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Wizardry Online is not a game for carebears, at least that's how it's being billed. Given its permadeath nature, it's a aimed squarely at hardcore folks. We had a chance for a guided tour of Wizardry Online and have lots to share. See what you think before leaving your comments.
This week I had the pleasure to be invited to participate in a developer-led tour of the upcoming MMO Wizardry Online. To be completely honest, the extent that this game has been on my radar has been something along the lines of “Didn’t I used to play single player RPGs with that name? They’re making an MMO out of it? That could be interesting, I’ll have to look into it one of these days…” And of course I never got around to looking into it and knew absolutely nothing about it when I got the invite. In a way though I think that may have worked out for the best as I went in with no misconceptions or expectations and had an open mind about what I would be shown. I have to admit I was pretty intrigued by the idea of permadeath and other things I had caught hint of. But anyway, I’ll get to that later…
Read more of Richard Cox's Wizardry Online: Touring the Beta.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
I have played it yes and I found it a horrible experience. It was like travelling back in time 10 years but not in a good way.
The game looks pretty ugly in all aspects, the character models are especially bad, the quest text and storys that are told to you are beyond bland.
The comabt feels stiff and unresponsive.
When I read about this game I thought it would be good but reading and playing were two very different things.
I also stepped foot into this beta and then walked away. I know it's early beta but it really looks and feels like a 10 year old game. And the griefers were out in force.
Not my cup of tea.
In theory everything seems great with the game. But in it's current state they have some serious polish and clunkiness to work on. I'm guessing they are going for the old school look with the graphics as they are pretty horrible at this point. While graphics are a small part of the game, they definitely don't make it very enjoyable to look at.
I still have high hopes for the game after they've done some more work.
Second that, but idea is great tho.
SOE in their original true form. Punishing their own playerbase...
No thanks, had enough of that with EQ1 to last a lifetime.
Or with pen and paper rpg's. But there's 2 huge differences, and that's why I will stay away from WO (although I liked Wizardry back in the days)
- just as Richard wrote, I'm not in college anymore. I have limited gametime, and I definitely would be pissed if I'd lose my invested time because of 2 rolls. Even in a real rpg at the table, by a angry GM whose snack I previously munched but here's the second one, and this is worse
- it's an online pc game. Meaning lag spikes, dc outages, system freezes, anything can happen. For example only one of my alts in LotRO doesn't have the Undying title, and she lost it because of a router hangup during a fight. (and I didn't want to reroll, I hate deleting my characters... and yep, I switched that f**kin router afterwards) Since you get only a limited time to bargain with the gods after you died (to raise the % of success), if you die from a freeze or a loss of connection, that means 2 rolls against pretty low %. Rather not, thanks
So nope, no permadeath for me in a decent rpg. In an effortless game (namely shooters) it's ok, or in lame mods like DayZ, but not in an rpg. At least for me, but I wish them the best, probably there are enough players to make WO profitable.
You do know they are just the publisher right?
You do realise people actually like to be punished for bad decisions in games? No?
Everything you said. It got to the point..where you have to sit through endless narrative with no respite. It would make even SWTOR haters applaud the "innovation" of the spacebar skip-scene function. The ridiculous out of place music at every turn...sounded like something from an old rpg ..droning on and on never really changing. Everyplace has the sounds of a fairy forest orchestra in this game. I barely experienced the combat but by the time it came around..i was not interested. I'm usually proud to test betas and help out ..overlook expected bugs and report them. Never treating beta as "Yippee free game-time time" .Surprisingly , I just couldn't stomach even beta-testing this game.
It is bad, but not because of perma-death.
It is closed corpg dungeon crawler with graphic and animations from 10 years ago not mmorog. Brrrr.
I played it and it was... dreadful. Really, really dreadful. No other word comes to mind, really.^^
The graphics and animations look and feel as if they were taken from an asian console game from around 1985. The tutorial was so unbelievable braindead that I wonder if it has done any lasting damage (yes, feel free to assure me of that^^ ).
All in all: it read like a great game with permadeath and all that. In reality it turned out to be something I will remember for its crappiness.
Ah, the joys of perma death... Coupled with PvP. This is going to be a gankers/griefers paradise. This "criminal" system has been tried endlessly. Some how, it never keeps the Goonie types from having their jollies at everyone elses expense.
Couple that with no health regen, non instanced dungeons (high levels ganking lower levels endlessly), and one has a game fit for the mid to late 90's... Thanks for the heads up. This one goes on my list as don't even bother with it.
There is no accounting for some peoples taste... ^^ Perma death and ganking in this day and age, mean the game will automatically niche itself. There is a rather narrow demographic for this type of game, in the modern western markets.