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So a lot of people are not enjoying WoW right now with the world full of dailies. Many are wondeirng about what Rift has to offer. I will offer this advice with Rift because about a dozen of my friends have come over and tried it most are staying. I have heard what bugs them about Rift after only 15 or 20 minutes of game play.
First the soul system many of them are lost on. They are so use to WoWs talents new and old that it confuses them. Simple Solution use a cookie cutter builld and do as it tells you to do with your talent points. Dont worry about being different until you learn your class and the different souls.
Second the looks can be odd, it took me 3 to 4 days back in Dec 2004 to get use to WoW's looks coming from SWG and FFXI. I didnt like them at first and needed until level 18 to really get use to it. After several hours of playing over a few days I seen other things that the world had to offer in the way of content and stuck around.
Not saying everyone will love the game however just given advice on being a little open minded about the game. Also try an instance you might like it.
Too bad the gameplay is nearly identical to WoW.
I'd be much sooner to recommend Vanguard if someone was looking for PvE.
How did Rift Steal WoWs property? Do you know the scenarios are nearly identical of Rift’s Chronicles? You know the Chronicles that Rift has come before WoWs scenarios? What else do you feel is stolen? You know what WoW stole just as many ideas from other games, raiding for example from EQ they just went with 20 and 40 man back before any xpac. So to say Rift is a copy of WoW I hate to say it but it’s simple. ALL MMOs copy something from another MMO. To deny it would be lying to one’s self. So you saying that Rift is an exact copy of WoW without really knowing what the difference is, is a true lack of playing the game. I can give you 3 things that Rift has that WoW does not have that are not WoW copies. If you want to complain about Guild Banks, or the interface, or killing quest are copies of WoW basically these things are core MMO things that most MMOs have now a days .
#1 Rift has Zone events that have objectives, each with a Different theme
#2 Rift has other ways of getting Epic/PVE/Raiding gear outside of just instance raiding and Dailies quest, it’s called raid Rifts and Great Hunts. They are open world events
#3 Rift has the Attunement system which allows players to gain more stats and make their character stronger after max level that does not included a gear treadmill.
And thats just three things I can pull in 1 minute. I can throw a few more things out there as well
I hate to say it but what you say is a copy of WoW really is a interface copy of WoW and then Rift went out there and innovated. What did WoW do this expansion to get more people in the world? Countless dailies, this didn’t take a great imagination to come up with it.
Yea WoW came up with Pokemon, Farmville, and Fightclub. Not really end game content, more like a side game for kids to play.
I will agree with DMKano. That is why I left back in May of 2011. I came back a month ago, and with SL I really enjoy Rift.
This, more or less. Rift is the most shameless of all the WoW clones. I'm actually surprised they didn't get slapped with a lawsuit. Such an uninspired game. I wish they had innovated in ANY way. Even their fabled "rift" system is just a dumbed down version of Tabula Rasa's and Asheron's Call
Yea and what is Vanguard? A WoW clone as well. So you people better get it right, ALL MMOS have copied something from all other MMOs. WoW is no different, and is a copy of EQ. /shakes head these people will never learn.
Actually, Vanguard is more of an EQ clone than anything. And it was made by the guy who created EverQuest so, no big surprise there. And on top of that it had a ton of new features and innovations unique to itself.
What you don't seem to understand is the difference between a game that borrows a couple familiar elements, and a game that copies almost all its game elements, and then staples on a few gimmicks to make itself stand out.
If you can describe a game as "WoW with boobs" (AoC) or "WoW in Middle Earth" (LotRO) or "WoW with Rifts" (Rift) then you've probably got a clone. MMOs before WoW were all vastly different from one another in numerous ways. SWG was nothing like DAoC. AC was nothing like EQ. UO as nothing like AO. They may have shared the most basic of RPG mechanics sometimes (only sometimes) but they weren't shameless clones.
Rift on the other hand, has the same quest based leveling, the same graphical style, the same GUI, the same item system, the same dungeon system, the same raiding system, the same death system, the same combat system, and very similar PvP systems. The only real differences are slightly different class systems, and rifts.
The reality is this, Rift DID in fact try to copy MANY aspects of WoW with the specific purpose of luring the WoW Player base. This can easily be seen from beyond the game itself into the advertising they used prior to launch
That ad was specifically designed to allure current WoW subscribers. That wouldn't have had much affect if it wasn't because they weren't offering something similar with a new "shiny" world.
