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The world of Firefall

ElGringoUKElGringoUK Member Posts: 6

I thought I'd start this thread as there seems to be quite a bit of talk about how 'Small' the world of Firefall is. Not that I think people are wrong, and its not just because its still in beta, its just that they do not seem to understand what they are planning to do with Firefall's world that makes it so different from other MMO worlds that everyone is comparing it to.


As it stands now, and when the game eventually launches (in maybe 6months or whenever it will be), the inital playable map will be small. Its meant to be. (See the Lore video below)


What they are going to be doing with Firefall is a Staged content approach, not your standard 'make available the whole world at start and then wait for next expansion for more content' like other MMOs that a people seems to be comparing it with.


The Idea behind this 'Staged Content' is that players will actively change the world and expand it in whichever direction they wish by working together to crafting Melding Repulsors to push back the Melding (the electrical storm covering the Earth). This creates a constant growing world that will keep expanding, and also allows the players to control and progress the story of the game as a community, as the playable world constantly grows.


Its understandable that not everyone understands this, especially those who have been part of the recent weekend beta stress tests only, as its not been communicated to everyone properly I feel.

To help a few understand here are a few video links.


The Lore of Firefall (explains about the world and why its only a small map initially)


Dev Diary explaining about how the world is to expand (from 2min 18sec)


Inside look at Firefall's Forge (short video Showing how the world is created)


Extra Credit talking about Firefall's Staged Content


I hope this clears up a few peoples concerns about it being a 'Small world', and hope that you understand that just because  the standard MMO will have more zones at launch, this is not a standard MMO. Lets not knock a game just because it tries something original. In most (if not all MMOs) the world only grows when a new expansion comes out every 12-18months or so and only expands in the direction the delevoper's want it to expand to suit the story, here with Firefall they want players to expand and grow the map constantly, in whichever direction they chose.

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