Originally posted by Quizzical What I don't understand is why people settle for world PVP trash in which winning is determined almost entirely by level, gear, and how many people your side has in the area, with very little impact from what you actually do in combat.
Well first of all, I can enter an "even" battleground in themepark X and there's a guy who has two times better gear than I do and two shot me in a second or two.
Spontaneous and "living" PvP is a lot more fun in my opinion vs. instanced PvP. Ages old example is the SS vs. Tarren Mill in WoW. Small Alliance group starts ganking horde outside Tarren Mill, the horde players calls for help. Then they push to SS and pay back. Both sides grows and the combat moves back and forth and evolves, smaller groups detach from the big zerg and begins to attack nearby other locations.
I play MMORPGS because I love the huge open worlds where things happen at random locations often, and it's not always fair or pretty. Now that we have two tons of MOBAS out there I'd be glad with a MMORPG that has no instanced PvP at all and more involving open world PvP, but I understand why the instanced PvP "must" be there if you want mass appeal for your game. It's just sad that most devs seem to bet everything on it and forget about the open world PvP completely.
I started playing WoW back in the day because a lot of stuff happened in the open world including PvP, it's the core of the MMORPGS and what sets them apart from lobby games. I wouldnt touch WoW with a ten feet long pole today since NOTHING happens in the open world anymore. I wonder why you cant just sit in the launcher and join instances, PvP, and raids from the launcher, why require people to go idle in the cities at all just to end up in a group with people from other servers.
I'm just saying that I dont think it's so simple as "is it fair or not?" when talking about MMORPGS and what these games are about, or what these games were about.
Planetside 2 is not a MMORPG, but it does have huge open world endless PvP and I love it. I run into uneven, spontaneous situations all around the maps constantly and it's damn well fun. I hope one day similar game is made where there is other activities besides PvP too, resource gathering and stuff.
"Harrassement happens quite a bit", about as much as it does in pve games.
How is harrassment even be possible in a pve game?
I hit "LFD" go into an instanced, and group with 4 other guys. If i don't like any of them, i hit the "quit" button. They can't find me from that point on.
So tell me, how is it possible to harass me at all?
When I played EVE the idea was, if it's a fair fight, you planned it wrong. (Something I have mentioned before)
You wanted an advantage. If they had ten ships then you wanted twenty. It was about surprise, it was about gaining intellegence, it was about having the right kind of ships and yes it was about having more than your opponent.
In instanced pvp your, side has the same amount of people as the other side, your all about the same level, it is about a fair fight. It's about organization, communication and tactics, and in many cases it is about gear (Which is why gamers are against pay to win)
Now this wouldn't encourage me to play EVE, in other OPvP games, this wasnt the case.
Noone claimed it is for everybody, even eve has sectors with different danger level or what is is called, rs has wilderness, lineage 2 had a penalty system (if you let yourself being killed several times, you opponent will get hunted because there is a chance that he drops a piece of his op pk gear when he has too many pk points, together with exp penalties, works wonders, most of the time ).
In general, to poke fun a bit, it is for people who will think "gosh, what should i do to get a ship like this, or maybe i should join a alliance?", not for people that think "This is UNFAIR, I was obviously better than him, even mum says so, but I still LOST, THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN!!!1!!!11".
Sure it is. Just cause it's allowed doesn't make it not griefing.
And yes "legitamite griefing" e.g corpse camping, camping newb spawn area, going after people many mnay levels lower... happens a lot
getting killed isn't an issue. Harrassment is and yes happens quite a bit.
edit - And the options are not simply pvp or pve. There are many options in between such as not killing someone below a certain level, only killing someone within certain levels of you, instanced pvp all are options between the two.
Pking isn't griefing, jesus titty fking christ.
Lopsided camping occurs far more frequently in consensual pvp settings.
"Harrassement happens quite a bit", about as much as it does in pve games.
IMO PKing can very much be griefing.
Lopsided camping IMO occurs at about the same rate in consentual or non consentual pvp games.
Harrassment in a PVE game is easily dealt with through ignore and a gm.
Harrassment in a pvp game is acceptable behaviour.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
Planetside 2 is not a MMORPG, but it does have huge open world endless PvP and I love it. I run into uneven, spontaneous situations all around the maps constantly and it's damn well fun. I hope one day similar game is made where there is other activities besides PvP too, resource gathering and stuff.
