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We're hoping Star Wars: The Old Republic has a better 2013 than 2012, but what should BioWare do specifically? We weigh in with this week's SWTOR column.
Face it, 2012 was a rocky year for BioWare Austin and this was clearly reflected in SWTOR’s game updates that year. While there were a few gems, the studio was undergoing many changes and spending significant development time retrofitting the game to work as a free-to-play product. Outside of the Legacy feature, there weren’t many new systems introduced in 2012. We were mostly treated to familiar forms of new content updates, ranging from new Operations, Warzones, new Flashpoints, and the like.
Read more of Michael Bitton's How SWTOR Can Own 2013.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
They might want to address the horrible frame-rates many users get even on high end systems. I would have given free to play more of a chance if the game could get above 20-25 fps on my rig.
[post launch I never had frame-rate issues with this game save on Ilum. They have done something that messed up the performance. I turned off advanced shadows etc., no effect.]
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
And even then I doubt it.
TOR is a lost cause.
To me, the graphics engine is what holds this game down the most. Second only to EA's horrible customer service, largely caused by CS being bogged down with buggy releases, generating more tickets than they can handle.
A MMO that peaks with 16 players on-screen at once isn't very massively. But hey if you have a $5,000 computer you can get almost the same framerates as the starting area in WoW's Alterac Valley with 40 players. To actually play something like AV (40 vs 40) you would need a supercomputer. Great engine.
As for where EA spent a chuck of their time, yes it was in creating the cashshop interface and other freemium aspects. It is still ongoing, since EA's Damion Schubert admitted that upcoming cartel items have "long lead times.", thus still consuming large developer resources.
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Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
You forgot MMOs with fun combat and non combat activities... that what people really want.
i was a huge fan of swtor at launch. i am the guild leader of a guild that raided hardmode operations twice per week. had 40+ unique members. was incredible fun. but after awhile runnin the same things week after week, i got bored and my wife and i decided to take a break. fast forward 4 months later. now we have lfg tool and f2p model. the f2p model sucks balls. i tried it for a week and realized u just cant play it that gimped. so i resubbed and am having fun again. there is alot of work that still needs to b done but for now im enjoying it again. and for the record i have very little to no framerate issues anywhere in game.
A huge massive EVE like space system would go a loooong way. Other than that I don't think there is anything they can do.
Wtf lauch a starwars game with nothing more than a starfox online space minigame... cmon man.
i think looking at the joke that is their first "expansion" is a prime example of what you can expect from SWTOR for 2013.
There are still some people who love the game, and i am sure if the space combat is revamped, that would certainly attract players. They can start by doing either something akin to STO space combat, just a little faster or maybe even going into creating small areas similar to Rogue Squadron approach.
The STO approach would allow for more Team play approach, people taking roles. The Rogue Squadron approach would look more like a proper shooter which may work better for solo play, but that doesnt mean there are ways to include multiplayer in it.. In either case, it would be so cool to explore some of the conflicts in the game around the galaxy that we have already explored with our characters. Another thing that could work favorably is base stations/capital ships that guilds can use for PVP warfare,
I guess one last approach is create a semi simulator akin to Jump to Lightspeed, which will definitively atrract ole players to the game. That would certainly need to be a proper expansion, but it will change the history of the game.
And yes, a sort of swoop/pod racer event can be amazing. Being a themepark game, you can do many interesting things and it will work.
Overhauled space
next phase of class stories.
There are a lot of people who don't have FPS issues with the game, but there are a lot who do. It's enough of a problem that I brought it up. If it was just me I wouldn't have mentioned it.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
Our rating: 8.7
User rating: 7.2
Says it all, no?
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Here is what needs to take place to make the game "own"
1. FFXIV type reboot
2. Refer to number 1
This is Bioware speak for "Probably Never"
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
I'm not saying it's the greatest thing ever, and Mike clearly likes it more than you do, but there are definitely still fans of the game and BioWare. They're just probably not on these forums.
Take a minute, think, and realize that no one speaks for everyone.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
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I am totally stilla fan of Bioware just not the bs that was corrupted by EA
You can't be serious...Swtor own in 2013? It flopped after it came out. With all its problems there's no way it can ever be a hit.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
Makeb looks really promissing and population is very healthy... will it own 2013? We will see. it all depends how Makeb will do and how many content updates we will get.
This post brought haters back strong I see... some of you I even did not recognize LOL
From what I see from list of game to be released in 2013 the only rival is TESO... we shall see
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