Only people who really thought arenanet is different than other developers were deceived by it,after age of conan ,warhammer,swtor and lot of other mmos launched in the last few years players should have known better.I expected this move even before the launch of the game,after all is much easier to replace fun content with grinding not to speak that is much better for their cash shop to have a gear treadmill,the longest the grind is the more chances there are you will spend money trading gems for gold.
So, is this really the diabolical journey to the dark side, are we looking at World of Guild Craft?
Meh, if it keeps more people playing, then that is cool. If you care about progression, guess what, here you go, have fun!
If you didn't care about progression, and were just playing for "fun" why do you even care about this. You can chose to do what you want to do, right? So, don't do it if it makes you so upset. Vote with your feet.
I spent 3 years in WoW and barely touched raids. Yeah, I got facerolled a bit in pvp, but I had fun, so I didn't give a rat's ass. I will do the same here, assuming I can last that long without being bored enough to quit.
Progression itself might add players to this game--which in my personal experience is flagging population wise--so it is a good thing.
Devs who stick with design philosophies that do not work and refuse stubbornly to change up the things that are broken, those are the devs who irritate me. Good on Anet for addressing the concern of a wide section of the player base.
(Aren't these guys supposed to show up on Saturday?)
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
You shouldn't have to worry at all. There's like a +5 to certain stats with the new gear, nothing game breaking [...]
68 stat points on ascended rings compared to 63 stat points on exotic rings is approximately +8% stat points. Please take a look at some of the rings from that other extremely gear-centric game (purple level 85 rings):
Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 352)
Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 358): +5,6% stats
Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 371): +12,8% stats
Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 377): +6,1% stats
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 390): +12,9%
That's an average of +9,4% stat points for every new tier of rings. Sounds familiar? Guild Wars' saving grace is the much higher character base stats, but let's not pretend the stat increase on ascended items is small, insignificant and not worth grinding for.
Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 371): +12,8% stats
You use commas instead of decimal points. Native to S. America?
Denmark. Huh. Common in Europe? I know it's endemic to spanish-writing in catalogs, particularly south of the equator. We've had some problems with translators who snarked on one standard, or the other, depending where they were native. (What language their spreadsheet/word processing software was written for??)
It's tough to convince your proofreaders that translators are sometimes...wrong. Target audience gets the nod, not the translator's place of birth--ah well, calibre or caliber, color or colour.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Originally posted by muffins89 are you mad at all? for 5 years Anet said they were different. and millions of people fell for it. wether or not you like the game, do you think Anet decieved you?
This may be answered somewhere in the 70+ replies, but before I can answer this question I need to know what you are claiming they lied about. It appears you are saying they lied about being "different" but that is such a broad term and I need to know specifically how they lied about being "different" before I can adequately answer whether or not I feel lied to. I have a funny feeling this is about the new gear they are adding and the "gate" to content through said gear. In which case I would say no because I see no evidence that they intentionally deceived which is what a lie is. They more appear to have changed their minds on the issue of gear gating, and that doesn't make what they said before a lie.
If you honestly think businesses and marketing will keep to all promises made during the marketing of a game, well, this is a good wake up call. The only time you can feel some (keyword is some) sense of security is if you have a legal binding contract between the two parties, but even then there are ways around that.
I tried to say this prior to launch but was called a "hater" and everything else under the sun.
For those that are old enough: wake up. Businesses will tell you what they want to hear. It's called advertising. You think integrity trumps the almighty dollar?
For those new to the world: this is a lesson. Learn from it.
To answer the question, no. I wish they would change the skill system and add more meaningful character progression to 80, Not all of us are into endgame.
I will take a whine where people atleast try to present their point of view in constructive and coherent manner over this useless post any day.
This is not a constructive thread. The OP has stated in the title of the thread (Title "For 5+ years Arenanet lied to us..." - how can that NOT be considered skewed?). It was not going to be a constructive thread at all. It is just another 'hater' thread.