I think PS2 is good precisely because it focuses on nothing but PvP combat. I doubt it would be as good if it has resource gathering and stuff. I think purposely the devs don't put in every system conceivable.
If you want to gather resources, you can always go play Tales in the Dessert, or a thousand other games that have it.
When I played EVE the idea was, if it's a fair fight, you planned it wrong. (Something I have mentioned before)
You wanted an advantage. If they had ten ships then you wanted twenty. It was about surprise, it was about gaining intellegence, it was about having the right kind of ships and yes it was about having more than your opponent.
In instanced pvp your, side has the same amount of people as the other side, your all about the same level, it is about a fair fight. It's about organization, communication and tactics, and in many cases it is about gear (Which is why gamers are against pay to win)
Now this wouldn't encourage me to play EVE, in other OPvP games, this wasnt the case.
Noone claimed it is for everybody.
I know..........
Looking at: The Repopulation Preordering: None Playing: Random Games
Most of the problems come from the mind set in OPvP games of "This game has PvP so I MUST kill everyone" where I think most people see it as "If I have a reason to kill someone I will, but a level 1 noob isn;t worth engaging with because ther is no skill involved in winning". For me personally the reason I participate in more structured PvP is simply because I PvP as a contest of skill and if there is such an imbalance, either way, then I don't find it interesting. A tough fight where 2 equal sides meet and the winner is because they are better PvP'ers is more interesting to me then a game where a level 80 attacks my as a level 1, I have no chance and usually just let them kill me and get on with things. A personal opinion but I don't get the mentality some people have who like to kill noobs "Because it is PvP". IMO killing a noob ISN'T PvP, that is why I usually don't play such games unless it has been designed well....and not many games are.
Originally posted by mmoDAD When did players start to accept the fact that it's okay for PvP to be completely instanced?EverQuest II's 2006 Nagafen Server was a World PvP Server. It worked.SWG's PvP was World PvP. It worked. Ever since WoW, PvP has become pure trash. And to make matters worse, "World PvP" has become such a loose term that anything that isn't completely structured is considered World PvP, e.g., SWTOR's Ilum - a dedicated area for PvP. This isn't World PvP. It's trash. Servers should go like this:Server #1 PvE (Optional Battlegrounds)Server #2 PvP (World PvP) I'll tell you why people waste time in these redundant battlegrounds. It's because they are so helpless and consumed with the damn carrot dangling in front of their faces. You want that little piece of reward that everyone will eventually have. It's boring. It's an embarrassment to the genre.I don't want to see anyone fail. However, it would be a lie to not say I enjoy watching these Instanced PvP games turn into failed FTP games.
Unless cheating is something of the past im all for open pvp with full loot only no savezones at all.
Darkfall failed mainly becouse of CHEATING.
World pvp was even trash in wow in early days you losing nothing when dying thats for BIG C...
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77 CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now)) MEMORY:Corsair PLAT.DDR3 1866MHZ 16GB PSU:Corsair AX1200i OS:Windows 10 64bit
Originally posted by Maelwydd Most of the problems come from the mind set in OPvP games of "This game has PvP so I MUST kill everyone" where I think most people see it as "If I have a reason to kill someone I will, but a level 1 noob isn;t worth engaging with because ther is no skill involved in winning". For me personally the reason I participate in more structured PvP is simply because I PvP as a contest of skill and if there is such an imbalance, either way, then I don't find it interesting. A tough fight where 2 equal sides meet and the winner is because they are better PvP'ers is more interesting to me then a game where a level 80 attacks my as a level 1, I have no chance and usually just let them kill me and get on with things. A personal opinion but I don't get the mentality some people have who like to kill noobs "Because it is PvP". IMO killing a noob ISN'T PvP, that is why I usually don't play such games unless it has been designed well....and not many games are.
Should read:
Most of the problems come from the mind set in OPvP games of "This game has PvP so I am gonna kill everyone because I can....Muwahahahaha!! " where I think possibly, maybe a few people, not really sure, maybe none at all, see it as "If I have a reason to kill someone I will. "
I mean lets be real here....
FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!