Don't get me wrong, Rift also launched with many aspects dissimilar to WoW such as rifts and the soul system, although both of those were in essence borrowed from other games as well. All MMORPGs borrow from one another just like every other genre but Trion definitely took a step further in their blatant disregard for what most would consider ethical advertising.
All that said the current version of Rift has shown that Trion is no longer the company they were at launch and are actually attempting to offer something different from the standard cut and paste MMORPG clone. They have proven themselves to be a company that listens to customer feedback and make changes/additions that people want (not all of course because you can't please all at the same time). I fully support a developer like Trion today, back at launch however it was nothing short of shameless.
Um, no, no one knows this because it is FALSE. If you want to pump up Rift, by all means go ahead (Ill throw in a plug for EQ2 as the best PvE themepark option for non-hardcore raiders tired of WoW).
But don't blindly bash other games to do it, especially when you are 100% clueless. Yesterday you said that MoP only added dailies, so you probably werent even aware of scenarios until today. And no, they arent 'nearly identical'. Scenarios arent even solo content. And most of them are designed to be different from dungeon gameplay.
And did you know that chronicles werent the first solo instances? Anarchy Online had solo instances a decade ago. EQ2 had em 7.5 years ago (Splitpaw Saga).
Soul system was actually mostly from WoW. Its a 3 talent tree system. Rift just gives you a choice of the three trees. The only real difference is the root abilities but theres no question the idea was based off the WoW talent trees.
People have some rather baffling difficulty between distinguishing genre similarities (EQ and WoW are both level/class based games with raiding) and system similarities (talent trees, buy your spell upgrades from a vendor every 2 levels, gather/click/combine crafting, endgame gearing based on currency grinds, dungeons are linear instances with multiple difficulties and recycled at max level, and so on)
Granted, some of those things are recycled because they work, but others? Grey/white/green/blue/purple/orange gear progression, seriously?
I will Agree with Misguksaram here. Trion Today has been working to go away from WoW with the way their content is in game. They will still continue to use the copy paste of the WoW interface which is no big deal because most people find it easy. People should give Rift a try. The real fun starts after you hit 50 and start getting plannar attument.
Are you really aruging over gear color progression? Do you know why that is copied, its simple because the games want an easy transition of new players into their game. The gear color code has basically come universal amoung games. The same color gear was in SWTOR and LOTRO when I played it. If you want to talk about 2 games that were totally Different look at UO and EQ. I didnt play but a few weeks in EQ because it was not an easy transition for me that and a lack of friends there. UO I enjoyed I knew how to play and didnt want to spent time learning a ton of stuff for a new game.
This is why games Copy WoW because it came up with a simple easy way for people to get into their game. Why were so many people able to go from WOW to SWTOR and know what to do. Simple because the new had basically was a copy and paste of the old with their own change to it.
I don't see how the soul system could confuse anyone. The classes and combat in Rift are the dullest I have ever had the misfortune to experience in a game. Get a bunch of generic skills and shove them in a supermacro. So much fun, not.
Edit: I wouldnt be surprised if this was not so subtle Rift marketing. They have been pretty desperate with their 'please come back and play' emails lately.
Rift is a fantastic game that coulda-shoulda been. Then they dumb down things like talents. My "new" rogue uses 3 buttons for 25+ skills. My "new" Warrior uses 2 macroes (builder.. finisher) for EVERY skill.
Rift is training wheels in the MMO world, the only reason they can keep charging money. So many people are patting themselves on their own back for finishing end game in Rift, when in reality, WoW was too hard so they came to Rift.
"GW2 is the Methadone to WoWs Heroin."
Ehhhh yes you can macro all that but you will lose quite a lot of dps in most cases so top raiders dont do it.
And, did you try some of the top mage rotations ? Those are some of the most complex and crazy like to properly maintain. You have to manage many CD`s dots, bufs etc with diferent cooldowns and manage skills in between gcd or proc skills cd.
Its not easier bt any means to master stuff. I would say its harder. But it might be easier to learn basics now than it was before, espacialy if you use some premade builds.
Talking from a perspective of a mage that is in one of the best Raiding Guilds in Rift (worldwide) Atm trying for the world first crucia kill. Close close
I think a principle easy to learn hard to master is correct. Makes diference in skill (not twich based tho)
PS: What part about wow was hard ? You can play it almost blindfolded. Its all about gear and mathematical stats in wow than actual player skill (apart from corect movement)
(Retired)- Anarchy Online/Ultima Online/DAoC/Horizonsz/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Atlantica Online/Manibogi/Rift+(SL)/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/Champions Online/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/Tabula Rasa/Meridian 59/Vanguard/Shadowbane/Fury/SotW/Dreamlords/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/Warhammer Online/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2/ESO/FF14/Archeage/Gw2
And yet another case of a Rift player upset that someone has said something incorrect about their game does the same thing to a different game.
