Originally posted by ewlinitis Nope , otherwise it'll just be "another clone MMO" , this is not Darkfall's intentions. So you might be trying the wrong game. People will be playing this game for the PvP not for the looks of the toon. Clan politics and warfare , land control and domination, power over all , fear , suspense.... Millions play Call of Duty , yet they all look the same. All about the gameplay mate , the rest can wait.
CoD is not an RPG, DF is, limiting people to a single char is quite dumb, and if any one is thinking that they wont be selling additional char slots is high.
They almost certainly will not sell additional character slots. The premises remain the same for Darkfall UW and in an interview they already stated you'll still only be allowed one character, just now its per server, so you can have 1 on NA and 1 on EU.
The reason being is this game is all centered around guild warfare. Your name matters in this game, the only way to escape a negative rep is creating an entire new account. Most importantly because spying is extremely beneficial to an opposing clan(spying on siege plans etc), so allowing everyone to create more than one opportunity means everyone can have spies easily.
If you didn't play Darkfall 1, you probably should not use your ridiculous absolutes, because you have no clue what Aventurine is like, not to mention the community. There would be an absolute uproar if Aventurine tried to pull a stunt like that.
Originally posted by VassagoMael Yeah, [mod edit], every character can learn every skill to maximum. So there is no need for more than one character.
I thought with the role system that wasn't true. Like if you have a warrior, you can pick 2 of the 4 warrior schools, but you can't pick any schools from the other roles (elementalist, primalist, skirmisher).
You just just only have certain ones active at any given time. You can still train for all of those roles, but when you swap between the roles there are some type of restrictions placed on the character. Maybe now that people will be playing the beta we will find out how the actual mechanics of it. I played the first game, and there was a fabeled "soft cap" on skills, but that was nonsense.
You can literally train every skill to 100. Every type of melee, archery, magic, crafting, EVERYTHING on one character.
And it isn't like the EVE system where you can train every skill but it would take your entire life to accomplish. In Darkfall you can max out everything you want in a relatively short period of time. A matter of months if you are crazy like many of the players are. I played EU until NA launch, and then I played for several months following the NA launch and was evenly matched with my peers. I had to take a break for work reasons and when I came back a month later and the game was insanely ridiculous. I tried to duel someone and the guy had cast like 40 buffs on himself and just spammed me with every debuff while I pretty much stood there dumbfounded and blind while I died.
[mod edit]
Originally Getting a single school to 100 took 3 months or more even with constant afk bot macroing, that didnt include the secondary skills like archmage.
only one character per account ? that's a bit pity...
Characters is darkfall is not like WOW, GW2 or the other normal mmos. What you call different characters in other mmos, is just called different roles in darkfall.
If you want to play one of the warrior roles, you pick that role. When you are tired of playing a warrior, you just change role to one of the mage, archer or priest roles. You can just close you eyes and pretend you log of your warrior and log onto your archer.
The only difference is you keep the same name. The reason you keep the same name, is that other players will remember you for the deeds you do ingame.
They almost certainly will not sell additional character slots. The premises remain the same for Darkfall UW and in an interview they already stated you'll still only be allowed one character, just now its per server, so you can have 1 on NA and 1 on EU.
The reason being is this game is all centered around guild warfare. Your name matters in this game, the only way to escape a negative rep is creating an entire new account. Most importantly because spying is extremely beneficial to an opposing clan(spying on siege plans etc), so allowing everyone to create more than one opportunity means everyone can have spies easily.
If you didn't play Darkfall 1, you probably should not use your ridiculous absolutes, because you have no clue what Aventurine is like, not to mention the community. There would be an absolute uproar if Aventurine tried to pull a stunt like that.
Your concern is appearance and sex, and in your sig you claim not to be cute but deadly. That`s a little contradiction.
You can have as many characters you want in Darkfall, the only thing limiting you is your wallet. I`m personally going to have three characters.
[mod edit]
Originally Getting a single school to 100 took 3 months or more even with constant afk bot macroing, that didnt include the secondary skills like archmage.
Characters is darkfall is not like WOW, GW2 or the other normal mmos. What you call different characters in other mmos, is just called different roles in darkfall.
If you want to play one of the warrior roles, you pick that role. When you are tired of playing a warrior, you just change role to one of the mage, archer or priest roles. You can just close you eyes and pretend you log of your warrior and log onto your archer.
The only difference is you keep the same name. The reason you keep the same name, is that other players will remember you for the deeds you do ingame.