Originally posted by Maelwydd Most of the problems come from the mind set in OPvP games of "This game has PvP so I MUST kill everyone" where I think most people see it as "If I have a reason to kill someone I will, but a level 1 noob isn;t worth engaging with because ther is no skill involved in winning". For me personally the reason I participate in more structured PvP is simply because I PvP as a contest of skill and if there is such an imbalance, either way, then I don't find it interesting. A tough fight where 2 equal sides meet and the winner is because they are better PvP'ers is more interesting to me then a game where a level 80 attacks my as a level 1, I have no chance and usually just let them kill me and get on with things. A personal opinion but I don't get the mentality some people have who like to kill noobs "Because it is PvP". IMO killing a noob ISN'T PvP, that is why I usually don't play such games unless it has been designed well....and not many games are.
Should read:
Most of the problems come from the mind set in OPvP games of "This game has PvP so I am gonna kill everyone because I can....Muwahahahaha!! " where I think possibly, maybe a few people, not really sure, maybe none at all, see it as "If I have a reason to kill someone I will. "
I mean lets be real here....
It might even be something as simple as 98% of the population will only kill someone if they have a good reason, and 2% will kill everything. But that 2% will do it 90% of the time and to lower level players.
Therefore while most don't do it, it still happens frequently.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
It might even be something as simple as 98% of the population will only kill someone if they have a good reason, and 2% will kill everything. But that 2% will do it 90% of the time and to lower level players.
Therefore while most don't do it, it still happens frequently.
How to deal with this 2% population
- /write /PvP channel "Guys heres some Tippali from xxMegakillersxx guild trying to gank me
- unnamed PvPr -cool omw!
There is many many ways,and killing them gives extra pleasure,better honor than wow honor points,maybe find new friends this way etc. they are essential part of PvP.
Planetside 2 is not a MMORPG, but it does have huge open world endless PvP and I love it. I run into uneven, spontaneous situations all around the maps constantly and it's damn well fun. I hope one day similar game is made where there is other activities besides PvP too, resource gathering and stuff.
I think PS2 is good precisely because it focuses on nothing but PvP combat. I doubt it would be as good if it has resource gathering and stuff. I think purposely the devs don't put in every system conceivable.
If you want to gather resources, you can always go play Tales in the Dessert, or a thousand other games that have it.
It does not work that way. People dont just jump into whatever random game with different gameplay mechanics to get to play some certain feature. If it worked like that people wouldnt whine about games since pretty much every feature that people whine for not being present in their game is available in some other game. I dont go play EVE because I want a rich space experience in SWTOR.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
Originally posted by ForumPvP Originally posted by VengeSunsoaIt might even be something as simple as 98% of the population will only kill someone if they have a good reason, and 2% will kill everything. But that 2% will do it 90% of the time and to lower level players.Therefore while most don't do it, it still happens frequently.
How to deal with this 2% population
- /write /PvP channel "Guys heres some Tippali from xxMegakillersxx guild trying to gank me
- unnamed PvPr -cool omw!
There is many many ways,and killing them gives extra pleasure,better honor than wow honor points,maybe find new friends this way etc. they are essential part of PvP.
Yeah...that doesn't work. Not going to bother going into any of the reasons why it doesn't work. It just doesn't.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
When did players start to accept the fact that it's okay for PvP to be completely instanced?
EverQuest II's 2006 Nagafen Server was a World PvP Server. It worked.
SWG's PvP was World PvP. It worked.
Ever since WoW, PvP has become pure trash. And to make matters worse, "World PvP" has become such a loose term that anything that isn't completely structured is considered World PvP, e.g., SWTOR's Ilum - a dedicated area for PvP. This isn't World PvP. It's trash.
I'll tell you why people waste time in these redundant battlegrounds. It's because they are so helpless and consumed with the damn carrot dangling in front of their faces. You want that little piece of reward that everyone will eventually have. It's boring. It's an embarrassment to the genre.
I don't want to see anyone fail. However, it would be a lie to not say I enjoy watching these Instanced PvP games turn into failed FTP games.
I use to be confused about this as well, then someone made a post in the Tera forums that was just so true. The post said, "why are the pvers posting in my pvp threads?" you see...your pvpers, are that...straight pvpers that may or may not mind pve, but you rarely see a hardcore pvpers posting in the pve sections of threads. Now your pvers...they want pve...and this slight little bit of pvp. so instead of posting in their pve sections about mutually agreed upon pvp, they go to the pvp forums and post about all their concerns and desires, etc. And they are a vocal community, where as the masses of your hardcore pvpers never hit forums other than to troll. So, the pvers get their way and these games tend to get run be care bear pvers...thats how you get poop instanced pvp.
but you rarely see a hardcore pvpers posting in the pve sections of threads
Sorry but this made me laugh. EVERY game I have followed for the last 10 years or more has always started with people happily chatting about the game...then the PvP'ers turn up DEMANDING OWPvP, calling anyone who points out the game doesn't have and isn't designed for OWPvP a 'carebear' or worse. The the game has PvP added, the PvE becomes unbalanced because of the constant whining by the PvP crowd.