Hardcore rading in both games take similar skill. You cant pump off Rift's difficulty/need for skill and blast WoW without either being ignorant or dishonest.
Not quite true. This days in wow you dont really have builds or rotations. Everything is so simple to figure out and master. Yeah tactics and movement req same level of skill in both games. but Rift req a lot more practice to master builds or make them. There are A LOT more combinations possible as well, and a lot more builds changing depending on bosses.
What i disliked heavily in MOP was how much they dumbed the game down. I know a lot of ppl will love it, but i like options, i like to customize and twink my character. You cant do that in wow anymore.
(Retired)- Anarchy Online/Ultima Online/DAoC/Horizonsz/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Atlantica Online/Manibogi/Rift+(SL)/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/Champions Online/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/Tabula Rasa/Meridian 59/Vanguard/Shadowbane/Fury/SotW/Dreamlords/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/Warhammer Online/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2/ESO/FF14/Archeage/Gw2
So you have raid heroics in both MoP and Cataclysm? Nevermind, I can judge from your comments you havent.
The main thing is, if you are going to pump up the game you play, it is so much more effective to be able to do so without bashing another game.
you are joking right?wow stole off every mmo that was already out there.if you think blizzard didnt steal then you are deluding yourself.they have not come up with one thing that i can think of that was not in any previous mmo's..if anything blizzard should have been slapped with the law suit.the devs at blizzard aint got a brain cell between them.
group finder (not a positive thing IMO, but certanly innovative)
There is nothing hard about either game. Thats my point - yet people will continue to talk about "difficulty" over and over.
WoW set the standard not for Theme Park, but for technicolor, 3d chat with a side game attached. I have always said the hardest thing in WoW was getting 40 people together. I mean 20. I mean 10.
Then there are those that stand in fire. OR cant figure out the dance. We are not talking about nubs, but skilled, geared, end game raiders that AFK or are stoned/drunk, or do just suck and got carried.
Hell, in Rift we are coming across people that are 60 and "raiding" yet have not done the old world dungeons. ITs easy to get 60 and become a "Raider", yet these same people cant dance/get out of fire to a lvl 50 cheese'ment.
We had a 60 cleric in our group random last night (I was on an alt leveling up) and we died in AB to the boss with iceburg you have to LOS or you die in one shot. He died. Twice. Then berated us on how we suck and he never has to hide. Really? Thats the community in Rift. Better gear = better player, even if they havent seen the fight apparently.
I play Rift daily. We bought (two) of the Year Subs and my wife and I play frequently. We arent in the best guilds, but our raiding guilds are ok (Harmless/Terrible Idea/Blackout), but even in these "end game" guild the amount of anger/angst towards each other is almost... humiliating. What happened to being all wide-eyed and in awe of a game? Now its all hate/troll to be cool.
A gamer... still wide-eyed at where video games are at now a days even if the genre/community is angry
"GW2 is the Methadone to WoWs Heroin."
ok you got me there lol..but an apalling invention.not sure if this is true,perhaps someone could clarify ..but have they just started instanced missions like lotro's skirmishes..if it is true it just says everything about blizz in a nutshell.i maybe wrong and apologise if i am..not trying to knock the game but there is nothing really that good about WOW.
I tried the expansion.
I haven't unsubscribed, but I found it to be much too grindy. The XP curve for levels 50-60 is enormous, and the new quest system is honestly a step down from the base game. When I played the open beta a few weeks ago, I honestly had no idea they changed the questing, so I only did the one or two quests I ran across in towns. I finished half of the main story in the first zone and barely had a fourth of my XP bar filled towards level 51. You have to pick up additional quests in the wilds, and if you miss them too bad.
The carnage quests are also miserable. They're sort of like bonus quests in SW:TOR. You just kill 10-20 of a specific type of mob. The problem is almost every mob in a zone has an attached carnage quest, and you're gonna want to do most of those in order to not fall behind the leveling curve.
I still believe Rift isn't really built for a player like me. It's a solid game, but I find the soul system needlessly complex in an age where most MMOs are streamlining character progression, and the PvE progression has always been boring at best and frustrating at worst.