So clearly you don't like Jason Appleton or whatever his name is, which is fine. Noone said you had to. He apparently is not a programmer, and never claimed to be that I can see. Watched a couple of interviews - and he seems to be pretty open about his plans.
I can't seem to bring myself to trash talk a guy who is trying to develop his dream game. I've always wanted to do the same thing and I am not a programmer. If I ever won the lottery, you can bet that i'll be creating my dream game as well. I would not learn programming to do it either. I would hire a staff to create the game world and lead the design team towards my creative ideas.
You also complain about him buying up assets, likes on FB, and a game engine. I think it's important that you understand that these things are available for a reason. Hiring a graphic designer, level designer, etc is not even remotely cheap. Not to mention you're most likely going to need many of each. Is he trying to cut corners? Sure seems like it. My guess is he probably didn't win the lottery.
All I get from your rant is that you don't like this person. You have yet to show how this is a scam. If he is trying to bring in games that are influenced by games like Ultima Online.. then more power to this guy. I don't care if he can't program his remote control. All you really need is a good idea, and people to help you bring it to fruition. So while you continue to be a hater because you don't trust someone - I'll continue to support projects that people have dreamed about creating for years, and are now trying to make their dreams come true.
umm...correct me if I'm wrong. But the guy who you are quoting isnt Jason Appleton...his username is JamesP suggesting his name is at least James.
I don't know because during the kickstarter campaign he used different alt accounts. Also he did not identify himself as to who he is. He might be one of the Developers, or an alt, or someone random. Who knows really...
Seems like a different guy, one of the coders on the team. Thats why he actually knows least that does make sense.
If this game actually comes out, and all the land isn't already owned from IRL money. I might give it a shot. But it sounds like it might just be a bunch of people paying real money for in game land. Which doesn't sound like much fun.
Yes I am NOT Jason. My name is James Proctor and I am the Lead Programmer on the team.
There is nothing wrong with buying assets, it works great for outsourcing or crowdsourcing like Wasteland 2. But really you shouldn't dot that stuff untill you have your ground work done, stuff like parts of game engine and so on. Also from what I read here, the leader seems bit cluless...
I did battle with ignorance today, and ignorance won.
To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled - because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too cowardly to exercise it. The virtues which cloak these faults are called patience and forbearance.
So clearly you don't like Jason Appleton or whatever his name is, which is fine. Noone said you had to. He apparently is not a programmer, and never claimed to be that I can see. Watched a couple of interviews - and he seems to be pretty open about his plans.
>> I never even so much as hinted that i don't like him. I merely posted links to his own posts and blog entries, you make your own decision what you think about him.
I can't seem to bring myself to trash talk a guy who is trying to develop his dream game. I've always wanted to do the same thing and I am not a programmer. If I ever won the lottery, you can bet that i'll be creating my dream game as well. I would not learn programming to do it either. I would hire a staff to create the game world and lead the design team towards my creative ideas.
>> Nothing wrong with being ambitious but if i read a sentence like this:"I’m opening a huge MMA & Fitness gym, I’m about to become a distributor for some Sexual Enhancement pills that work like crazy! I’m also teaching myself Objective-C programming while learning the Apple SDK and Interface Builder to create my own iPhone apps." I do start to wonder if this person is not over extending himself just a little. Especially if your one and only solution to all your ideas is: "I would like to establish a team of the most intelligent and moral people I can find, lock ourselves in a room and not come out until every major issue has been addressed and resolved and turn the world around".
Sure you can just go, hire a bunch of people to do all the work for you, however that rarely if ever works if you have no experience or prior knowledge in the field. It's just not going to happen.
You also complain about him buying up assets, likes on FB, and a game engine. I think it's important that you understand that these things are available for a reason. Hiring a graphic designer, level designer, etc is not even remotely cheap. Not to mention you're most likely going to need many of each. Is he trying to cut corners? Sure seems like it. My guess is he probably didn't win the lottery.
I am not complaining, again i am just pointing out that all he showed was premade assets and that he had no knowledge in game design, showing posts of him asking the most basic questions in the Unity Forums. He has no knowledge about the Unity Engine or anything remotely connected to gaming except that he plays games. He clearly has no knowledge about game design or how to setup a distributed development environment.