The problem with the PvE sections of most if not all PvE game forums are the whiney hardcore PvP'ers complaining that this game doesn't have PvP....
I'm not disputing that griefing doesn't happen as often as it's talked about. It could be true that griefing doesn't happen 99% of the time in PvP games. This doesn't matter.
What I'm saying is this:
Only one player involved in an event has to perceive that event as "griefing". The definition doesn't matter...only the perception matters. They are going to describe the event as griefing.
A player doesn't actually have to experience getting griefed in order to avoid a game where they think it might happen. It doesn't matter how they define griefing.
Griefing doesn't have to be perceived as happening to many people to have an adverse impact on the perception of OWPvP games or servers.
Griefing as a reason to not engage in OWPvP games is a legitimate reason.
It's all about perception.
There is a difference between "I don't want to try it because I think I might get griefed" and "hurr it's 99% griefing and everyone is a sociopath".
On the one hand we have someone put off based on perception of a system, on the other we have someone talking shit.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
but you rarely see a hardcore pvpers posting in the pve sections of threads
Sorry but this made me laugh. EVERY game I have followed for the last 10 years or more has always started with people happily chatting about the game...then the PvP'ers turn up DEMANDING OWPvP, calling anyone who points out the game doesn't have and isn't designed for OWPvP a 'carebear' or worse. The the game has PvP added, the PvE becomes unbalanced because of the constant whining by the PvP crowd.
The problem with the PvE sections of most if not all PvE game forums are the whiney hardcore PvP'ers complaining that this game doesn't have PvP....
Yeah, PvP'ers are a quiet bunch in PvE games....
Hyperbole aside, I've observed similar things . . . people turning up on forums for PvE centric games or games with segregated PvE / PvP, and demanding open world PvP or PvP servers, predicting the game's failure if it doesn't get it, &c., &c. -- I half suspect that recent threads suggesting PvE servers in Darkfall &c. were counter-trolling by folks annoyed by this behaviour.
"Harrassement happens quite a bit", about as much as it does in pve games.
How is harrassment even be possible in a pve game?
I hit "LFD" go into an instanced, and group with 4 other guys. If i don't like any of them, i hit the "quit" button. They can't find me from that point on.
So tell me, how is it possible to harass me at all?
Now I know this may come as something of a shock to you, but some people do actually treat mmos as a bit more than a lobby game for dungeons.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
Originally posted by VengeSunsoaIt might even be something as simple as 98% of the population will only kill someone if they have a good reason, and 2% will kill everything. But that 2% will do it 90% of the time and to lower level players.Therefore while most don't do it, it still happens frequently.
How to deal with this 2% population
- /write /PvP channel "Guys heres some Tippali from xxMegakillersxx guild trying to gank me
- unnamed PvPr -cool omw!
There is many many ways,and killing them gives extra pleasure,better honor than wow honor points,maybe find new friends this way etc. they are essential part of PvP.
Yeah...that doesn't work. Not going to bother going into any of the reasons why it doesn't work. It just doesn't.
Well I do know what killed world PvP,but there is still games where it works just fine.
Nowadays its -/ write /shop channel "Guys heres some unknown from unknown guild from unknown server trying to gank me
How is harrassment even be possible in a pve game?
I hit "LFD" go into an instanced, and group with 4 other guys. If i don't like any of them, i hit the "quit" button. They can't find me from that point on.
So tell me, how is it possible to harass me at all?
Now I know this may come as something of a shock to you, but some people do actually treat mmos as a bit more than a lobby game for dungeons.
Shock and awe it will be!
Anytime I hear the words lobby and MMO together I want to spit on my monitor. Oxymoron doesn't even begin to describe how shameful and foolish this type of thinking really is. We have enough lobby style genres, this one doesn't need something that poisons it's very foundation. Shame!
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
It might even be something as simple as 98% of the population will only kill someone if they have a good reason, and 2% will kill everything. But that 2% will do it 90% of the time and to lower level players.
Therefore while most don't do it, it still happens frequently.
Which open world pvp game have you been frequently/repeatedly griefed in?
