Hi, my name is Bob, and I'm a bank ninja. I've made nearly a hobby out of it. Find a guild that's a little loose in the first place, big enough to have some assets but thin enough on top to be looking for constructive help, work your way up over a month or two, gain some trust, and then cash in at 5 AM on a Tuesday. No telling how much money I've made. Got a bunch of mules, and even mules on my accomplices' accounts, for the sole purpose of pocket space for guild vault proceeds.
To be fair, though, I don't just rob guilds for the sake of robbing. I choose targets that have fundamental problems, and it started out over very legitimate grievances with leadership of the first couple guilds (first one decided a couple months after I merged a guild of about 60-80 people into it to move all its leadership into a major raiding guild, leaving the low-levels and new members adrift on empty promises--couldn't stop them from looting the guild of members, but I stopped them from looting it of stuff; second one had its leadership change servers). The later ones though--really, there's a sucker born every minute. If you're going to let some stranger have full access to your vault, you deserve to be robbed blind. And if you don't know my home phone number, I'm a stranger.
The absolutely most evil thing, though, would have to be deliberately robbing a corp leader of his entire membership body through a little misdirection and propaganda. After all, it was their choice to mutiny, not mine. Anyway, he quit playing... pity.
Mind controlling enemy players and making them swan dive into the lava. OR....
Playing a female woodelf Ranger in EQ named Piritien Pynk that wore hot pink armor...and having a Bard dude hang on me constantly. He thought I was a girl simply because I was playing a female character and flirted with me. The guy gave me stuff constantly...so I went with it. Was kind of sad...yet funny when I told him I was a guy. OR....
Not necessarily mean...maybe messed up and morbidly funny....running a lvl 1 Human Priest named Peteophile around Stormwind in WoW in his undies chasing after the little NPC children. I was bored after a month...gimme a break.
Killed a rare pet spawn while a hunter was taming it in WoW. I swear it was an accident.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
The meanest thing I have done in an MMORPG would be tricking a newbie in Runescape into following me all the way inside Wilderness, telling him I would give him free items and that we were going to the biggest bank in Runescape to retrieve them. Once we reached level 20 or so Wilderness, I turned around and killed him, taking all his stuff with me.
During Vanilla WoW I used to take my Undead Warlock (Cavadrek) to the crossroads (almost every hour) and summon my Infernal. I would wait for all the low level horde to gather around the awesome sight that was a rarely seen infernal in those days. At the appropriate moment I would release the enslavement and watch most of the low levels die to the first pulse of AOE fire damage the now full-aggro infernal put out. Not the nicest thing to do but most of those who died in this manner had a good sense of humor about it, a few actually enjoyed it. And of course once released the Infernal's target of choice was its former master...A.K.A. me, so karma had a way of balancing out my mischievous ways.
In a game called Knight Online whenever the server reset all rare boss mobs would respawn in one of their few random spots. I logged in on my priest as usual and found 1 warrior and 1 priest taking down one of the hardest hitting bosses in the game, Talos. I stayed at watched for a while as they dragged him somewhere out of sight.
At that time I don't think anybody ever took down Talos with just one healer let alone 1 dps/warrior. They were to be the first.
It was a long ling battle but they were going to kill him.... Well not if I could help it. I popped my swift item, grabbed every single Harpy from the near by area and lures a good 30 something hard hitter right on top of them and then /towned. Sure enough when I returned they were dead waiting for a rez while another group saw Talos walking back to his spawn. To add insult to injury I texed them with the small spell that restores the least ammount of xp. Hehe ima jerk.
Originally posted by Vannor Probably train pulling in EQ on purpose. Face the facts.. without people like me it would have been a less dynamic experience!
Agree! It was more fun to me to avoid such trains successfully than when I died to them. Especially avoiding them in restricted space places.
Back in EQ there were so many ways to do mean things.
Money had weight. You could convert platinum into a ton of copper pieces. Hop on your mount so that it didn't weigh you down, then go give it to a begger. The begger could not move and if they did move, it was very slowly. And if they hit even a slight drop in terrain, they died from falling damage.
You would go get higher level weapons and give them to low level orcs in the noobie area. The orcs would actually equip the weapons. Then watch low level characters get one shotted.
