It seems this tpoic is most popular with people who like to be offended by things. Most normal people who aren't hunting for their next bit of drama treat all of this as the same thing....just some person being an asshole to another person.
There really is no deeper meaning behind it all. Some people just suck.
It seems this tpoic is most popular with people who like to be offended by things. Most normal people who aren't hunting for their next bit of drama treat all of this as the same thing....just some person being an asshole to another person.
There really is no deeper meaning behind it all. Some people just suck.
Agreed, wish I could have shortened my version to this!
Well I re-read the article several time and what I come up with is this. The OP has many hurt fealings and blames men in general for those hurt fealings. It is all the mens fault. What I took away from it is somebody who wants to feel entitled to being a victim of circumstance. You know what stand up for yourself and don't play the victim any more. I did not treat her this way, but I am being blamed for somebody who did.
This article serve no purpose for gaming and really should not be on this site. there was nothing gaming releated other than somebodies hurt feelings.
Well I re-read the article several time and what I come up with is this. The OP has many hurt fealings and blames men in general for those hurt fealings. It is all the mens fault. What I took away from it is somebody who wants to feel entitled to being a victim of circumstance. You know what stand up for yourself and don't play the victim any more. I did not treat her this way, but I am being blamed for somebody who did.
This article serve no purpose for gaming and really should not be on this site. there was nothing gaming releated other than somebodies hurt feelings.
I realy tried to treat it as a legitimate piece of journalism but it is not.
I met my girlfriend playin World of Warcraft. We now have a beautiful baby boy who is 10 months old. I don't game as much with her as I used to, but this topic has sort of come up before. I was always amazed at the fact that she never seemed to be ridiculed or tormented online in any instance I had seen. Quite the opposite actually with many people being impressed when they actually found out she was a woman. If a guy said something somewhat snarky she would quickly shut his mouth with her own, very often even more vulgar statement.
Infact the only people she had trouble with in an online gaming community were other woman who she liked to call "attention seekers". You know the ones... The ones who would act and say things very sexual to get attention and then get offended when the topic they started went overboard. Or the girl who is only playing the game to say "look at me I'm cool" and they happen to be the guild leaders girlfriend so you had to put up with them failing at every little task simply because of their sex and position in the guild or community.
I have no doubt that women are harrassed online, many people are. But it is not nearly so black and white as this article would have you believe. Just as my lovely lady likes to say now, some of these "girls" go out looking for this stuff just so they can trump up noise about it. I can say this because I've have a lady gamer in my life and I never ever once have ever seen these issue's come up with her, but I have bore witness to harrassment on both ends and I've seen how childish both men and women can be when seeking attention. Actually, this article is just that in my opinion, attention seeking flame bait.
I knew this arguement would arrive sooner or later. I generally Take fire from my own side (Female) because i dont think guys should make every consession. There is shit on both sides of the fence in this catagory but mainly people wish to say that their shit smells worse, Where as if we both walked to the fence it would smell fine. Alot of Women need to learn to take care of themselves better and not allow a situation to get out of control over acceptance. Also alot of guys need to not be Doushebags.
I'm not saying every situation is like this, however alot of them tend to atleast start off this way. I was harrased though highschool mainly cause the people responsible knew they could get away with it (That is another thing that causes it, not being able to tie any comment to any person). Eventually i had enough and broke a stick over one of their heads, i stopped being harrased. Course i got suspended but it was a good lesson for them to learn.
Now the big difference is that on the internet we cant see who is doing what, we cant make them eat their own words and of course we have the nasty trolls (talking 4chan not who make it their Lifes Work to ruin other peoples lives. With how the internet is, so long as there is the ability to remain annonymous there will be the Internet Dickwad Theory coined by Gabe of penny arcade.
That leaves the big question. Say we found a way to connect everyone with their comments so that they would "be good" would it honestly be worth it. I can't say it would be, Lets face it the inability to track us is why we use the internet for half its uses. Everything from Forum to email, If we gave somone else the ability to go though all our comments sure everything would sound alot nicer, but what other monster would be unleashed by that.
