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PS: The best part is that apparently 44% of the people rated it a 10... almost ALL with brand new accounts (including Heke who I believe is Henrick's brother and the SV "business manager" but doesn't disclose that info). So I guess that's OK in his eyes... LOL
They just haven't learned that they need to fix their PRODUCT first and then the reputation will get a lift. Tricking people into trying a F2P game by rating it a 10 just hurts the company. They need to UNDER PROMISE and OVER DELIVER. For some reason, they just never learn this and thus all of their PR initiatives fail...
Also, read that whole thread for a good perspective on the community. One of their hardcore supporters posts a preview of a "review" he wants to publish so that the other hardcore fans and even the developers and tweak it and make it a "Really fine and objective review"
Again, it's not the reviews that hurt the game. It's the product itself. They sold 10s of thousands of copies of the game. Their pitiful retention rate has nothing to do with reviews and everything to do with a poor product that people actually TRIED and dumped.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I love how people can complain about free.
I also love how developers can try to tell people that the imaginary other world will buy their game.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Exactly, he complains about other new accounts posting negative reviews and then asks for other people to go make new accounts and post positive ones. Quite funny, but again.. reviews are not the game's problem. the game is it's own worst enemy. Tens of thousands of people have bought the game, more have probably tried it... just a tiny fraction have been retained. That has zero to do with reviews and everything to do with the game, the company and the community.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
that isnt what im reading still, hes saying its from mostly new desura users which he thinks is strange, he does not say everoyne go make a desura account and post someting positive, sure he is most likely hoping the community would after reading his post but he isnt saying that himself.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
It's right in the green text I quoted.. he says "POST IT ON DESURA"
To the diehard fan who was asking the community to critique his review. I am not sure what is so hard to follow there. GO POST YOUR REVIEW ON DESURA...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
he isnt a die hard fan, hes in here often complaining about mo. But now i see what you mean, he aksed realnaste who is anything but a fan boy to post his review on desura.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Hard to defend them due to the numerous times they've done the same thing and much more blatantly. They had their rating reset here a time or two for blatantly telling players to come here and give MO a 10 lol.
It has been their go to tactic since the game came out and flopped.
At this point I actually don't even need proof, all someone has to do is simply hint that SV is doing this again and due to the numerous times they've already done it and have been caught doing it I would simply automatically believe it.
If you actually read the thread.. the reviewer himself would disagree with you: I guess some would call me one of the games "fanboys".
But it's all pure semantics. They could post 1000 positive reviews.. their problem hasn't been getting people to TRY the game. Tens of thousands (perhaps over 100k?) have tried the game. The problem is that they cannot KEEP the players. That has nothing to do with negative or positive reviews and everything to do with the game, the company and the community.
Fix those three and the reviews will write themselves without prompting from the company.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
That was a pretty good review,it went int osome detail.
There is a lot of truth in there,an Indie developer trying to do some things other games don't even attempt,yet those other games are praised for having LESS content and less depth.
Some developers are even so lame as to totally remove content they couldn't finish for release or just leave out content they deemed they couldn't handle right now.
I can name one such gamwe that has done a lot of horn tooting but imo is a really cheap effort,but it is not the point.The point is MO does TRY to be a AAA game,they just do not have the manpower or money to pull it off.
Think no further than Vanguard,albeit VG is still tons better than many other cheap efforts i have seen.
I can use even more examples,how much has Blizzard sunk in to improving Wow?
How much has CCP done to bring thjat game from it's inception till now?
Both answers are VERY little,especially considering the profits they made from the players that stuck by them.
No matter what any of us think about MO,there is one thing to realize.If say Blzzard released tiis same product,it would most likely have 10x the subscribers,even for the exact same product.
Marketing owns gaming right now,not in a large way but in a VERY large way.Why do you think Trion keeps forking over so much money to MMORPG?You thin k they feel it is not working,nope they KNOW it works.Point of all this is that success is based a LOT on luck and marketing,
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Marketing can get people to TRY a game. It can't get you to stay. Just think about the vast number of games that have huge launches (marketing success) but then fail (game stinks for various reasons).
Retention has been this game's failure.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Marketing can bring people in, however it can not keep them. Look at SWTOR and the likes to see examples of this.
No one denies that the "Idea" behind MO is a good one, the issue is that SV is simply unable to deliver. Give them as much money as you want and they will still never be able to deliver. It's a bad company through and through. No talent and horrid leadership.
Success is based a lot on skill, delivering what you promise, promising only what you can deliver, and marketing among many other things.
SV and MO haven't been dealt a raw deal, they did this to themselves. You take all the ameturish moves and behavoir on top of all the shady moves and behavoir and you get what you have today, A game that had a lot of promise in its conceptual stage but simply didn't have a group behind it that could deliver. I do agree with you though, if Blizzard had released MO it likely would have 10x the subscribers. They would not have lied, cheated, and stole from their players. The level of polish would have been much higher. The support would have been a great deal better. Though things like this could be said if almost any other developer besides SV was at the reigns of MO.
I thought this site was about promoting mmorpgs, but this kind of slander and sabotage of mmorpgs and the people making them is okey somehow?
