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In our first Wayback Wednesday of 2013, we take a look at Lord of the Rings Online, a perennial favorite around here. Rob takes a look at a few parting goodies the team let out there before heading out for the holidays. Find out what's in store for LOTRO players as 2013 gets underway. Leave your thoughts in the comments.
In the twitter Q&A, the team consisting of Aaron Campbell, Lead Systems Designer Matt Zimmitti, World Designer Matt Fahey, Senior Content Designer Lauren Salk, Senior Content Designer Joe Barry, and Sapience (aka Community Manager Rick Heaton) fielded 25 questions that were submitted to them by users containing the hashtags #LOTRO #DEVCHAT. One of the most pressing questions was the first one received from fans. “How do you feel mounted combat has been received?”
Read more of Rob Lashley's Lord of the Rings Online: Wayback Wednesday: LotRO Galore.
Mounted combat in Lotro is a joke and the devs should be embarrassed for releasing such lazy and shoddy work. There is not one single mmo out there that restricts mounted combat to only one region for one thing. Mounted combat being restricted to one area is a cash-grab pure and simple to get players to buy the new expansion.
Which goes back to Lotro evolving into a pay-to-win mmo over the past couple years. When a game allows the purchase of non-cosmetic gear, faster than normal mounts and XP and skill boosting potions/scrolls on Turbine's cash shop equals pay-to-win. Some gamers need to be smarter with their money and not waste money on pay-to-win garbage.
The most misused word on the internet:
adjective, looser, loosest, adverb, verb loosed, loosing.
1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
2. free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered
The word you are looking for is L-O-S-E. YOu can NOT loose a game.
well my opinion is different..the rohirrin is why the mounted combat is here because thats where they are in the story..has for a cash grab..i think all gaming companies are in it for the money are they not?
And the mounted combat itself is easy to master..even for the likes of me who initially found it difficult.there is no pay to win either has you suggest..the community would go mental if it turned out to be like that.everything you get in the shop you can drop normally in game for nothing.nothing like pay to win..and you cannot get end game gear like the Hytboltt set without rebuilding the town or partially doing sorry definately not pay to win like you describe.
I remember the first time I tried Lotro. Had some friends over, so I was like, hey guys let's check this out.
They couldn't stop laughing at the horrible animations and characters that glide along the ground because run animations only randomly worked (gandalf for example). Then I tried to kill stuff and it was soooo zzzzz.
I later tried playing the game a little more, but despite how pretty the scenery was, the game was just clunky and boring.
Biggest load of nonsense I have seen in ages. There is nothing that p2win in Lotro, the poster obviously does not understand what p2win is. It is when you get a huge advantage from buying equipment from the item shop, or get matts that create such.
The mounted combat is fun, isn't that what the game is supposed to be? The area is huge, you don't need mounted combat in the other areas, they are really not designed for it.
The poster obviously does not like the game, that is fine, but making outrageous claims is not.
Oh and the animations are fine Adam, pretty much like every other MMO out there. Have to wonder if any of these posters have even played the game.
Thank god you and your friends decided to stay away...I don't ever remember game mechanics such as you describe nor the "horrible animations" either.
I think the game is too deep for someone such as yourself and your friends anyways and is better off serving the likes of experienced MMO gamers who want deep, rich gameplay with a thriving world.
I clicked on the link to see what the articel was about, and I cannot believe what I am reading above me. I understand if you don't like the game, but the amount of negativity towards one of the best examples of a proper FTP game is ASTOUNDING. Are the animations bad? Maybe, but I have seen worse. Is there a grind? If you want there to be, sure. Nothing that requires grinding is necessary for this game. NOTHING. The mounted combat wouldn't work in the other zones, period. They would have to redo everything (just like WoW did for flying mounts) in order to have mounted combat in the other zones, and then no one would ever get off their horse.
I really feel like those posters above me have never even played the game.
i dont think you understand the concept of pay to win to be honest..i think you just heard it and tried your best to understand what it means.has i said before you cannot buy anything in the shop that you CANNOT get for FREE by playing the game.
you CANNOT get raid gear in the store .you cannot get end game gear etc without having to rebuild Hybolt either mostly or partly.and that involves questing again i repeat..your understanding of pay to win is flawed.
[mod edit]
Except that he's right. LOTRO has this amazing game world which is completely ruined by horrible animations, terrible character models, and clunky combat.