There was a chest piece you could get in later levels that you could use to give to low level players. It really was a decent piece of twink gear but it had something like -50 or someting hitpoints. You give that to an orc. A new character kills and loots the chest piece. If they equipped it, they would die because new characters didnt have that many hit points. The best part was that when you looted your body, it would automatically equip the chest piece back.
I told a guy straight what I thought of him and his player skills which caused him to quit and uninstall the game. But to be honest, my contribution was merely the proverbial "final nail in the coffin".
With no remorse.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been-Wayne Gretzky
Hmm for me its got to be AoC launch, when the catacombs underneath Tortage was a pvp zone. Dark, narrow corridors, perfect for ganking. I was lurking down behind the ladder, out of sight as my Cimmerian Barbarian. I saw a Demonologist climb down and begin running down the corridor, I made quick work of him and that was that. However, he came back a few more times and I can't honestly remember how many times I killed him but by a fluke I fatalitied him, took his head off. That did it. He raged. But I felt guilty, because he was obviously a noob like me.
Besides that there was a time in WoW and I was in Stranglethorn Vale and I saw this couple of allies just questing, so I killed them, and I camped them, and I played a rogue which was even worse. Anyway eventually I get a whisper from a level 1 horde asking me politely please not to kill them anymore, as he just wants to quest with his girlfriend, I died a little inside and agreed that I would cause them no more troubles.
In MapleStory, there was a broken map which caused your client to crash everytime you loaded it, and if you went it in your character would basically be unplayable until Nexon fixed it (It took them about a month). I went to one of the noobie party finding areas, and started dropping a lot of free money on the group for the new players to pick it up, walk a little bit towards the glitched portal, and drop more money. Before long, I had at least 50 level 10-20 characters following me right next to the portal to the broken map. I dropped a large sack of money on the portal, ALT+F4d to make it look like I went in, and watched on my nearby alt as they all went inside to lose their character's playability for a month.
Back in EQ there were so many ways to do mean things.
Money had weight. You could convert platinum into a ton of copper pieces. Hop on your mount so that it didn't weigh you down, then go give it to a begger. The begger could not move and if they did move, it was very slowly. And if they hit even a slight drop in terrain, they died from falling damage.
You would go get higher level weapons and give them to low level orcs in the noobie area. The orcs would actually equip the weapons. Then watch low level characters get one shotted.
There was a chest piece you could get in later levels that you could use to give to low level players. It really was a decent piece of twink gear but it had something like -50 or someting hitpoints. You give that to an orc. A new character kills and loots the chest piece. If they equipped it, they would die because new characters didnt have that many hit points. The best part was that when you looted your body, it would automatically equip the chest piece back.
All that is awesome.
Where did all that fun stuff go? I don't care if it's mean.. rpg's should give you options like. It's more eventful for everyone.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
In UO you could stand next to a bank, have your bank box open, and then steal something from someone next to you, drop it in the bank box before guards kill you, and you'd have said item(s).
I did this once and grabbed a guild hall key from some guy, he was VERY upset lol. I didn't keep it though, I was just having fun. Stealing isn't fun for me but messing around with a sandbox system like that is.
Deleted a character in swg that was the owner of a guildhall Mall whit over two dozen vendors insite after deleting the guildhall (and thus deleting about 20+ vendors and the thousends of items on them)
I am not a very mean guy, I can only think of Random Arenas PvP in GW1... yeah I know its technically not an mmo.
I used to make extremely effective healers or extremely effective tanks or extremely evasive characters that could also teleport away, or extremely effective interrupts (to make the opponents feel completely useless) that prolongated the encounters sometimes a whole team vs me alone, sometimes until the timer reached its limit (that means that nobody wins / gets the points, after a long and difficult fight) by then the players probably hated me and they would rather /resign or logout everytime than endure another match with me in it. Also you could only make significative points for the RA title if you had 25 or 15 (I am not sure) consecutive wins, so it would be a total drag to get to fight one of my characters. XP
Why? because many players were offensive to me and others that were only learning and trying to have some fun and I wanted to make them suffer slow and painful / frustrating battles (the only ones enjoying those long battles were the same noobs that only wanted to have fun and didn't cared so much about the points).
