Fully supporting STAR CITIZEN by the Legendary Grandmaster of the Space Game Genre, Chris Roberts.For Captain Eisen's memory.....For Squadron 42...For the Space Genre....For the PC....I pledge! Star Citizen TOG Star Citizen-Join Us
At 5,5 million pledges, we would have got a 70 system persistent universe, that matches the size of Privateer...
Now at over 6 million, we will get 100 systems, that is waaaaaaay over the size of Privateer....so yes, this will be a robust game:)
Fully supporting STAR CITIZEN by the Legendary Grandmaster of the Space Game Genre, Chris Roberts.For Captain Eisen's memory.....For Squadron 42...For the Space Genre....For the PC....I pledge! Star Citizen TOG Star Citizen-Join Us
I really hope they don't hold back on using real space physics. It would be nice to be able to pull a 180 while maintaining the same forward momentum while in a dog file to gun down the pursuer.
Fully supporting STAR CITIZEN by the Legendary Grandmaster of the Space Game Genre, Chris Roberts.For Captain Eisen's memory.....For Squadron 42...For the Space Genre....For the PC....I pledge!
Star Citizen
TOG Star Citizen-Join Us
Yeap. I more or less always had with any Chris Robert game.. but it is worth it. Cant wait.
Really interested to know how large they are making their space. Will it feel on the scale of Eve ? I hope so.
There was alot of asteroids and objects in that area making it feel a bit enclosed.
Dont get me wrong ,it looked great. I just hope when I play I feel lost in space.
Playing Privateer now if possible would get you a measure.
Check this first http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/
At 5,5 million pledges, we would have got a 70 system persistent universe, that matches the size of Privateer...
Now at over 6 million, we will get 100 systems, that is waaaaaaay over the size of Privateer....so yes, this will be a robust game:)
Fully supporting STAR CITIZEN by the Legendary Grandmaster of the Space Game Genre, Chris Roberts.For Captain Eisen's memory.....For Squadron 42...For the Space Genre....For the PC....I pledge!
Star Citizen
TOG Star Citizen-Join Us