Virtues - what is it now 14 ranks? You want to max every virtue, and there are a lot, so your class can have diverse set ups. The amound of grinding mobs it takes to get one rank of virtue up is korean. Oh wait you can use the store to get the virtue up, what should i do pay to get my virtue up or have an endless grind of mobs....
Traits - read virtues.
Leveling - complete grind lol. 85 leveling of grab x and find y. It takes a long time within every level.
Legendary weapon - lmfao? no need to explain, for realz guys.
Grinding could be subjective. Depending on your life style and schedule. I don't have time to grind 85 lvls with alts, people who have loads of play time will argue because they want more time killer content/leveling.
that is not grind what you say..that is character progression..different altogether.i have been playing this game on and off for 5 yrs and i can tell you there is no grind in this game at all..the traits you mention go along with your character..has long as you keep them up to date you are ok..if you decide not to do them and wait til end game its a grind for you..but your character will be extremely weak if you dont do them.i dont play this game a lot and i have 5 chars..2xlvl 85,1x lvl 67 ,1xlvl75,1x43.thats in 5 yrs..and i take my time.i can assure you there is no grind in this game..i do agree it can feel that way if you leave them til your max lvl..but its you who create it by not lvling your char properly in the first place.
Really? I'm a lifetime member, and I've played my share but honestly I just can't get into it anymore. Unless they changed something recently, you got almost no traits without grinding. The choice was grind now or grind later, but total grind time is still a grind. I also agree with models and animations being bad but I could live with that. Clunky combat makes it tough to get into though. Also ridiculous amounts of time to travel around gets old really fast.
MC is awsome in lotro.
And the first post is a joke. Do s/he really believe it would be fun to do MC in areas such as Moria...
What do you call the Hybolt dailies? It's a that I refuse to do. Every game seems to have some sort of grind.
You have some (very slight) true on the second part, LotRO indeed took some steps towards pay-to-win in the last two years, but still is very far from it. (although it was enough for Turbine to erase the "convenience, not advantage" post from everywhere )
First part on the other hand is totally mistaken. There is not one single mmo out there that restricts mounted combat to only one region of which mmo do you think? (beside some browser ones I don't know other mounted combat mmo's, especially not with this level detailed ones. Maybe it's just me.) And the area restriction is not cash-grab, it's just simply Rohan. Btw the other mechanics are implemented to the whole area with the previous update...
i,m sorry..5 quests per day and you think thats a grind..are you for real..go play vanguard or something like that..5 quests a grind..i've heard it all now.the quests take no longer than 20 mins to do per day.and they are not even the same quests..they are randomised.
LotRO one of the best MMORPGs out there.
How is a PVE game pay to win?
You must have a different version of LOTRO than I do if you do not feel like you are in ME.
It's a subjective feeling of course. All the names are there-- Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo. All the places are there--Bag End, The Prancing Pony, Weathertop. Much of the Lore is there if you can look past the Runekeeper blasting the hills with lightning bolts like "Tim" in Monty Python's Holy Grail-- but after the upteenth gopher quest, I'm just not sold and feel like I'm in yet another boar grinder.
The game had a chance when it was released. There was a solid foundation. There were multiple paths of loot to be taken. You could get lucky and get a crafting drop and get that loot, or you could get lucky in one of the group instances. You could do the raid in Angmar that took forever, you could go the PVP route and get that armor, or you could use decent quest rewards.
Your character never felt gimp. Then they changed everything with the Legendary item system and ever since every single piece of loot you get from a quest is sold right back to a vendor...usually standing right next to the quest giver, mocking him.
They shrunk the world with F2P, divided up their little zones into quest hubs. They never once tried to hide the fact that the quests in this game were basic Kill X number or Orc quests, but in the beginning it did not matter because you had multiple ways of getting to the end.
LOTRO had about a year and a half where is was truly a fun game to play. Technology passed it by. The main complaint I have is that LOTRO does not feel epic like the books. Their engine cannot handle big armys, so when Helms Deep comes (and you know it will) your character will be off defending a hallway where three Orcs invade at a time....while the real heroes are battling tens of thousands.
1) in your opinion, lotro is one of the best mmorpgs out there. Gotz to fix that buddy
2) Suppose i raid, i been raiding and dying/wiping just to get good loot, money, jewlery, etc.. then comes along some dude with $$ and buys the items from the store instead of earning it through the game, that my friend is a pve pay2win. You are knocking off a player who really wants to raid to a person with $$
P.S - PVP lotro is fully pay2win.