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
It might even be something as simple as 98% of the population will only kill someone if they have a good reason, and 2% will kill everything. But that 2% will do it 90% of the time and to lower level players.
Therefore while most don't do it, it still happens frequently.
Which open world pvp game have you been frequently/repeatedly griefed in?
All the Open world PvP games I've tried, not a lot, just a few: Everquest, Darkfall, L2. I never played any of them long, or in EQ's case went to a different server. Only flagged a couple times in SWG so I can't count that.
So far OwPvP is not what I'm looking for.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
I'm not disputing that griefing doesn't happen as often as it's talked about. It could be true that griefing doesn't happen 99% of the time in PvP games. This doesn't matter. What I'm saying is this: Only one player involved in an event has to perceive that event as "griefing". The definition doesn't matter...only the perception matters. They are going to describe the event as griefing. A player doesn't actually have to experience getting griefed in order to avoid a game where they think it might happen. It doesn't matter how they define griefing. Griefing doesn't have to be perceived as happening to many people to have an adverse impact on the perception of OWPvP games or servers. Griefing as a reason to not engage in OWPvP games is a legitimate reason. It's all about perception.
There is a difference between "I don't want to try it because I think I might get griefed" and "hurr it's 99% griefing and everyone is a sociopath".
On the one hand we have someone put off based on perception of a system, on the other we have someone talking shit.
That's just it. They aren't talking sh!t, they are relating their perception of events. People who share their point of view will share that particular perception.
My take on it is this: Games are not necessarily advertised as being as ruthless as they actually are. Players look at what is advertised for a game, and think that rolling a toon on a PvP server will be exciting, with all kinds of honorable combat. Then their level 1 toon gets repeatedly killed by players who are all many levels higher than they are. All of the toons that are their level run away and hide. The same thing can happen with OWPvP games. They aren't really that up front about what kind of experience a new player is going to have. Sure, they say, "It's PvP!" What they don't say is you have to hide in a hole for a few weeks, or join a guild of people willing to protect you or you're going to be repeatedly trying to recover your stuff or your body. Players are being griefed, but they're being griefed by the games and the game mechanics. The players killing them are just the weapons used to do it.
It doesn't help that the OWPvP or PvP server players are overall not very considerate of the new player experience. It's not surprising since they went through the same experience, and either enjoyed it or used it as a reason to keep playing.
Sometimes I think people should take a personality profile to see if they should be playing on PvP servers or not. If getting killed by other players doesn't matter to you, or if killing other players sounds like a lot of fun, even if you have to get killed by other players a lot first, then you should play on a PvP server. If it doesn't sound like fun, or if you'd like to kill other players, but on equal footing, then PvE server with optional PvP it is.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Which open world pvp game have you been frequently/repeatedly griefed in?
All the Open world PvP games I've tried, not a lot, just a few: Everquest, Darkfall, L2. I never played any of them long, or in EQ's case went to a different server. Only flagged a couple times in SWG so I can't count that.
So far OwPvP is not what I'm looking for.
Sounds like you have very limited experience with these types of games. If I had to guess, you very well could have just had plain ol' bad luck. I remember some of the friends I played with in DF who rolled characters in Human and Alfar lands complained a bit about being griefed on more than a few occasions. This was not an issue, however, as time went on and they spread their wings and began to move away from the starter areas. My early experiences as a Mahirim were quite different from their's. I kept getting clan invites, offers to help me out with mounts and difficult mobs, and gifts in the form of ready bags and half decent random equipment etc.
Who knows, maybe you simply needed a better start in the games you sampled.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Well first of all, I can enter an "even" battleground in themepark X and there's a guy who has two times better gear than I do and two shot me in a second or two.
Spontaneous and "living" PvP is a lot more fun in my opinion vs. instanced PvP. Ages old example is the SS vs. Tarren Mill in WoW. Small Alliance group starts ganking horde outside Tarren Mill, the horde players calls for help. Then they push to SS and pay back. Both sides grows and the combat moves back and forth and evolves, smaller groups detach from the big zerg and begins to attack nearby other locations.
I play MMORPGS because I love the huge open worlds where things happen at random locations often, and it's not always fair or pretty. Now that we have two tons of MOBAS out there I'd be glad with a MMORPG that has no instanced PvP at all and more involving open world PvP, but I understand why the instanced PvP "must" be there if you want mass appeal for your game. It's just sad that most devs seem to bet everything on it and forget about the open world PvP completely.
