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Ok, we may as well get this out of the way... I'm a grandpa gamer. I remember the good old days when you really only had a choice between UO and EQ until AC came along and made it an MMO threesome. I've gone back recently and replayed both EQ and AC and frankly, I really really enjoyed it. That being said there are issues with the games. They're clunky. The UI's are the gaming equivalent of medieval torture devices. The graphics, while nostalgic, are... well let's just leave it at nostalgic. The learning curves are steep because back when I was your age we were expected to figure it all out for ourselves.
Seriously though, there are some things about these old games that I think are great and would love to see incorporated into a modern MMO. Here is a list of a few of those things:
1. Light sources. Back in the day EQ was DARK. I loved that I needed to carry a torch (candle, wispstone, whatever) to light my way in dark caves. I loved that at night it got dark in an, "OMG I can't see anything!" kind of way (ok maybe Nektulos at night was overdoing it, but still). Yes, it's inconvenient. I know some people only want to play convenient games. Not me. Please Devs... use lighting to inconvenience me. Better yet, use it to add the feeling of danger to your dungeons. Use it to limit my vision in PVP. Use it to scare the crap out of me. No matter how you use it, please, use it.
2. Slower leveling curve. There is no such thing as an artifically slow leveling curve. All leveling curves are artificial regardless of speed. I don't want to rush to the "end game". I want to play a game that is worth lingering over like a good glass of scotch. I want a game I can sip, and every sip from beginning to end is just as wonderful as each of the others. Slower leveling curves make my short term actions feel like they matter more. With a slower leveling curve, that level 10 armor I just crafted might last me 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months rather than 2 hours. Slower leveling curves demand that the game be worth playing for itself rather than for the feeling I get when I level. If the content is compelling, if I'm excited by the prospect of simply playing the game, exploring, crafting, dungeon diving, seeking my next adventure, then a low leveling curve is a wonderful thing. I want a game I'm trying to play rather than a game I'm trying to finish.
3. Relevant crafting. As I mentioned above I think to some extent relevant crafting requires a slower leveling curve. If I craft a piece of level 10 armor and replace it 15 minutes later with a trash drop, that is NOT relevant crafting. If I have to put work into crafting that same piece of level 10 armor and it lasts me a week or two, that is far more relevant. If I can craft a light source to help me through a dark dungeon, that is relevant. If I can experience some kind of epic crafting experience that allows me to imbue an ability of real relevance into my favorite item, that is relevant. There are probably a lot of ways to make crafting relevant and that's all I'm really asking for here. I want to feel like what I just crafted matters. I do NOT want to make 213 steady hauberks of stamina in one sitting and then break them down to make 100 more so that I can get my armor crafting up the extra 50 points it takes to do the same thing with the super steady hauberk of mana retention. Crafting doesn't need to be grindy, it needs to be relevant.
This list comprises the big three for me. There are, of course, other things that I would like to see, like a robust classless character system and the ability for players to create their own quests (within certain parameters). All in all though I think the first 3 things would be a great start to an MMO that I could really enjoy playing for a long time.
Flame on.
Sure don't we all,
Well at least us true mmo players, not the ones that jumped in because mmos are now attracting the single game player.
Slow leveling helps to make friends. That friend that you made at level 25 is now level 47 all because you had to go to work the next day and he did not.
1. LFD/LFR instance grouping feature
2. teleports .. no long boat rides
3. AH
4. Don't need to commit to play 3 hours to get any where.
5. Good fun combat mechanics.
6. Choices of difficulty levels
"true" mmo players .. that makes me laugh. There is no true anything. MMOs are just entertainment products that changes based on market desire.
Sounds like you want an ARPG to me. Did you play D3 ? It has all of that.
( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)
An acerbic sense of humor is NOT allowed here.
1. A good feature
2. Can actually make the world smaller. Some limitations on this are good in my opinion.
3. Agree, but make items ony pick up through drop points (vendor NPC, player's house, etc.)
4. Ok with this except should not apply to everything.
5. Agree (old games were bad at this in many ways)
6. Yes. If you can't handle Hard/Time Consuming you should have options. However, Hard/Time Consuming needs unique rewards unavailable to those who don't risk.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
To the OP I agree 100% !
#4 The only other thing I want is some way to slow people the fluck down. Run run run. Thats all anyone does these days.
