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Why not, someone give me/us a real answer.
We have PvP servers, PvP servers, Beginners servers. I understand creating a Vanilla WoW server is by far not the same thing, but it does show that the game can be devided. Sure it would be a lot of work BUT WERE TALKING ABOUT MILLIONS that would like to see it !
Now were gonna have the SAME six or so people here defending this thing we have now. A few of them you would almost think are Blizzard in-plants that will try and overwhelm a topic like this. But this post is not for them its for the other millions.
In reading WoW post here from the last few days, I could SAFTLY SAY that over 50% or more don't like anything about WoW as it is now. By far millions are so turned off that they don't even read this forum anymore. This adds to the fact.
DiD I say millions !!!!.....Yes, a few times.
I am a Vanilla player and have fond memories of those days as many others do, but there are a few questions;
How long would these 'millions' of players stay for if they produced these servers as we all know that there is a big group of people who would probably play them for maybe a month or two to get their fix and then disappear again?
Where is your proof that 'Millions' would want to play these servers?
Are you suggesting a completely seperate subscription model for these servers of just included in the current subscription?
How pure a Vanilla experience do you want, are we talking from release bugs and all, a couple of patches down the line, or even just before BC?
The only thing about trying to go back to something you remember so fondly is that it is never the same experience that it was back then, especially with something like this as there are other factors to take in to account, not least that the people you were playing alongside then made the experience what it was and if you cannot get them back in the same way then you just cannot re-create the entire experience as it was back then.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
People that want a current experience can always switch back if they get sick of vanilla?
What patch to start the servers at? Probably locked progression or Just before BC Hit.
On a personal note, Please Put up BC Servers Aswell...
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
100% support this. If they had pre BC vanilla id be so happy. It would get a player who has given up all hope on this game to actually sub again. MC/BWL/ZG/ + Grand Marshal/Warlord BG grind. Bring that style of WoW back and i bet a million players would join that server. If WoW did this it would be the most genious move ever because let's face WoW has evolved/devolved. SOme players love the changes, some hate it. Learn to please both and you are a winner.
SIde note: I was a fan of BC, to me it was the only healthy expansion to the game but regardless the game in its vanila form before the pvp gear change was the most fun to me. Truly organized BG and truly epic pvp in silithus and other areas. Those are the things WoW does not offer any longer.
Hero Evermore
Guild Master of Dragonspine since 1982.
Playing Path of Exile and deeply in love with it.
without support to continue the advance of the vanilla development (beyond Naxx) there becomes no new goal.
For those of us who raided into Naxx in Vanilla Days we would be back at that point in record time.
Id love WoW to go back to its Vanilla roots (Except you know... letting pallys be playable and druids viable other than resto ((I was a priest)) ) but it wont.
They got the casual $, and it is a larger amount than the $ of those of us that loved Vanilla and felt left out in the cold come BC.
The only ones that want a vanilla WoW are people who actually played it, I started in BC and I want BC back
Millions you say? Got any proof? Ok your one and I'd be surprised if everyone here posted that wanted vallina servers if we got even 50 votes. Perhaps you should do a poll? I long ago quite WoW and have no desire to ever go back so i'd say i'm neutral to what you say, I just don't think theres as many people for vinilla wow servers as you have possibly deluded yourself into believing. I state this simply because you know everyone that has a opinion always believes the majority of the people in the world share that same opnion.
Lets look at realistic facts shall we?
1. Blizzard is a company out to make money, true?
2. If they could get a million players just by setting up a vinilla wow server that would be alot of money for blizzard with fairly little investment or work, right?
So why doesn't blizzard do this? Simple there are no were near 1 million players that would pay for a vanilla WoW server. most likely maybe only 20 K best and thats giving the benifit of the doubt..
End point you a and maybe a handfull of others like the idea of a vanilla WoW server. the Illusionary millions you are talking about that want a vanilla wow server, are just that Illusions
Life always go's forward weither we like it or not, even if you could have WoW back the way it was when you first played it and loved it you wouldn't capture that same joy/fun, because you have changed as well, and theres no going back..
blizzard doesnt need a million to support doing a classic server
a history exists where other mmo companies provided something similar w far less
SOE Everquest did classic servers twice
once in 2006 (The Combine and Sleeper)
again in 2011 (Fippy and Vulak)
Mythic Dark Age of Camelot did it once in 2005 (Lamorak, Gareth, and Ector servers)
EQ2 fan sites
So people would actually be happy with being stuck in an MMO that never updates or adds anything new, just stuck at the same EXACT same era for all of eternity?
...That sounds kinda dull if anything.
Have to agree, while there might be some who would like to go back to the original WoW game when it first released, its probably mostly just nostalgia talking, much as i look back on EQ when i first started playing it, but after having actually gone back to play it, i quickly realised, that i'd grown out of it, playing other games had 'broadened' my expectations significantly, and i think thats exactly what would happen with vanilla wow.
i'd come back for a TBC server, if I could still transmog lol...
Hahah..the irony. You are worried that same six or seven people will defend WOW in it surrent state and yet somehow know what millions wants? seriously?
Did you have a get together with these millions of players and came to this conclusion or as usual you pulled this number out of you know where to give more weight to your argument? it is a very old trick by the way.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
I would join a vanilla server for a jaunt down memory lane, but I am not the same person now that I was 8/9 years ago, so I doubt I would stick with it for long.
I have checked into wow a few times since vanilla btw, but hate what the game has become.
Even though Vanilla wouldn't feel like anything nowdays, I'd like to see some company pull out "Pro" or "Gamer" servers.
Where everything is a lot more challenging, harder and gets nerfed only if there's something that requires "fixing".
It's sad to see MMORPG turn into shiz due to constant nerfing, being easy and having EVERYTHING RITE NOW communities.
Haha this, about the Bc servers. I know few think as I do, but damn it, I loved Kara! Where every single dungeon has the same dark, cavey feel to it, Kara had a uniques to it, from the dancing ghosts, to the music, to a damn theater!
Most people want to play Vanilla WoW purely out of curiosity but when they realize they won't get their normal ground mount until level 40 and they realize the quests are structured inconsistently/placed sporadically they may not be as happy to return to what they remember or what they hear about.
There are good things about that period in WoW's history but there are reasons that games get patched and get expansions.
However I would not be opposed to a progression server.
Part of me hungers for a time when alliance did not know the ways of shamanism and no member of the horde would dream of being a paladin.
Other than that though Pandaria is pretty great.
Millions? Yeah I can also go and pull numbers out of my ass. You don't think Blizzard hasn't done any research about it? If they knew they would really get millions of players on vanilla servers AND keep them, they would open those in a heartbeat.
It would undermine their game in its current state. It would almost be an admission that they have taken the game in the wrong direction or dumbed it down, or at least the press would treat it as such. It would be a PR disaster.
It would also risk losing revenue and activity from the those players who stick with it because it is wow, but never-the-less are underwhelmed by the direction it has taken. An emptier world in their expansions is not good for business.
/end thread.
When people start claiming to know what millions want and speak on their behalf.... you know nothing good will come out of that discussion.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
Like all 'fond memories' of games, if you played it again.. now.. it would probably ruin your fond memories.
Vanilla WoW was good because, at the time, it was original and we'd never seen it before. It just wouldn't be the same after all we've been through.
It's like the D3 issue. Everyone wanted it to be like D2.. but why arn't they playing D2 then? Because they probably tried it again and it's just shockingly bad compared to todays games. Memories are relative to the time they took place.