I was considered a griefer in the early days of WoW. I would infiltrate the Orc capital, and destroy all the bankers, or the auction house guys. This was before the guards were so uber and they buffed them up and added stealth detecting npcs. In fact, some of these measures were at least in part due to my exploits on Argent Dawn.
Banker ganker was a nickname I was fond of. I believe for the most part I was hated to an unjustified extreme, though there were a couple instances where I would consider my activities 'mean'.
1. Ganking noobs on a PvP server, Dark Iron.
2. With the banker ganker, keeping auction house npcs dead for almost an hour.
3. Attacking a wyvern keeper (this was back when it was hard to get anywhere at low level without using them) before another player could use it. He was lower level, but sensing a chance to get me while I was fighting the keeper, he attacked and flagged himself. I vanished and then killed him. I then went back and killed the keeper before he could respawn.
4. Taking the guild to a Horde town and just occupying it, killing all npc's for a couple hours straight. I can see how that's mean.
Not all that mean, but in Warhammer I reveled in knocking people into lava to kill them in a PvP arena. It kind of became the only thing I cared about doing lol.
1: My guild in SWG made a ticket requesting help to fix a stuck statue at our city. The CSR (Customer service rep) Came a couple hours later, and the leader city warned him which flagged him for PVP if he didn't leave the city within a short period of time.
He ended up being attackable and we griefed him and danced on his corpse. Needless to say we all got banned, but it was fun.
2: In Planetside, my friends outfit was doing mock gen drops/holds. I was on the opposite faction and CR5. I told my friend that I was on the way to the base they were practicing at. They were about to leave so I had my friend ask them to do another run because he felt they needed more training.
They did this and I showed up in my cloaker, set my Orbital strike right above their galaxy. When they all loaded in I had already pressed the button and it was counting down. As it was going off I ran up to my friends computer and listened to all the members in TS screaming and yelling BAIL BAIL OH GOD BAIL as all but one of them blew up in a glorious fireball.
Haha! That was you?!?
I remember seeing that screenshot so many years ago on the forums.
Playing BH in old time SWG during the Jedi vs BH wars.... one of the wrinkles to the system was, if a Jedi was killed, he either had a recorded death against the total number for permadeath in the early days (but these deaths degraded over time) or in later times, Jedi took a XP penalty hit on deaths, where XP deaths could go into the negative.
Either of those two circumstances, however, could be avoided if the Jedi was able to contact/pay/beg a master doctor to come and rez him/her before the 30 min clone timer expired and the Jedi auto-cloned to the nearest clone faciliy.
Well, I have always been one for treating people how they deserve. So, If I hunted down a Jedi back then, and was fortunate enough to win the fight (original Jedi were VERY powerful in pre-NGE swg) what I did next would depend on how the player behaved.
If the player fought a good fight, showed some skill, and didn't do all the trash talking leet speak, hate tell stuff that is so popular these days, I'd either let them go, or let them get rez'd with no interference or take the equivalent of the bounty fee to do either.
But if they were a hate kiddie, it was something else entirely.
Enter: The Wizard of OZ treatment.
If the Jedi was down, and had been a jerk/sore loser one of the things I did was drop a structure on the corpse of the Jedi waiting for the rez from of doctor. The structure of choice was an old "structures factory" because they had large geometry compared to other factory structures, could be set up on any planet, and only took up one lot.
If the doc could not see the Jedi, and stuck under a factory, the doc couldn't, it was an automatic trip to the cloner and "no Rez for you".
If I got hate tells before that, I got twice as many after.
In closing I won't say I did that many times, and certainly not a majority of times I achived a Jedi kill, but of those times that people did get "the building", each and every one deserved it for being a jerk.
Hi my name is, um..... Bob... yeah, Bob.
Hi, my name is Bob, and I'm a bank ninja. I've made nearly a hobby out of it. Find a guild that's a little loose in the first place, big enough to have some assets but thin enough on top to be looking for constructive help, work your way up over a month or two, gain some trust, and then cash in at 5 AM on a Tuesday. No telling how much money I've made. Got a bunch of mules, and even mules on my accomplices' accounts, for the sole purpose of pocket space for guild vault proceeds.