He also decided just recently to throw away all the Unity assets and licenses that he bought with Kickstarter money and go with the inferior Hero Engine that is even harder to manage.
I wonder what is going to happen if he discovers Github or any other revision control system, build scripts, asset pipelines and art repositories are required to even start a project like this.
You can cut corners, but you can not build a car without wheels.
All I get from your rant is that you don't like this person. You have yet to show how this is a scam. If he is trying to bring in games that are influenced by games like Ultima Online.. then more power to this guy. I don't care if he can't program his remote control. All you really need is a good idea, and people to help you bring it to fruition. So while you continue to be a hater because you don't trust someone - I'll continue to support projects that people have dreamed about creating for years, and are now trying to make their dreams come true.
Again, I have nothing against this person.
No you can not create a project like this with an idea and by hiring enough people and let them make it. Like i said before, setting up an infrastructure for your hired people that work all over the world alone is a task that needs prior knowledge on how to manage a software project. You probably don't know this and i don't blame you since most people that have never worked in software development can't imagine how much work needs to be done behind the scene to bring all the work from these hired professionals together into one working piece of software.
You can not just solve this by buying ready made software and assets.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
Originally posted by Ekaros There is nothing wrong with buying assets, it works great for outsourcing or crowdsourcing like Wasteland 2. But really you shouldn't dot that stuff untill you have your ground work done, stuff like parts of game engine and so on. Also from what I read here, the leader seems bit cluless...
That is correct. No one really goes out anymore and takes pictures of rocks, grass or trees. These are all bought assets because it is just cheaper.
Artwork for your game, however, something that sets your game apart from other games, gives it it's own style and feeling is usually done by professional concept artists.
I would be ashamed if someone would see that my main character is an asset from the Unity Store that everyone can buy and use for his own game as well.
Guys keep in mind that the OP is just trying to keep people from getting ripped off i don't know for a fact that this whole game is BS , but there are enough shady things going on that they sure as hell are not getting my money. Plenty of people with years of video game experience on kickstarter i can fund etc.
Ive been asking myself the same thing. I dont know if you guys read the other post but I have personally talked to the developers and I must say alot of them are people like you Kind hearted and wanting this game. Except for the one in charge, Unless hes just an idiot. Im not sure if hes a scammer or just one of the stupidest people in development. Either way he is massively wasting your money as the head of the company. I say anyone that cares about the company should get james in control or just let the company die.
I will never be in control of ElectricCrow gaming nor would I ever want to be in control. I've had my fair share of leading teams and it's nothing I want to take on right now. ElectricCrow Gaming WILL Survive with Jason as the lead!
Originally posted by JamesP I will never be in control of ElectricCrow gaming nor would I ever want to be in control. I've had my fair share of leading teams and it's nothing I want to take on right now. ElectricCrow Gaming WILL Survive with Jason as the lead!
Every kickstarter is a risk. I'm pretty sure this one will either never see the light of day, or will be released in such a state that it will rival the outcry of the worst releases in mmo history. I think that might belong to darkfall or MO or something. I don't play those ffa pvp games, so I'm not sure which, but boy was it entertaining to read. I imagine this will be even moreso.
I'd really like to see this game to see the light of the day and succeed as it is based on some great ideas and concepts.
But those not only need dedication but also a clear course to be put into an actual game. What happened here until now lacks this last one.
Also I can understand the switch to HeroEngine from a beginner developers perspective, but he would have done good actually follow the warnings given. This is just my opinion, but for this project Unity seems way more fitting than HE for development. This doesn't even take all the other (partially serious) issues HE has into consideration.
I'd say ECG should stop wasting more money with that migration and get this running with Unity as initially planned.
I'd really like to see this game to see the light of the day and succeed as it is based on some great ideas and concepts.
But those not only need dedication but also a clear course to be put into an actual game. What happened here until now lacks this last one.