I believe A.Net was going to do exactly what they said but, monetary realities set in. Am I dissappointed - not really - could the game be better - HELL YEAH. I say the same thing about Rift, TSW (which I like the concept just not the execution). Every game runs into the money realities.
I will take a whine where people atleast try to present their point of view in constructive and coherent manner over this useless post any day.
This is not a constructive thread. The OP has stated in the title of the thread (Title "For 5+ years Arenanet lied to us..." - how can that NOT be considered skewed?). It was not going to be a constructive thread at all. It is just another 'hater' thread.
I believe A.Net was going to do exactly what they said but, monetary realities set in. Am I dissappointed - not really - could the game be better - HELL YEAH. I say the same thing about Rift, TSW (which I like the concept just not the execution). Every game runs into the money realities.
Topic is 15 pages long with lots of constructive posts and some good discussions. Stop labeling everything as 'hater' thread especally the ones which do not confirm with your own opinion. Earlier another gentleman was trying 'shut' people up and told them to stop playing. You know it is lot easier to ignore the topic rather than making troll posts tailor made just to get rise out of the people?
This is an open forum, people are free to discuss what they like as long as no personal attacks are involved. People talk, whine, rant and discuss because they care. The day people stop complaining is the day you should really get worried.
I was goign to report your post for trolling but others already reported it. So i am glad.
Grinding for gear to be the best, with either farming dungeons, or long quest lines is what mmorpgs are all about. Dat grind is what made so many mmos successful. Are gamers getting even lazier?
You shouldn't have to worry at all. There's like a +5 to certain stats with the new gear, nothing game breaking [...]
68 stat points on ascended rings compared to 63 stat points on exotic rings is approximately +8% stat points. Please take a look at some of the rings from that other extremely gear-centric game (purple level 85 rings):
Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 352)
Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 358): +5,6% stats
Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 371): +12,8% stats
Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 377): +6,1% stats
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 390): +12,9%
That's an average of +9,4% stat points for every new tier of rings. Sounds familiar? Guild Wars' saving grace is the much higher character base stats, but let's not pretend the stat increase on ascended items is small, insignificant and not worth grinding for.
its not +8% stat
its +5 stat
if you add this to your base stats from character window its very small difference
in full ascended gear with armor and weapons when they realese them you are only ~2% stronger than guy with exotics
Originally posted by muffins89 are you mad at all? for 5 years Anet said they were different. and millions of people fell for it. wether or not you like the game, do you think Anet decieved you?
I don't think Anet lied. I think millions of people lied to themselves.
Not sure why this thread was still open. But there's no substance in the OP to really discuss other than an unsubstantiated attack. And if this has anything to do with the new armor, that discussion is going on in another thread.
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Only people who really thought arenanet is different than other developers were deceived by it,after age of conan ,warhammer,swtor and lot of other mmos launched in the last few years players should have known better.I expected this move even before the launch of the game,after all is much easier to replace fun content with grinding not to speak that is much better for their cash shop to have a gear treadmill,the longest the grind is the more chances there are you will spend money trading gems for gold.
So, is this really the diabolical journey to the dark side, are we looking at World of Guild Craft?
Meh, if it keeps more people playing, then that is cool. If you care about progression, guess what, here you go, have fun!
If you didn't care about progression, and were just playing for "fun" why do you even care about this. You can chose to do what you want to do, right? So, don't do it if it makes you so upset. Vote with your feet.
I spent 3 years in WoW and barely touched raids. Yeah, I got facerolled a bit in pvp, but I had fun, so I didn't give a rat's ass. I will do the same here, assuming I can last that long without being bored enough to quit.
Progression itself might add players to this game--which in my personal experience is flagging population wise--so it is a good thing.
Devs who stick with design philosophies that do not work and refuse stubbornly to change up the things that are broken, those are the devs who irritate me. Good on Anet for addressing the concern of a wide section of the player base.
Lied to. Doom.