When it comes to forums and Comment sites, i tend to just ignore it since half the time its some 16 year old trying to look cool to his friends. It's all we can really do without opening another bag with potentially worse outcomes.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
eh pathetic article. males get just as much crap (if not more) than females do in online games. its just that men dont give a shit and keep doing what they like doing unlike stupid feminists who qq about everything. Ive been called noob, faggot, virgin, neckbeard. I have been told to prepare my anus, told that my penis is small and asked even if I even lift. boohoo
im sorry but competitive video gaming is a mans world. people shit talk all the time. it happens in IRL sports as well. if you cant handle the heat gtfo.
people insulting people on the internet is rarely about real discrimination. people use race, sex etc etc merely as a backbone for insults because it works. it gets people ultra mad. feminists are stupid and have nothing better to do than look for things to qq instead of focussing on real issues. OH WAIT there are no real issues? females and males have equal rights legally (in 1st world countries at least).
this topic is a bit one sided because all of these issues go both ways, it is true gameing was mainlly played by men up until the last few years, and the larger percentage still is, that isnt our fault we dont tell ya you cant play.
as for men being asses guess what women do it to in fact women are harsher on other woemen then men are.
im not saying your point is stupid or anything like that, but you need to stop makeing sexism a onesided thing because last time i checked women hated guys who where ugly as well, unless we have lots of money
we didnt ell you to make preference like that, and it also happens the other way around lok and see how many ugly women have a hot husband that has lots of money
im getting long winded here which is bad so ill just finish with my main point is this articule was to one sided when reality is anything but
F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used to Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.
There will always be problems in the real-world that will probably never go away. But gaming isn't suppose to be about the real-world, infact it is suppose to be the very opposite. Point of gaming is to get away from real-life not drag the real-world into the game world. A stress-reliever not a stress-builder.
Problem is when game companies and others start to shove politics into gaming world. Then we wonder why politicians and interests groups get ahold of games and want to either censor them, or prove "Links" that video-games promote violence or other fibble-flabble!
It shouldn't be this way and this is not what gaming was originally intended for or suppose to be a political avenue. Gaming Entertainment is a form of free-speech, and regardless of it's content the games state what they are, what age they are appropriate for, and what they contain.
If a female or male finds a skimpy-clothed video-game offensive, then he or she is more than welcomed to play other games that do not have that. If he or she is surronded by rude-talkers, then he or she can either move on to something else, correct them or leave.
Has the game society become so oversensitive and thin-skinned that they take the words of strangers on the internet to heart? They do not know you, you do not know them. They are not face-book friends they are strangers playing video-games. Most of the gamers playing on video-games are in their own social-pow-wow, trolls, or steam-relievers.
As much junk is said on the internet, guys do speak junk to one-another as well too. Only difference majority is that they don't care that much or will say something snarky back. A female does it, and she is a pity-party victim forever.
I am fairly certain that some female players know and take advantage of the fact that male players will be nicer to them / give them free stuff / be more willing to help.
Just saying we aren't the only criminals.
This x1000.
Having a few female friends who game, I watch them and see them exploit mens generosity first hand. Actually one guild I know of in TERA fell apart because there was actually a guy using a voice changer who used his apparent feminisity to gain power and trick the entire guild into thinking he was a female. It shows how much power just a female voice brings to the table. There's a few e-dating hoes that go around getting guys to do things for them, theres a few girls who had random guys go on their accounts and run dungeons for them all day to gear themselves up.
And while some girls are great players, the majority of the ones I knew were so bad it literally made me weep.
All that being said i'm still nice and don't treat girls any differently, well I sort of do, I have to watch what I say, if they do something stupid I can't call them out on it like my guy friends, or else it's apparently a personal attack because shes a girl then I get blocked for a day.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if I only had to deal with guys while playing games. Keeping up all this bottled rage towards so many of the ones I know right now who do so many things to piss me and everyone else off isn't healthy, but I can't say anything because unlike guys, they take everything really seriously and i'll probably never talk to them again.
exept for the friends i play with on vent i assume everyone is a it until i know otherwise and i dot really treat anyone diffrent based on sex in game or real life, i always beleaved if ya can do it ya can do it if ya cant then ya cant and there should be no diffrence in requirments based on sex.
it also helps that im married and stopped anything to do with E-dateing after that so im immune to stuff like that
F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used to Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.