To be fair, though, I don't just rob guilds for the sake of robbing. I choose targets that have fundamental problems, and it started out over very legitimate grievances with leadership of the first couple guilds (first one decided a couple months after I merged a guild of about 60-80 people into it to move all its leadership into a major raiding guild, leaving the low-levels and new members adrift on empty promises--couldn't stop them from looting the guild of members, but I stopped them from looting it of stuff; second one had its leadership change servers). The later ones though--really, there's a sucker born every minute. If you're going to let some stranger have full access to your vault, you deserve to be robbed blind. And if you don't know my home phone number, I'm a stranger.
The absolutely most evil thing, though, would have to be deliberately robbing a corp leader of his entire membership body through a little misdirection and propaganda. After all, it was their choice to mutiny, not mine. Anyway, he quit playing... pity.
Mind controlling enemy players and making them swan dive into the lava. OR....
Playing a female woodelf Ranger in EQ named Piritien Pynk that wore hot pink armor...and having a Bard dude hang on me constantly. He thought I was a girl simply because I was playing a female character and flirted with me. The guy gave me stuff constantly...so I went with it. Was kind of sad...yet funny when I told him I was a guy. OR....
Not necessarily mean...maybe messed up and morbidly funny....running a lvl 1 Human Priest named Peteophile around Stormwind in WoW in his undies chasing after the little NPC children. I was bored after a month...gimme a break.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
At that time I don't think anybody ever took down Talos with just one healer let alone 1 dps/warrior. They were to be the first.
It was a long ling battle but they were going to kill him.... Well not if I could help it. I popped my swift item, grabbed every single Harpy from the near by area and lures a good 30 something hard hitter right on top of them and then /towned. Sure enough when I returned they were dead waiting for a rez while another group saw Talos walking back to his spawn. To add insult to injury I texed them with the small spell that restores the least ammount of xp. Hehe ima jerk.
It was kinda fun in GW2 to watch someone die, and then take their monster kill.
Then I'd bend down and start rez'ing them. Just when the rez was almost complete, I'd stop it, and wander off leaving them still lying there.
Agree! It was more fun to me to avoid such trains successfully than when I died to them. Especially avoiding them in restricted space places.
Back in EQ there were so many ways to do mean things.
Money had weight. You could convert platinum into a ton of copper pieces. Hop on your mount so that it didn't weigh you down, then go give it to a begger. The begger could not move and if they did move, it was very slowly. And if they hit even a slight drop in terrain, they died from falling damage.
You would go get higher level weapons and give them to low level orcs in the noobie area. The orcs would actually equip the weapons. Then watch low level characters get one shotted.
There was a chest piece you could get in later levels that you could use to give to low level players. It really was a decent piece of twink gear but it had something like -50 or someting hitpoints. You give that to an orc. A new character kills and loots the chest piece. If they equipped it, they would die because new characters didnt have that many hit points. The best part was that when you looted your body, it would automatically equip the chest piece back.
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
Playing: FFXIV, DnL, and World of Warships
Waiting on: Ashes of Creation
I told a guy straight what I thought of him and his player skills which caused him to quit and uninstall the game. But to be honest, my contribution was merely the proverbial "final nail in the coffin".
With no remorse.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
Hmm for me its got to be AoC launch, when the catacombs underneath Tortage was a pvp zone. Dark, narrow corridors, perfect for ganking. I was lurking down behind the ladder, out of sight as my Cimmerian Barbarian. I saw a Demonologist climb down and begin running down the corridor, I made quick work of him and that was that. However, he came back a few more times and I can't honestly remember how many times I killed him but by a fluke I fatalitied him, took his head off. That did it. He raged. But I felt guilty, because he was obviously a noob like me.
Besides that there was a time in WoW and I was in Stranglethorn Vale and I saw this couple of allies just questing, so I killed them, and I camped them, and I played a rogue which was even worse. Anyway eventually I get a whisper from a level 1 horde asking me politely please not to kill them anymore, as he just wants to quest with his girlfriend, I died a little inside and agreed that I would cause them no more troubles.