Faster, Faster they yell. If you can't keep up you will likey get dropped from the group.
Why is everyone in such a damn hurry all the time? Games aren't work. No taskmaster is at your back with a whip. I just wish the people playing would slow down and smell the roses a bit.
Maybe if death penalties were more harsh this run run run attitude would go away. Or maybe your light source idea would help.
But I am sick of running.
( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)
An acerbic sense of humor is NOT allowed here.
Hey devs, we'll even settle for "vaguely interesting crafting", as a second-best!
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Of course i play D3. And TL2, borderlands, Path of Exile ....
But only D3, aside from MMOs have all of those. TL2, borderlands and PoE have no AH. Trading, i think, makes the gear hunt much more enjoyable, and unfortunately very few ARPG supports that.
Definitely. Options on difficulty and appropriate associated rewards. D3 is a good example. There are those who run MP10, and those who run MP0, and you get much better drop rate, (and soon xp) at MP10 than 0.
Because people are busy? I don't have all day to play games, and i would like my 30 min to be entertaining. It is not like i am hurrying when i play ... but i also don't want to spend 15 of those 30 min staring a a spellbook, or chatting to get a group.
Or for my tastes, vaguely interesting and at least somewhat useful. :-)
Nothing like spending months developing crafting, making a primo robe for my priest, then replacing it in 2 days because it sucks.
Thats cool dude. I get that.
You have a game that satisfies your requirements in D3.
The OP and I do not.
It is alright to have different criteria in what we want.
I'm just waiting for someone to make a game where everything takes a long time, you have to move slow because it is dark and you never know what might be around the corner. I have my trusty gear that I made for myself though so I feel pretty good about my chances.
( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)
An acerbic sense of humor is NOT allowed here.
You can do all that in the current games. The only thing stopping you is yourself. Prefer to walk and swim instead of using a mount or flight path...then do it.
Only want to use crafted gear? Then do it?
Don't like the AH? then don't use it. etc.etc. etc.
Sure .. i never said it is not alright, and i fully support different preferences in gaming.
But note that this thread is talking about what people what to see in a modern MMO, and i am stating my preference, just like everyone else.
I can make the world dark, make people slow down and make crafting relevant? Wow I had no idea I had so much power !
Its ok though, be contrarian if you wish.
( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)
An acerbic sense of humor is NOT allowed here.
My preference is to take a modern MMO server, and deduct 98% of the active players.
And since it's my fantasy, I get to choose the 2%. You're going to find that I have some unpopular criteria for making the cuts, too.
Close! But not entirely.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
1) world dark .. sure .. just turn down the brigtness/gamma of your graphics setting.
2) make "people slow down"? Why? I thought you are talking slow travel for yourself. Why would you care how I play my game? And you can certainlyl slow yourself down, can't you?
3) crafting relevant ... it is relevant to you if you wear crafted items, right?
Yeah, you have the power, you just choose to ignore it.
You are right .. it is a "fantasy". I highly doubt any devs, even for F2P games, want to get rid of 98% of their players.
Ah yes, the necessity of actually selling your game and turning a profit kills off so many armchair theorist ideas.
But by golly, we can yammeryammer about anything!
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Damn those "greedy" developers!!
Ok now you are just being silly. I get it. :-)
As I have already pointed out, there is a new modern game out there that satisfies your critera.
Why the contrarian attitude towards someone who wants something different?
I am not peeing on your dreams, your game is out there already. Your advice to me is to turn my monitor off.
( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)
An acerbic sense of humor is NOT allowed here.
He wants an MMO where the OPTIMAL playstyle is still hard.
He wants an MMO where community is formed due to game mechanics. Everyone levels slow enough that you can actually meet people and if you go ofline for the night still be in level range to play with those people the next day.
Because he wears crafted gear doesn't mean that gear is relevant. If it doesn't have a chance of being of equal value in its level range to found gear it is not relevant. If you have to be lvl 30 to craft lvl 20 gear.. that gear is not relevant. If no one wants to buy your gear beause you had to make 600 pieces in order to get to crafting lvl 31 and EVERYONE else is crafting that same piece 600 times none will ever sell for anything other than materials.
i understand this desire. i also agree with it.
Less [undefined], more [semantic null].
Sure, that'll work. We think.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.