Also I can understand the switch to HeroEngine from a beginner developers perspective, but he would have done good actually follow the warnings given. This is just my opinion, but for this project Unity seems way more fitting than HE for development. This doesn't even take all the other (partially serious) issues HE has into consideration.
I'd say ECG should stop wasting more money with that migration and get this running with Unity as initially planned.
I kind of agree there but I may be biased based on all the issues I experienced with HE and trying to build even a small world. Then of course there is Unity EULA concerning gambling and streaming. Of course I am still kind of in the dark about what type of game Greed Monger is. (You know, massive open gridded world or instanced.) since I can't get the answer as above posted question I give my though here.
If it is massive open gridded world then it will fail hard in HE because the engine does not support gridding it has to be made in checkerboard or some sort irregular pattern because the loading of the areas in a 9x block will cause very poor performance on the client with players getting dumped into the abyss when they hit a boundary where collisions don't occur such as a steep incline. Placing objects to stop progress before hitting said location only creates another fail point on boundary collisions. I discontinued my project in Oct under circumstances I rather not relate more details in which some of my post in the HE forums were deleted.
They be better off to go to Esenthel Engine 2. Simply becasue it can do MMORPGs and it does have UNLIMITED land mass (well, up to reasonable level like hard drive size) Of course again that is only limited by the requirements of the client which could be stipulated as 1 to 10 tera bytes.
If it is a small instanced world HE will work just fine.
There has been more than enough bashing regarding purchasing assets - theres a trade off: Much less cost, loses some of the uniqueness.
As for the scam accusations: They're unfounded. Yes, the team is relatively inexperienced, and JA was dishonest about his credentials as well as many other things to this point. These things make the game high-risk, but do not give evidence of being a scam. That being said, the changes ot the payment model after taking large quantities of money are incredibly shady. Honestly, I think the game would be much better and much more legit if it just went a freemium route and skipped all the pay dollars to own land garbage.
I'm actually sorry I stirred up so much nonsense here. Time will tell what happens, and I think reporting on the state of the game and new discussions are a good thing.
Continually bringing up the same arguments that have been beaten dead doesn't get anybody anywhere.
The guy sounds like a dreamer, maybe even a visionary? (humm vision where have I heard that before?) Is he a bad guy and a scammer, maybe hard to tell without more facts. While many dreamers fail due to lack of grounding in the real world some do succeed. (at least partialy, think Brad McQuad) Problem is most times we can never know till things play out
People should always be proactive about what they do with their money if they are concerned about wasting it. (some people framkly have money to burn and can afford to throw it around frivolously on $5.000 shoes and $10.000 doggie beds) This is for everything in life not just for backing some guys dreams. Hell buying the average game from SOE or EA/bioware these days can be just as risky of wasting your money (think MA3) as backing any kickstarter. At least with Kickstarters you can say oh well it was a small indie company with big dreams as compared to, "it was a major developer with lots of money and hundreds of workers that released a POS story line claiming it was art where your actions had no effect on the game at all (dispite spending lots of money advertising otherwise) in which you get 1 ending in 3 different colors.(again after lying time and time again saying the game would have many endings where your choices mattered and not just a A,B,C ending)
Is this guy a Scammer? Maybe. Are SOE EA/Bioware scammers? About 50% of the time yes just because they are big business developers don't make their lies any less important then any kickstarters. if anything they should be held to a higher standard. Are either right? Who knows Buyer beware
Best part of the interview. I just realized he says he also owned a record label, what happened to that or what happened to his fight promotion? What has this guy not done?
By his own admission in the interview, how can he not have any clue about server architecture, cloud computing and server client applications like MMO networking if he created and owned a successful internet network (whatever that is)?
Either this guy is incredible rich now, because if he sold all these successful businesses he should have enough to make GreedMonger without Kickstarter or he is simply a pathological liar, you decide.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
Please don't get me wrong, i am not bashing this game. How could i, since there is really no game just a few pictures and videos made with default assets and demo projects of both Unity and Hero Engine.
Seriously, this person took the kickstarter money and bought Unity licenses, Unity Assets and hired random people through forums.
Nothing wrong with that BUT NOW they change to Hero engine so all these Assets and the money are wasted.
That's why he is looking to sell more land and make a new Kickstarter Campaign. How can people take this serious?
I am just genuinely in shock how people can give money to something like this?
Lol You've been here long enough to know that nothing that is said is ever left without detractors no matter how true it is. i know in a way i am adding to your point but let's be honest here even if this game ever does see the light of day who in here doesn't think it will not turn into another Darkfall or (add barely or never released scam of a game here).
It's the passion that exists within this community that makes it rife for people who are willing good intentioned or not to try and exploit the community.
So clearly you don't like Jason Appleton or whatever his name is, which is fine. Noone said you had to. He apparently is not a programmer, and never claimed to be that I can see. Watched a couple of interviews - and he seems to be pretty open about his plans.
I can't seem to bring myself to trash talk a guy who is trying to develop his dream game. I've always wanted to do the same thing and I am not a programmer. If I ever won the lottery, you can bet that i'll be creating my dream game as well. I would not learn programming to do it either. I would hire a staff to create the game world and lead the design team towards my creative ideas.
You also complain about him buying up assets, likes on FB, and a game engine. I think it's important that you understand that these things are available for a reason. Hiring a graphic designer, level designer, etc is not even remotely cheap. Not to mention you're most likely going to need many of each. Is he trying to cut corners? Sure seems like it. My guess is he probably didn't win the lottery.
All I get from your rant is that you don't like this person. You have yet to show how this is a scam. If he is trying to bring in games that are influenced by games like Ultima Online.. then more power to this guy. I don't care if he can't program his remote control. All you really need is a good idea, and people to help you bring it to fruition. So while you continue to be a hater because you don't trust someone - I'll continue to support projects that people have dreamed about creating for years, and are now trying to make their dreams come true.
Yes I am NOT Jason. My name is James Proctor and I am the Lead Programmer on the team.
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
Lead Programmer double posting like a baws!
I did battle with ignorance today, and ignorance won.
To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled - because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too cowardly to exercise it. The virtues which cloak these faults are called patience and forbearance.
That is correct. No one really goes out anymore and takes pictures of rocks, grass or trees. These are all bought assets because it is just cheaper.
Artwork for your game, however, something that sets your game apart from other games, gives it it's own style and feeling is usually done by professional concept artists.
I would be ashamed if someone would see that my main character is an asset from the Unity Store that everyone can buy and use for his own game as well.
This asset was on the Kickstarter Front Page
That is just... i am lost for words, really.
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
Then get ready for the next kickstarter scam.
I'd really like to see this game to see the light of the day and succeed as it is based on some great ideas and concepts.
But those not only need dedication but also a clear course to be put into an actual game. What happened here until now lacks this last one.
Also I can understand the switch to HeroEngine from a beginner developers perspective, but he would have done good actually follow the warnings given. This is just my opinion, but for this project Unity seems way more fitting than HE for development.
This doesn't even take all the other (partially serious) issues HE has into consideration.
I'd say ECG should stop wasting more money with that migration and get this running with Unity as initially planned.
I kind of agree there but I may be biased based on all the issues I experienced with HE and trying to build even a small world. Then of course there is Unity EULA concerning gambling and streaming. Of course I am still kind of in the dark about what type of game Greed Monger is. (You know, massive open gridded world or instanced.) since I can't get the answer as above posted question I give my though here.
If it is massive open gridded world then it will fail hard in HE because the engine does not support gridding it has to be made in checkerboard or some sort irregular pattern because the loading of the areas in a 9x block will cause very poor performance on the client with players getting dumped into the abyss when they hit a boundary where collisions don't occur such as a steep incline. Placing objects to stop progress before hitting said location only creates another fail point on boundary collisions. I discontinued my project in Oct under circumstances I rather not relate more details in which some of my post in the HE forums were deleted.
They be better off to go to Esenthel Engine 2. Simply becasue it can do MMORPGs and it does have UNLIMITED land mass (well, up to reasonable level like hard drive size) Of course again that is only limited by the requirements of the client which could be stipulated as 1 to 10 tera bytes.
If it is a small instanced world HE will work just fine.