I feel like a Catholic at confession.
All that is awesome.
Where did all that fun stuff go? I don't care if it's mean.. rpg's should give you options like. It's more eventful for everyone.
Nicely done
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
THIS^^ man i miss UO
Deleted a character in swg that was the owner of a guildhall Mall whit over two dozen vendors insite after deleting the guildhall (and thus deleting about 20+ vendors and the thousends of items on them)
I was in a bad mood that day..
I am not a very mean guy, I can only think of Random Arenas PvP in GW1... yeah I know its technically not an mmo.
I used to make extremely effective healers or extremely effective tanks or extremely evasive characters that could also teleport away, or extremely effective interrupts (to make the opponents feel completely useless) that prolongated the encounters sometimes a whole team vs me alone, sometimes until the timer reached its limit (that means that nobody wins / gets the points, after a long and difficult fight) by then the players probably hated me and they would rather /resign or logout everytime than endure another match with me in it. Also you could only make significative points for the RA title if you had 25 or 15 (I am not sure) consecutive wins, so it would be a total drag to get to fight one of my characters. XP
Why? because many players were offensive to me and others that were only learning and trying to have some fun and I wanted to make them suffer slow and painful / frustrating battles (the only ones enjoying those long battles were the same noobs that only wanted to have fun and didn't cared so much about the points).
I was considered a griefer in the early days of WoW. I would infiltrate the Orc capital, and destroy all the bankers, or the auction house guys. This was before the guards were so uber and they buffed them up and added stealth detecting npcs. In fact, some of these measures were at least in part due to my exploits on Argent Dawn.
Banker ganker was a nickname I was fond of. I believe for the most part I was hated to an unjustified extreme, though there were a couple instances where I would consider my activities 'mean'.
1. Ganking noobs on a PvP server, Dark Iron.
2. With the banker ganker, keeping auction house npcs dead for almost an hour.
3. Attacking a wyvern keeper (this was back when it was hard to get anywhere at low level without using them) before another player could use it. He was lower level, but sensing a chance to get me while I was fighting the keeper, he attacked and flagged himself. I vanished and then killed him. I then went back and killed the keeper before he could respawn.
4. Taking the guild to a Horde town and just occupying it, killing all npc's for a couple hours straight. I can see how that's mean.
Not all that mean, but in Warhammer I reveled in knocking people into lava to kill them in a PvP arena. It kind of became the only thing I cared about doing lol.
Haha! That was you?!?
I remember seeing that screenshot so many years ago on the forums.
Yeah, I've got one.
Playing BH in old time SWG during the Jedi vs BH wars.... one of the wrinkles to the system was, if a Jedi was killed, he either had a recorded death against the total number for permadeath in the early days (but these deaths degraded over time) or in later times, Jedi took a XP penalty hit on deaths, where XP deaths could go into the negative.
Either of those two circumstances, however, could be avoided if the Jedi was able to contact/pay/beg a master doctor to come and rez him/her before the 30 min clone timer expired and the Jedi auto-cloned to the nearest clone faciliy.
Well, I have always been one for treating people how they deserve. So, If I hunted down a Jedi back then, and was fortunate enough to win the fight (original Jedi were VERY powerful in pre-NGE swg) what I did next would depend on how the player behaved.
If the player fought a good fight, showed some skill, and didn't do all the trash talking leet speak, hate tell stuff that is so popular these days, I'd either let them go, or let them get rez'd with no interference or take the equivalent of the bounty fee to do either.
But if they were a hate kiddie, it was something else entirely.
Enter: The Wizard of OZ treatment.
If the Jedi was down, and had been a jerk/sore loser one of the things I did was drop a structure on the corpse of the Jedi waiting for the rez from of doctor. The structure of choice was an old "structures factory" because they had large geometry compared to other factory structures, could be set up on any planet, and only took up one lot.
If the doc could not see the Jedi, and stuck under a factory, the doc couldn't, it was an automatic trip to the cloner and "no Rez for you".
If I got hate tells before that, I got twice as many after.
In closing I won't say I did that many times, and certainly not a majority of times I achived a Jedi kill, but of those times that people did get "the building", each and every one deserved it for being a jerk.