I started playing WoW back in the day because a lot of stuff happened in the open world including PvP, it's the core of the MMORPGS and what sets them apart from lobby games. I wouldnt touch WoW with a ten feet long pole today since NOTHING happens in the open world anymore. I wonder why you cant just sit in the launcher and join instances, PvP, and raids from the launcher, why require people to go idle in the cities at all just to end up in a group with people from other servers.
I'm just saying that I dont think it's so simple as "is it fair or not?" when talking about MMORPGS and what these games are about, or what these games were about.
Planetside 2 is not a MMORPG, but it does have huge open world endless PvP and I love it. I run into uneven, spontaneous situations all around the maps constantly and it's damn well fun. I hope one day similar game is made where there is other activities besides PvP too, resource gathering and stuff.
How is harrassment even be possible in a pve game?
I hit "LFD" go into an instanced, and group with 4 other guys. If i don't like any of them, i hit the "quit" button. They can't find me from that point on.
So tell me, how is it possible to harass me at all?
Noone claimed it is for everybody, even eve has sectors with different danger level or what is is called, rs has wilderness, lineage 2 had a penalty system (if you let yourself being killed several times, you opponent will get hunted because there is a chance that he drops a piece of his op pk gear when he has too many pk points, together with exp penalties, works wonders, most of the time ).
In general, to poke fun a bit, it is for people who will think "gosh, what should i do to get a ship like this, or maybe i should join a alliance?", not for people that think "This is UNFAIR, I was obviously better than him, even mum says so, but I still LOST, THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN!!!1!!!11".
Flame on!
IMO PKing can very much be griefing.
Lopsided camping IMO occurs at about the same rate in consentual or non consentual pvp games.
Harrassment in a PVE game is easily dealt with through ignore and a gm.
Harrassment in a pvp game is acceptable behaviour.
I think PS2 is good precisely because it focuses on nothing but PvP combat. I doubt it would be as good if it has resource gathering and stuff. I think purposely the devs don't put in every system conceivable.
If you want to gather resources, you can always go play Tales in the Dessert, or a thousand other games that have it.
I know..........
Looking at: The Repopulation
Preordering: None
Playing: Random Games
Unless cheating is something of the past im all for open pvp with full loot only no savezones at all.
Darkfall failed mainly becouse of CHEATING.
World pvp was even trash in wow in early days you losing nothing when dying thats for BIG C...
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
Should read:
Most of the problems come from the mind set in OPvP games of "This game has PvP so I am gonna kill everyone because I can....Muwahahahaha!! " where I think possibly, maybe a few people, not really sure, maybe none at all, see it as "If I have a reason to kill someone I will. "
I mean lets be real here....
FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!
It might even be something as simple as 98% of the population will only kill someone if they have a good reason, and 2% will kill everything. But that 2% will do it 90% of the time and to lower level players.
Therefore while most don't do it, it still happens frequently.
How to deal with this 2% population
- /write /PvP channel "Guys heres some Tippali from xxMegakillersxx guild trying to gank me
- unnamed PvPr -cool omw!
There is many many ways,and killing them gives extra pleasure,better honor than wow honor points,maybe find new friends this way etc. they are essential part of PvP.
Let's internet
It does not work that way. People dont just jump into whatever random game with different gameplay mechanics to get to play some certain feature. If it worked like that people wouldnt whine about games since pretty much every feature that people whine for not being present in their game is available in some other game. I dont go play EVE because I want a rich space experience in SWTOR.
Edit: Actually it seems like the resource gathering is coming to PS2, I was browsing the PS2 forums and stumbled upon a thread with a link to http://www.vg247.com/2012/11/30/planetside-2-soe-details-its-3-year-plan-wants-to-run-until-2025-if-possible/
Common sense is not allowed.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
- /write /PvP channel "Guys heres some Tippali from xxMegakillersxx guild trying to gank me
- unnamed PvPr -cool omw!
There is many many ways,and killing them gives extra pleasure,better honor than wow honor points,maybe find new friends this way etc. they are essential part of PvP.
