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As of writing this, the game is 24 hours away from launch... and the website is still only displaying a countdown timer.
I have already uninstalled the Beta Client, as per their suggestions on the forums before the site was put into countdown mode.
It would be nice if they provided a Client Download link within the next 12 hours or so to allow people to Preload the game and get the bulk of the data, although I wouldn't be surprised if they don't seeing how badly they handled patching during Beta (2-3gb patches every few days).
PS: Excuse me if I sound somewhat Jaded, but I am one of the people who is still sitting in the "This game is not ready for launch." camp.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
They've already stated you will not be able to preload. it will be available the day of launch.
"If you're going to act like a noob, I'll treat you like one." -Caskio
Adventurers wear fancy pants!!!
That's just asking for Launch Day hicups, especially if they have only been working on the release build for 4 days since Beta closed, Something feels awefully rushed about all of this...
Colour me Gloomy, but I foresee many login & patching issues for this title in the next 2 days...
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
i sure hope that client isnt large then or they have one hell of a bandwith provider... launch day is always bad for download/patching servers hense why games provide a day/ few hours pre launch for people to download and patch up... O-o
~cant wait for people to be flipping the bird about the download process~ lol
game looks interesting but idk
and that's why you dont install betas :P
i haven't been in a single beta yet where i couldnt continue to use the client in retail (after some patching of corz).
devs always state to deinstall the beta, this way more people run with "a clean install" and probs are much much less
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
I thought a read a post saying they'll have the client available prior to launch. This is why I uninstalled my beta client.
They randomly change their minds? How asinine.