We have one female in our guild. She is treated like one of the guys and never incurs. Bad behavior. That is because my hmguild is comprised of awesome people. You want better behavior, hang around better people. Maybe that's a sime answer but it sure beats this everyone is a victim crap.
I have been in may guilds during my online playing over the years and personally i will not join a guild that does not have woman in it. No i am not looking for a pickup of any kind having been married for 28 years (happly to boot). Woman bring balance to a guild i fine. They seem to talk more then the males do and that brings the guild together more as friends as well as teammates. If someone does start talking down to a female in the guild i will speak up and inform them to be a gentleman. If it does not stop with that i will whisper them as a father would to a unruly child. I have seen it over the years and do not understand why in the would any male would want to make some woman who is just playing a game that she and all of us enjoy a living hell being there. Woman on any online game should be welcome to play along side us males without the drama. I say if you see it where someone is giving a woman a hard time over being a woman playing a game be a MAN and put that person in there place on the spot ......
Well I re-read the article several time and what I come up with is this. The OP has many hurt fealings and blames men in general for those hurt fealings. It is all the mens fault. What I took away from it is somebody who wants to feel entitled to being a victim of circumstance. You know what stand up for yourself and don't play the victim any more. I did not treat her this way, but I am being blamed for somebody who did.
This article serve no purpose for gaming and really should not be on this site. there was nothing gaming releated other than somebodies hurt feelings.
I realy tried to treat it as a legitimate piece of journalism but it is not.
[mod edit]. its a +1 for trying to make ppl discuss the issue coz it does exsiste but more in general then specivic in gaming and a big -1 for using random out of context "facts" all the items on the year list are media blowing stuff out of porportions, theres not a single thing on the list that "proofs" any form of related and deeper rooted sexism specivic against woman alone. at best it shows that there are jackasses who are sexual fustraded and do/say stupit shit. but those come in any form in any part of live.
[mod edit]
If you dont like how people talk (if they do go to far for some reason) tell them so and they shutup 99% of the time AND learn from it. the 1% that does not are the uneducated assholes (guy and gal) you mute or call a cop on. making a "article" filled whit personal .."issues" and backedup by false claims of sexism does nothing.
again, assholes exsiste but its not a gaming issue, or gaming related, its cultural and upbringing. and the only way to stop the 1% of gamers that are that way is to simply talk to them.
(ofc a idiot that shows or ask you to touch his a game-con should just be arested just like the idiot that does it at a football game or in the shopping mall or ..on aside note females do that to )
Perhaps people could just take the end point of it all and just respect each other online. I play fantasy games so that particular fantasy falls right in - never happen.
And why attack the writer for speaking her mind? I just don't get that. Don't we all speak our minds every time we post here or anywhere? Be reasonable.
Have an issue with how people on your team/guild are talking to you... DON'T PLAY WITH THEM.
Holy crap, its not hard to start a 'family friendly' guild. I almost exclusively raid with such guilds, that doesn't mean I am going to take my moral rod of manliness and make people not in my chosen circle of players act how i want them to act.
People smack talk A LOT in competitive everything. I have played competitive sports and online games. Both males and females say some messed up stuff. It is not gender exclusive.
Men get told they will be raped, their familes murdered, that they have a tiny dick, are an opposite sexuality to their real one... what do they do........ THROW IT BACK AT THEM, or roflstomp whoever is smack talking.
If you take a picture doing a seduction face with a remote hanging out of your mouth.... yes, you will spawn jokes, many many jokes. But you know how many meme's are MORE popular than that one, tons. Go to Reddit, read, enjoy.
If you do not support someones right to publish tentacle sex, why should anyone support you? (i think owning a gun is stupid, but i support the right to do so.)
What happened to Anita shouldnt have happened. However, I will fight tooth and nail to have my avatar in a chainmail bra. (Mind you I did not specify gender)
Clearly the game that came out about her was made by someone with the INTENT TO TROLL. and guess what, it worked. You want to know how it would have failed........ not talking about it, not spreading knowledge of it. Until this article I had never heard of the game.