Yeah...that doesn't work. Not going to bother going into any of the reasons why it doesn't work. It just doesn't.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I use to be confused about this as well, then someone made a post in the Tera forums that was just so true. The post said, "why are the pvers posting in my pvp threads?" you see...your pvpers, are that...straight pvpers that may or may not mind pve, but you rarely see a hardcore pvpers posting in the pve sections of threads. Now your pvers...they want pve...and this slight little bit of pvp. so instead of posting in their pve sections about mutually agreed upon pvp, they go to the pvp forums and post about all their concerns and desires, etc. And they are a vocal community, where as the masses of your hardcore pvpers never hit forums other than to troll. So, the pvers get their way and these games tend to get run be care bear pvers...thats how you get poop instanced pvp.
Sorry but this made me laugh. EVERY game I have followed for the last 10 years or more has always started with people happily chatting about the game...then the PvP'ers turn up DEMANDING OWPvP, calling anyone who points out the game doesn't have and isn't designed for OWPvP a 'carebear' or worse. The the game has PvP added, the PvE becomes unbalanced because of the constant whining by the PvP crowd.
The problem with the PvE sections of most if not all PvE game forums are the whiney hardcore PvP'ers complaining that this game doesn't have PvP....
Yeah, PvP'ers are a quiet bunch in PvE games....
There is a difference between "I don't want to try it because I think I might get griefed" and "hurr it's 99% griefing and everyone is a sociopath".
On the one hand we have someone put off based on perception of a system, on the other we have someone talking shit.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
Hyperbole aside, I've observed similar things . . . people turning up on forums for PvE centric games or games with segregated PvE / PvP, and demanding open world PvP or PvP servers, predicting the game's failure if it doesn't get it, &c., &c. -- I half suspect that recent threads suggesting PvE servers in Darkfall &c. were counter-trolling by folks annoyed by this behaviour.
Now I know this may come as something of a shock to you, but some people do actually treat mmos as a bit more than a lobby game for dungeons.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
Well I do know what killed world PvP,but there is still games where it works just fine.
Nowadays its -/ write /shop channel "Guys heres some unknown from unknown guild from unknown server trying to gank me
-guyyyys,wru ??,where is everybody ?
-unnamed PvPr -soz WSG,wts arena boost.
Let's internet
Shock and awe it will be!
Anytime I hear the words lobby and MMO together I want to spit on my monitor. Oxymoron doesn't even begin to describe how shameful and foolish this type of thinking really is. We have enough lobby style genres, this one doesn't need something that poisons it's very foundation. Shame!
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Which open world pvp game have you been frequently/repeatedly griefed in?
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
All the Open world PvP games I've tried, not a lot, just a few: Everquest, Darkfall, L2. I never played any of them long, or in EQ's case went to a different server. Only flagged a couple times in SWG so I can't count that.
So far OwPvP is not what I'm looking for.
That's just it. They aren't talking sh!t, they are relating their perception of events. People who share their point of view will share that particular perception.
My take on it is this: Games are not necessarily advertised as being as ruthless as they actually are. Players look at what is advertised for a game, and think that rolling a toon on a PvP server will be exciting, with all kinds of honorable combat. Then their level 1 toon gets repeatedly killed by players who are all many levels higher than they are. All of the toons that are their level run away and hide. The same thing can happen with OWPvP games. They aren't really that up front about what kind of experience a new player is going to have. Sure, they say, "It's PvP!" What they don't say is you have to hide in a hole for a few weeks, or join a guild of people willing to protect you or you're going to be repeatedly trying to recover your stuff or your body. Players are being griefed, but they're being griefed by the games and the game mechanics. The players killing them are just the weapons used to do it.
It doesn't help that the OWPvP or PvP server players are overall not very considerate of the new player experience. It's not surprising since they went through the same experience, and either enjoyed it or used it as a reason to keep playing.
Sometimes I think people should take a personality profile to see if they should be playing on PvP servers or not. If getting killed by other players doesn't matter to you, or if killing other players sounds like a lot of fun, even if you have to get killed by other players a lot first, then you should play on a PvP server. If it doesn't sound like fun, or if you'd like to kill other players, but on equal footing, then PvE server with optional PvP it is.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Sounds like you have very limited experience with these types of games. If I had to guess, you very well could have just had plain ol' bad luck. I remember some of the friends I played with in DF who rolled characters in Human and Alfar lands complained a bit about being griefed on more than a few occasions. This was not an issue, however, as time went on and they spread their wings and began to move away from the starter areas. My early experiences as a Mahirim were quite different from their's. I kept getting clan invites, offers to help me out with mounts and difficult mobs, and gifts in the form of ready bags and half decent random equipment etc.
Who knows, maybe you simply needed a better start in the games you sampled.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb