so that we may survive the destruction and live to rebuild.
The ones without faith were the Empire/Garleans. Their entire goal was to wipe all the religious from the world so they could take it over.
I have to say, this was truly a stellar, stellar effort on SE's part. True, quality story-telling wrapped up in an incredible cut-scene. Beautiful work. This is the kind of inspiration I was hoping to find again in XIV, after being so moved by XI's opening movie. Took some time, but it looks like they have, hopefully, hit their stride and brought XIV into its own.