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
There has been more than enough bashing regarding purchasing assets - theres a trade off: Much less cost, loses some of the uniqueness.
As for the scam accusations: They're unfounded. Yes, the team is relatively inexperienced, and JA was dishonest about his credentials as well as many other things to this point. These things make the game high-risk, but do not give evidence of being a scam. That being said, the changes ot the payment model after taking large quantities of money are incredibly shady. Honestly, I think the game would be much better and much more legit if it just went a freemium route and skipped all the pay dollars to own land garbage.
I'm actually sorry I stirred up so much nonsense here. Time will tell what happens, and I think reporting on the state of the game and new discussions are a good thing.
Continually bringing up the same arguments that have been beaten dead doesn't get anybody anywhere.
tl;dr: Shady, not scam.
The guy sounds like a dreamer, maybe even a visionary? (humm vision where have I heard that before?) Is he a bad guy and a scammer, maybe hard to tell without more facts. While many dreamers fail due to lack of grounding in the real world some do succeed. (at least partialy, think Brad McQuad) Problem is most times we can never know till things play out
People should always be proactive about what they do with their money if they are concerned about wasting it. (some people framkly have money to burn and can afford to throw it around frivolously on $5.000 shoes and $10.000 doggie beds) This is for everything in life not just for backing some guys dreams. Hell buying the average game from SOE or EA/bioware these days can be just as risky of wasting your money (think MA3) as backing any kickstarter. At least with Kickstarters you can say oh well it was a small indie company with big dreams as compared to, "it was a major developer with lots of money and hundreds of workers that released a POS story line claiming it was art where your actions had no effect on the game at all (dispite spending lots of money advertising otherwise) in which you get 1 ending in 3 different colors.(again after lying time and time again saying the game would have many endings where your choices mattered and not just a A,B,C ending)
Is this guy a Scammer? Maybe. Are SOE EA/Bioware scammers? About 50% of the time yes just because they are big business developers don't make their lies any less important then any kickstarters. if anything they should be held to a higher standard. Are either right? Who knows Buyer beware
Well, at least he didn't name it "Scam Hoarder" or something obvious like that.
oh, wait
(totally joking, I don't know anything about any of this.)
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
youtube comment:
DayOnePatch 1 month ago
Looks sweet. I like the movment speed. Don't make it to slow. I pledged 500$ sooooooo you'll? be seeing me around.
p.s : OP i enjoyed your post ! it was hilarious! thnx for the info!
Tormented echoes of a fallen Eden
I longed for her beauty
Yet from dust, she returned
The dream, an enigma.... silent
Are Cliff Notes for Project Management 101 available? Reasonable purchase for the new year too.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Best part of the interview. I just realized he says he also owned a record label, what happened to that or what happened to his fight promotion? What has this guy not done?
It get's better: "also an entertainment magazine, a record label, an internet network". An entertainment Magazine! A record Label! An internet Network! Give me a break!
By his own admission in the interview, how can he not have any clue about server architecture, cloud computing and server client applications like MMO networking if he created and owned a successful internet network (whatever that is)?
Either this guy is incredible rich now, because if he sold all these successful businesses he should have enough to make GreedMonger without Kickstarter or he is simply a pathological liar, you decide.
Internet Network, meaning, a network of websites. Not an ISP.
Hopefully, that will help you be less baffled.
Did you like Ultima Online? Then you'll LOVE Greed Monger!
Lol You've been here long enough to know that nothing that is said is ever left without detractors no matter how true it is. i know in a way i am adding to your point but let's be honest here even if this game ever does see the light of day who in here doesn't think it will not turn into another Darkfall or (add barely or never released scam of a game here).
It's the passion that exists within this community that makes it rife for people who are willing good intentioned or not to try and exploit the community.
But you have a fight promotion, record label, and magazine? Care to provide details?
What kind of websites, can we get some URLs?
Can you elaborate on your Magazine and Record Label. Where are they registered as company? Have you sold all these usinesses?
Are you still a Freemason from Lodge #4 in Lawrenceburg, IN and work as Senior Loan Officer for RFC?
Thanks for taking the time to answer.