lol bulldogg, I forgot you were torma..thought you were just someone I added from a game. Maybe that's why I left ? Next time I'll stay because I know who you
I'm on sometimes in the afternoon, most times at night. Lan party nights I'm on from 9pm to 11am. I'm sure we'll catch another game soon
Gamer Tag- Torma
Favorite- Big Team used to be 17 until i stopped playing for 2 weeks got back on and i was 10 it peed me off so bad
Favorite Coustom Game- Shotguns+Midship+King of the Hill+ No shield
And on another note Murt are you ever on? Because you still apper offline.You joined a game with me and left after about 2 seconds whats da problem
On Time? On Target? Never Quit?
Gamertag: Serien
Clan: BOCB
lol bulldogg, I forgot you were torma..thought you were just someone I added from a game. Maybe that's why I left ? Next time I'll stay because I know who you
I'm on sometimes in the afternoon, most times at night. Lan party nights I'm on from 9pm to 11am. I'm sure we'll catch another game soon
Gamertag: Jb1216
I come on once a month or so.
had nothing else i could think of at the time
Gamertag: Chopes
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Gamertag: Sidebuster