Does anyone deserve to be harassed at a Convention... NO.......... Does wearing a bra and undies that are 2 sizes to small as an "outfit" seem like the best plan ever? No..... It screams "Pay attention to me" well with good attention comes bad. If you dont want to be sexualized.... go as a character that your gender isnt the highlight.
Soooooo... you dont think people at bars on a daily basis world wide have someone whip out their genitals for some random reason that at the time seems like a great plan?
I believe in equal rights. I work in a field that is mainly female dominated. Dont try and tell me women are less dirty of mind and mouth than men. I raid with women, i game with my GF trusting her to do her role more than most people.
From the heinous, in-team abuse on Cross Assault in February, to the explosion of #1ReasonWhy on Twitter in November, there was hardly a month when sexism wasn’t a major topic in gaming circles.
That's a matter of perception. If an extremist is looking for evil, he/she will find it, whether it actually exists or not. It will also be routinely blown out of proportion, and spun in a way that makes it most supportive of The Cause.
Oddly enough, this was not a major topic in any gaming circles I frequent. Then again, I just play games, and don't hang out in circles that presuppose sexism at every turn.
And by sexism, I mean a tsunami of bile and loathing aimed at women (not only in gaming) in geek circles across the board, mostly for the crime of Existing While Female.
Which wouldn't be substantively different from this gender-baiting article, frothing at the mouth with the condemnation of an entire gender for behavior the author doesn't like.
Given the one-sidedness of the diatribe, it does appear to confirm the bias that only men can be sexist, which is sexist itself.
I didn’t want to come off as “too angry” or, to use phrases commonly slung at women: strident, humorless or shrill. Well, screw that, I am angry. I’m angry at the men who think they have any right to direct and determine what their fellow human beings are allowed to participate in and enjoy. I’m angry at their mob mentality fervor and self-righteous indignation every time a woman dares to express an opinion on a subject they consider their own. Piss on game territory all you like, fellas; it still doesn’t belong exclusively to you.
Is anyone physically denying access to a game? No.
Speaking of self-righteous indignation, how dare a man disagree with a woman's expressed opinion. The nerve!
My anger, however, doesn’t stop there. I’m angry at all of us. I’m angry at otherwise good men who don’t speak up when their petulant brethren get out of hand online or in public.
The author appears to feel entitled to define what is or isn't a "good man". Given the context, it appears that a "good" man would be one that acts or believes in a way in which she approves. How convenient.
Similarly, who defines when someone gets "out of hand"? Out of hand, according to who? Who believes they have the authority to set that standard anymore? And before anyone claims common civility, realize that civility has changed through the years, and will continue to do so.
Many women have raged for over five decades against men defining them, or having expectations of behavior from them, and yet, in the same breath, these same women believe they have the moral authority to define men's behavior as good or bad. They don't.
That aside, I believe most feminists would label what the author demands of men here as paternalistic or patronizing behavior, wouldn't they?
I’m angry at women who, terrified of not being allowed in “the club”, rush to disassociate themselves from their slandered sistren with cries of, “I’m not offended!” or “I’m not like those other women, I can take it.”
Or, perhaps they are simply more fair, or less thin-skinned about certain topics, and don't expect some of the "courtly" treatment some of their sistren believe they are entitled to simply because they have a vagina instead of a penis. After all, gentlemanly behavior is oppressive, right?
That's what I got from this one-sided article. It's based on the prejudicial premise that men's behaviors are inherently bad, and that women are the arbiters of right and wrong. I reject the notion that women hold that authority. In the same way women refuse to be defined by men, I think men should similarly refuse to be defined by women. That would seem to be more "equal", and seems to be the way society is heading.
Originally posted by Istavaan Maybe women should stop blaming men for everything and take responsibility for their own actions.
So women are responsible for being treated as second class citizens in some online/geek areas, gaming being one, how so? By being born?