(Aren't these guys supposed to show up on Saturday?)
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
68 stat points on ascended rings compared to 63 stat points on exotic rings is approximately +8% stat points. Please take a look at some of the rings from that other extremely gear-centric game (purple level 85 rings):
Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 352)
Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 358): +5,6% stats
Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 371): +12,8% stats
Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 377): +6,1% stats
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty (item level 390): +12,9%
That's an average of +9,4% stat points for every new tier of rings. Sounds familiar? Guild Wars' saving grace is the much higher character base stats, but let's not pretend the stat increase on ascended items is small, insignificant and not worth grinding for.
I will take a whine where people atleast try to present their point of view in constructive and coherent manner over this useless post any day.
aww, but you undersold it to its death! let me try and bring it back up to its feet:
/Illidan Stormrage voice on:
"Lied to, for 5+ years...
With promises of no progress...
And now you dare open up a new tier?
You are not prepared."
/Illidan Stormrage voice on:
"Lied to, for 5+ years...
With promises of no progress...
And now you dare open up a new tier?
You are not prepared."
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
You use commas instead of decimal points. Native to S. America?
Denmark. Huh. Common in Europe? I know it's endemic to spanish-writing in catalogs, particularly south of the equator. We've had some problems with translators who snarked on one standard, or the other, depending where they were native. (What language their spreadsheet/word processing software was written for??)
It's tough to convince your proofreaders that translators are sometimes...wrong. Target audience gets the nod, not the translator's place of birth--ah well, calibre or caliber, color or colour.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
This may be answered somewhere in the 70+ replies, but before I can answer this question I need to know what you are claiming they lied about. It appears you are saying they lied about being "different" but that is such a broad term and I need to know specifically how they lied about being "different" before I can adequately answer whether or not I feel lied to. I have a funny feeling this is about the new gear they are adding and the "gate" to content through said gear. In which case I would say no because I see no evidence that they intentionally deceived which is what a lie is. They more appear to have changed their minds on the issue of gear gating, and that doesn't make what they said before a lie.
They're operating a business. What do you expect?
If you honestly think businesses and marketing will keep to all promises made during the marketing of a game, well, this is a good wake up call. The only time you can feel some (keyword is some) sense of security is if you have a legal binding contract between the two parties, but even then there are ways around that.
I tried to say this prior to launch but was called a "hater" and everything else under the sun.
For those that are old enough: wake up. Businesses will tell you what they want to hear. It's called advertising. You think integrity trumps the almighty dollar?
For those new to the world: this is a lesson. Learn from it.
To answer the question, no. I wish they would change the skill system and add more meaningful character progression to 80, Not all of us are into endgame.
This is not a constructive thread. The OP has stated in the title of the thread (Title "For 5+ years Arenanet lied to us..." - how can that NOT be considered skewed?). It was not going to be a constructive thread at all. It is just another 'hater' thread.
I believe A.Net was going to do exactly what they said but, monetary realities set in. Am I dissappointed - not really - could the game be better - HELL YEAH. I say the same thing about Rift, TSW (which I like the concept just not the execution). Every game runs into the money realities.
Topic is 15 pages long with lots of constructive posts and some good discussions. Stop labeling everything as 'hater' thread especally the ones which do not confirm with your own opinion. Earlier another gentleman was trying 'shut' people up and told them to stop playing. You know it is lot easier to ignore the topic rather than making troll posts tailor made just to get rise out of the people?
This is an open forum, people are free to discuss what they like as long as no personal attacks are involved. People talk, whine, rant and discuss because they care. The day people stop complaining is the day you should really get worried.
I was goign to report your post for trolling but others already reported it. So i am glad.
Killing dragons is my shit
its not +8% stat
its +5 stat
if you add this to your base stats from character window its very small difference
in full ascended gear with armor and weapons when they realese them you are only ~2% stronger than guy with exotics
I don't think Anet lied. I think millions of people lied to themselves.
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