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College Honors Thesis: Request for respondents for study on MMORPG play/use

Fellow Gamers Unite: Requesting survey respondents for College Honors Thesis on MMORPG gamers and play! Help very much appreciated!

Here We Go! My Honors Thesis Survey is finally live after a year of prepping. If you play any MMORPGs or know someone that does please take a few moments of your time to complete my survey or to send it to a friend. Thank you very much! 

Perceptions & Attitudes Among MMORPG Players

"Do you like to play MMORPGs like: World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Vindictus, Star Trek Online, Tera, Lord of the Rings Online Age of Conan, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Everquest, Aion, Rift, EVE Online, The Secret World, or Warhammer Online? If you are 18 or older, click on the link below to take a survey on your gaming, social relationships on and offline, and possible positive and negative health outcomes related to your MMORPG play."

A couple of *Disclaimers* - Based on current feedback thus far.
- This survey is officially tied to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte & the UNCC Psychology Department.
- Surveyshare utilizes a hashing system (to my knowledge) to prevent spamming and multipleinstances of the survey being taken.
- Any and all e-mails are not recorded or forwarded to me - e-mail input is the simpilist way to protect you and the survey.
- Once the survey goes down all data is stripped from the website - you're perfectly safe.
- This will come up... the questions are not of my own creation and are pulled from prevelant MMORPG research.
- This is to maintain continuity and universal validity amongst all studies. I cannot make changes to formatting.
- If you've questions, comments, and concerns I am open ears to anything you've got to say. 
- Please keep all of this in mind.

- Estimated time of completetion 20-30 minutes

- My contact information is in the survey, if you wish to get the results once publication is finished you can contact me at the end.

Thank you again for your time and consideration - I really appreciate everyone! This thesis has taken a long time to craft and the community has been amazing to me thusfar and I am eternally grateful for all of it. My research is meant to benefit the community and I am glad it has been received so well!

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