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We have Trion Worlds' 'Defiance' launching in April next year, 4 months away. It looks like everything that DUST could have been. What's more is it's going to be on PC, Xbox and PS3. Dust is limited to PS3.
I may be an EVE player but screw DUST, which is the same thinking of most EVE players, they don't care for DUST, and now we have a competing style of mmo releasing around the same time and sorry, but it looks like they've outclassed CCP with this one.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
Dont think you quite realise what the concept of Dust 514 was and is then.
Because they concept is becoming a reality.
From an eve player stand point Dust was in shit before it even made beta.
Foreget the fact its only ps3 atm and look at what the game mechanics will offer on top of the fact Console and PC gamers will never get along. Even if the game does well in the first few months I give it inside a year before we see a PC port or shut down.
Why? well anyone thats played FPS's on console or in general can more then likely agree once the next "Big" fps comes out Dust will get dropped like a bad habbit.
Even after that with the way eve is and the current game mechanics that would give Dust staying power.....well thats just it there is no staying power.
Nothing to build nothing to "earn" (I dont count titles and rank as valid solid game mechanic to keep people).
I wish dust all the luck in the world as a 5 year eve player (even though they shit in our faces all the time)
If it had a PC version I think it would do much better. I mean PC FPSs seem to have more staying power(Counter Strike anyone?) and CCPs client base is already PC gamers.
It should have been PC>PS3>360(if they could work something out with microsoft).
Defiance is a game that hasn't been released yet and you have absolutely no idea how it'll turn out. One thing for sure it won't be DUST because it won't be in the EVE universe.
Just a reminder that EVE is more then about flashy, sparkly tihngs and mindless pew pew, and no you don't represent the thinking of most EVE players.
DUST is going to be releasing too late and inferior. Planetside 2 has already cornered the market and set the standard for the kind of mmofps that DUST also wanted to be.
DUST is in trouble NOW, not when it is going to be released.
pretty much.
on top of this they really screwed up by making this a PS3 exclusive when 100% of EvE players are PC users.
i've played Dust and it's just not that good. knowing that i is linked to EvE is sort of a cool angle but having to have a PS3 to play it is a deal breaker.
I think considering how good a job that SOE this time did (very out of the ordinary for SOE, I'd say well done) on Planetside 2, I can't help but feel that CCP probably should've worked with SOE on DUST instead of just getting the PS3 licensing and release the game on PC.
Especially considering the scale the they planned for Planetside2 (sea wars, carriers, freehold 4th continent, etc)... that could've easily be the scale that made DUST great.
It is an evil thought to think anyone going into alliance with SOE, but is something that came to my mind regarding this whole dilemma, lol.
Planteside 2? Please.
Things aren't looking so hot for that game.
DUST will be a niche game and I doubt that CCP cares about taking on the world. They'll do their own thing like they did with EVE.
Maybe it's all an evil plot to port EVE to PS3 as their new platform of choice after SOE buys out CCP ...
Given SOE's financial performance in the last few years, it may be CCP that buys out SOE...
Except that CCP wouldn't be THAT stupid... would they ?
Agreed. Worst decision EVER.
My gaming blog
Please. CCP is a one game wonder. Say what you say about SOE, I dont particulary like them because what they did with SWG and EQ 2, but they have created many games of which many were commercially successful. CCP created ONE game that is successful and that is it.
DUST looks to be a super nische game due to the idiotic decision to make it PS3 only and that horror/vampire MMO whats-it-name is nowhere to be seen for years.
My gaming blog
I dont know about defiance but this is not a surprise if you know CCP. They got lucky with eve without competition at genre and getting early on scene but i can tell they cant make a good game even if their life depend to it . Eve is nothing more than 4 elements at space (4 races / 4 damage types / 4 missile types /4 meta levels etc ) basicly with some other mechanics from UO ( if you know eve history you know CCP devs/founders meeted in playing UO first ) .
Do you realise how is terriblle design is POS system ? Do you even thinked about this crap UI change and wait anything good from a company made it ? Sometimes you see a singer get hit with a song and repeat it after rest of all career ,i guess it is one hit wonder in english ,not sure . Yes that one hit wonder singer is CCP .
PS: I left after that UIGATE
Were you basing your statement on a different set of data?
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Isn't your graph saying the same thing?
That's a stupid, yet clever graph... the two defining questions are given slightly different shades of the same color... (at first glance, I thought the 55% was the "Definitely would not play" portion. I had to look closely at the key to see the subtle difference in shades of blue.)
That graph is meaningless.
When I first heard of DUST 514, I probably would have voted "Definitely would play" even though I don't own a PS3. I "definitely would play" if I owned a PS3 and the game was fun.
Dust isn't a bad game. It's a sci fi tactical shooter. It won't appeal to certain crowds, but there's rather involved systems at work for the shooter.
The game will exist like EVE. It'll grow slowly. Plus it's pricing model pretty much means it'll make a profit. Will it be Blizzard like profits? No. Will it be better than expected? Probably.
Once a friend tells a friend how best to configure their armor, weapons, and the scale of the stakes (which isn't even implimented yet, we've tested 3 different game modes only). It'll grow.
TRION makes simple games. Planetside is fun, but has no real scope.
Content will matter, and DUST has a chance to add a rather large chunk to consoles.
a yo ho ho
The survey stated DUST 514 was a PS3 exclusive. It was also sent out after the announcement (Press Release, gaming media, Fanfest 2012) that it was PS3 exclusive. I believe the question asked was specifically "How likely are you to play the game when it becomes available on the PlayStation Store?"
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Ah that makes sense. When I first heard the announcement for DUST over a year ago, I resubbed to EVE to get ready for it. I was really excited. I probably won't be playing it, but I'll keep an eye on it and see how it does.
I haven't been following it lately. How does it tie in with EVE?