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Haters to the left fanboys to the right in the middle where are we going?
The thing is whatever you feel, GW2 is a succesful game, not the game but for what it is.
Anet manage to launch a B2P AAA MMORPG with more content and free content to date (so far) than most other MMOs have so early after release.
Yes some of you see me as a fanboy and In a way I am beacuse this is the first MMO in many years I have felt a breeze of fresh air from that pool of clone swamp.
If you don't like it, then It is ok, there is no game to this date that everyone likes we all have our own idea and feeling what we want in a game, and no my dream MMO is not even close to GW2 but it has taken the right path to it.
I see a bright future for GW2.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
I don't think GW2 was really a success. It wasn't a flop, but so far it's just done ok, not really been a big success.
Expecting forum users to agree on anything is unrealistic. I doubt we could even agree that GW2 is a game.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
Yeah sorry about that I wrote to fast,my mistake.
I have edited it, thanks for the headsup.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
I play the game. I enjoy the game. I will buy the expansions. I don't find wastelands like some people imply exists. Out of all the people that I start playing with, all of them still play. I have definately received the $80 of value for my costs to buy the game. If they made a profit, and continue to make profits than yes the game is a success.
The thing that I am so absolutely certain of, is that it is immensely less likely to learn anything valuable from forums, than it is to learn something valuable from xfire statistics.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
Depends on your idea of success for this game.
It was talked about on this forumn to revolutionize the mmo industry for being innovative and their new "model" B2P was supposed to show all mmos you didn't need a sub fee game.
- Failed, I haven't seen any real revolutionary stuff from this game. Maybe with their B2P model but I personally wouldn't spend $15 bucks a month for the game. IMO you still get a lot more content from a sub-based mmo than the GW2 model.
WoW killer. Granted every mmo since WoW was hyped to do this, but I think it speaks for itself. It's just another recent mmo that had a big launch but steadily declined in numbers.
I'm not sure on the number of games sold but i'm sure it's pretty close to the next biggest mmo seller since WoW.
- So in that aspect it's a success.
I personally don't see the long term sustainability for this game like GW1. But the MMO market is a lot different then it was in the GW1 era.
I'm sure they exist but not in the degree that is made out to be.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Thats your words not Anet.
Only game that suppose to be a WoW killer according to their own devs are Bioware with SWTOR.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
That could very well be true, I just never run across the problem.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
we don't have to, the dictionary has had a definition for the word for a very long time. there is no other way to look at it.
it was made by a company. companies are out to make money. the game made profit. it is a success.
there is literally NOTHING else to be said about it in that regard. anything else you bring up has nothing to do with 'succsess' but rather your own personal enjoyment and expectation. even player retention is null and void if they retain players enough to continue making money as they sell expansions for the next ??? years.
success is success, not whatever you want to consider it to be for the sake of a argument.
GW2 is B2P so if you want to talk about success you should compare it with B2P games and not with P2P MMO, i mean, is D3 a success?, they have sold a lot of copies sure, like GW2 did but the game is far away from being a success. The Population drop of active players in GW2 was huge and even faster that D3, and you are talking about more free content than any Other MMO in the market?, well thats a myth and a lie, GW2 was all about the same content from level 1 to 80. A success?, good thing for anet that the game is B2P and we cant talk about subs numbers.
The game is a success. From any perspective. MOST games are successes. They Make a profit, hence they are a success. End of story. Has swtor made a profit yet? If so, the it TOO is a success. Even if it is a shitty game. It would still be a success.
back to topic: GW2 big success.
Did i say success enough?
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
Haters will always have a reason why " they made buckets of cash " isn't a success. You can't argue logic with people who just want to hate on something.
I'd have to say it isn't from a consumer perspective
The problem is GW2 could have been absolutely amazing......but the devs f'ed it all up.
Lag issues
Disconnect issues
Pet pathing issues
crap drops
no contact combos, only field effects
even way over level for a zone you still feel....meh
Abysmally slow movement speed
Rediculous warp travel costs
Champion and boss difficulty is simply a matter of toughness/health/dodging
dodging/avoiding blows sometimes simply dosen't work
poorly thought class skill/talent combinations
I'd say over 1/2 the weapon skills are practically useless
I's say over 1/2 the weapon types for any given class are underwhelming.