This site used to be about promoting MMOs, yes. These days it is full of nothing but hate if you ask me...
Many of the haters haven't even played the game for years, and yet they continue to do nothing but complain about it on this forum. I honestly have to wonder if some of these people have nothing better to do with their time.
I know. It was a retorical question, and i would have let it slide (again) if it wasn't for the fact that i just got a warning for a totally harmless post compared to this. It's pretty extreme really.
When they are flat out trying to run it as a scam, I don't think they will care about fixing their product - scammers only care about fixing their own reputation so to dick more people into the scam.
Not saying that it is their original intent, I'm sure they started off wanting to make a game they wanted to play, but now it has just devolved into a scam to try to keep themselves paid by doing whatever possible.
That is just flat out wrong and quite an asinine assumption.
Blizzard, if they release something similar, would've QA their products to death. Their game would've been smooth and quite bug free at launch. They would've spend massive amount of time on building expansions and contents. AND they would've make surveys after surveys to pinpoint exactly what the customers will pay money for and juice the crap out of that with releasing the content on that continuously.
This has been proven time and time again with Blizzard's track record. Just look at Starcraft2 and Diablo3 - all of which things that they've surveyed and identified exactly WHAT customers liked about their previous game, and they just improve the basic elements of it, and cash the shit out of the stuff that people are willing to pay good money for.
That's why even if they are boring people still think Blizzard is a quality developer, whereas SV is not and will never be.
Slander? They deleted an entire city on accident durring a patch then refused to replace all the items and gear that players lost after they fell through the world and died because of it. Are you saying this did not happen?
They automatically set up for a autorenewing subscription when they pre-ordered the game and many didn't find out until months after they quit.
There simply is no need for slander when it comes to SV and MO. They have done an epic job over the years given tons of examples documented throughout the web to draw upon to back up posts like the one you quoted.
City disappeared from a patch, and I'm sure you have been programming complex programs for long enough that you could never have made a mistake.
Autorenewing was an unfortunate way of dealing with accounts and subscriptions, agree.
Problem is, you're not backing up anything, and you're not talking about anything present. You're stuck in the past for some reason. What is your mission here? Shutting down MO right, because when the fun ended there for you noone else is allowed to have fun with it either? The persons who tried to make a game that you actually liked and played for a long while are such bad persons you want their dream-project to burn and them to burn in hell right? An inexperienced company making noob mistakes is such a travesty that you want them shut down, and the only job they should be allowed to have from now on is being chained to a big wheel right?
Why? is it that you're so set on getting SV shut down? Why aren't you all up in arms about something important, like companies making weapons, making cluster bombs, poisoning rivers, cutting down the rainforest, something that actually matters in the big scheme of things?
This is true nowadays, but so far out of context it's not even funny. Blizz has how many times more resources and manpower than SV? 100000000 (add as many 0's as you like) ?
Which games did Blizz start off releasing in comparison?
you want a good review? here is as good a review as you will ever get:
"Mortal Online is an incredibly ambitious, and immersive first person, full loot sandbox that tried immensively hard to bring UO and TES together. unfortunately they never got enough money to make the game stable and enjoyable. If Mortal didn't have 90% of the bugs that it does it woud be hands down the best low fantasy sandbox mmo on the market."
that is as positive as i can get.
Now, i have played and loved this game for a long time. i was there in the beta, at launch, when the Epic patch came, when Dawn came, when Awakening came.....i helped build and destroy many keeps, and saw many, many guilds come and go. the game was always so damn close to being the perftect TES sandbox it litteraly hurt. to this day it is one of a kind, and really hard to replace but they just can't code worth a damn.
Sadly it doesn't matter how many amazing features you have, if half the time they dont work. my only hope going forward is that a competent company (am looking at you Forsaken Studios) takes what SV was not able to achieve and makes a game just like MO with the exception that IT ACTUALLY WORKS, mostly bug free.
I have been programing in both C++ and Java for many years now. I am proficient with 3DSMax, Blender, Maya, and Zbrush. The last year or so I started using 3DCoat as well (Excellent Program). I also have a great deal of other programs under my belt as well as a great deal of experience in various game engines. I have been working on a project for a little over a year now. And with all of that, no I have never made such a mistake.
My goal? It is to voice my opinion, what is yours?
As far as why aren't I all up in amrs about something important? May I ask the same? You spend a great deal of time ardently defending MO rather than defending something of importance.
CEO unbans a permabanned 200% proven hacker, gives him lots of gold and asks him to keep it "hush hush" but stay subscribed. It's on youtube somewhere. That right there, if I heard that about any game I wouldn't touch it with a hundred feet pole.
And thats just a small drop (almost irrelevant in comparison to other stuff) in the ocean.
Saving grace is that nobody - not MMORPG or Massively or RPS or any other MMO site - cared enough to bother reporting on SV's malpractices. Remember how Sony got covered when their system got hacked and accounts got compromised? Remember how SV got covered when their lead GM gave away his LGM account (guaranteed access to all CC details!) to his guild-buddy? Yeah...
Someone should really make a comprehensive topic on SV's history and all the incidents since the beginning.