Gathering mats for each tier is a serious grind reminescent of FFXI but without the benefit of items that last a long while.
Given the high quality build of GW1 people expected much more from GW2 than what we got. I would deem it a failure imo.
None of that matters as to whether it is a success or not. the company made a profit. it is a success.
You want to talk about if it was successful in pleasing you? that's another topic. And one that goes to whether they will KEEP making money, not whether or not they have.
They already have.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
I know you hate GW2, lets leave it at that.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Also people here seem to think that unless an mmo pulls wow numbers it's a fail LOLS
wow didn't have even 500k members at launch !
gw2 had 2 million right of the bat, but in their eyes it's a failure.
Same goes for content and features, people seem to think an mmo has to launch with all of wow systems and features in place
when in reality it took even mighty wow at least a year per feature to incorporate them.
game sucess = financial/ large player population thats it . Gamers like to debate everything and sorry but people trying to show how cool they are by 'hating the right things' is a big issue. I wouldn't expect people to acknowlege a game they hate as succesful.
Now with that said i played GW2 i thought it was a big step forward for MMO's , but i also burned out in record time
1. not enough hotkeys 1-10 bored me to death no matter how many different weapons i used.
2. most dynamic event/ renown heart stuff is very mundane how many times can you carry around chickens and doing stuff that amounts to simple chores online before your character just doesn't feel like a bad ass anymore.
There were some dynamic content i really enjoyed but it was literally like 5 of them, then it got really old
so ya its a sucess one of the few MMO's that didn't flop last year , but sorry your never gonna get gamers to agree on anything . Besides you know how many times i have argued facts vs. opinions and i get talked to like i am the dumbest guy alive, don't take things people say online too serious its not like they even know you.
if you go by the definition, the company made a profit --> its a succes. at least change the title to "can't we agree that GW2 is a "financial" succes, otherwise everyone will have their own definition of succes and lovers/haters or the indifferent can discuss it forever, and never get to an agreement as usual. in the mean time i'll stick with my own definition "is the game alive and kicking after 1 year --> its a succes. so only time will tell.....
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Despite everything that has been said, cant we agree that GW2 is a success?
Nope. why?
Because success unfortunately is subjective to a individual level, that said - we will never be satisfied until Xfire numbers are low enough to deem it a failure, or we move the Goal post far enough and long enough until player retention kicks in, leaving only empty servers and established veteran doomsayers in its wake.
Right now it remains to be seen. you see I'm on the fence about this (yeah look at my history it's really me) and It's not because of the typical nonsense people have been saying about the game.
It's not the nonsense of:
1: omgwtfbbq this game doesn't have a trinity
2: DE's what are those?! boooooring
3: there is no open world pvp for me to gank noobs in....
None of those things are relevant arguments for why I'm on the fence and I won't repeat those.
The first month the game was absolutely great. There was a horizontal progression system. No power creep because there was only one set of gear to achieve and a completely optional legendary item with the only difference of being visually stunning.
Now ascended is the new power creep legendaries are being converted and currently the only system to getting what one needs for these items is a single dungeon. Those of us who are watching this closely are afraid some stupid execubot is going to get ahold of this and further widen the gap by either making tokens for these thru the same dungeon, making them a mystic toilet item, and even if they include the crafters we're afraid they will make the items only available thru special 5 man means like the FotM.
I am holding my judgement about whether this game will be successful again in 2013 by watching the jan/feb updates. Hopefully they will do right by their original design. Right now everyone is holding their breath.
TL;DR it was a success for the first month before the loot drop rate nerf and the ascended items announcement.
If it is a financial success has yet to be determined. So far it seems that they have to introduce more and more detrimental systems to the game to force people to buy the crap they sell on their Gem Store.
The game may have recovered some of the initial development cost maybe even all of it (very unlikely with the massive add campaigns), but it needs to be sustainable to make the company money. This can only happen if people buy stuff at their GEM store or new people buy the the Game (althought that is a one time fee and it gets cheaper every month).
I would say it had a successful launch in terms of Units sold and critics reviews (which do not count for anything since they are bought with adds). It still needs to proove it can survive on a long term.
Cheers | Skyrant