Ah I know the response, ive seen it to many times: "Well if they didnt keep bringing it up, it wouldnt happen! people are reacting! bla bla bla feminist agenda!"
yep if we just ignore a problem, it goes right away
Lets be honest now... brutally honest... This is the internet, and MMOs and online games gives all of us 2 things. 1 is Anonymity... the other is Choice.
I've created female avatars... and I've played them. I didn't feal like anyone treated me any more different. I could have pretended that I was a girl.. but that would serve the desired purpose that I wanted special treatment.
In online games more then any other facet.. women have the chance to be treated truly as equals... with nobody ever having to know they are women. In comparison though, sexism aside, racial stereotypes are just as prevalent. For example, having a Screen Name with predominantly jewish connotations may reveal a much stronger and vile bias from an even worse crowd.
I think pretending like women are suddenly victims in a world where they get to choose to be whatever they want, and still end up feeling like they are overly sexualized or are discriminated against - even though they choose their characters, they choose what they say, and they choose what and how they play, shows some naivety.
so it's are own fault we get harrassed ? because we chose to make a female character or a female name? so if I make a male character with a manly name I ll be safe right? .... but wait ....what happens when I need to use voice communication to warn my team mates their geting flanked, or when leading a raid ?
so it's are own fault we get harrassed ? because we chose to make a female character or a female name? so if I make a male character with a manly name I ll be safe right? .... but wait ....what happens when I need to use voice communication to warn my team mates their geting flanked, or when leading a raid ?
wow! just wow!
dont game with people on your team that care if you have a vagina or penis?
From the heinous, in-team abuse on Cross Assault in February, to the explosion of #1ReasonWhy on Twitter in November, there was hardly a month when sexism wasn’t a major topic in gaming circles.
That's a matter of perception. If an extremist is looking for evil, he/she will find it, whether it actually exists or not. It will also be routinely blown out of proportion, and spun in a way that makes it most supportive of The Cause.
Oddly enough, this was not a major topic in any gaming circles I frequent. Then again, I just play games, and don't hang out in circles that presuppose sexism at every turn.
And by sexism, I mean a tsunami of bile and loathing aimed at women (not only in gaming) in geek circles across the board, mostly for the crime of Existing While Female.
Which wouldn't be substantively different from this gender-baiting article, frothing at the mouth with the condemnation of an entire gender for behavior the author doesn't like.
Given the one-sidedness of the diatribe, it does appear to confirm the bias only men can be sexist, which is sexist itself.
I didn’t want to come off as “too angry” or, to use phrases commonly slung at women: strident, humorless or shrill. Well, screw that, I am angry. I’m angry at the men who think they have any right to direct and determine what their fellow human beings are allowed to participate in and enjoy. I’m angry at their mob mentality fervor and self-righteous indignation every time a woman dares to express an opinion on a subject they consider their own. Piss on game territory all you like, fellas; it still doesn’t belong exclusively to you.
Is anyone physically denying access to a game? No.
Speaking of self-righteous indignation, how dare a man disagree with a woman's expressed opinion. The nerve!
My anger, however, doesn’t stop there. I’m angry at all of us. I’m angry at otherwise good men who don’t speak up when their petulant brethren get out of hand online or in public.
The author appears to feel entitled to define what is or isn't a "good man". Given the context, it appears that a "good" man would be one that acts or believes in a way in which she approves. How convenient.
Similarly, who defines when someone gets "out of hand"? Out of hand, according to who? Who believes they have the authority to set that standard anymore? And before anyone claims common civility, realize that civility has changed through the years, and will continue to do so.
Many women have raged for over five decades against men defining them, or having expectations of behavior from them, and yet, in the same breath, these same women believe they have the moral authority to define men's behavior as good or bad. They don't.
That aside, I believe most feminists would label what the author demands of men here as paternalistic or patronizing behavior, wouldn't they? Again, it appears that it would be ok, as long as it was sanctioned by a woman.
I’m angry at women who, terrified of not being allowed in “the club”, rush to disassociate themselves from their slandered sistren with cries of, “I’m not offended!” or “I’m not like those other women, I can take it.”
Or, perhaps they are simply more fair, or less thin-skinned about certain topics, and don't expect some of the "courtly" treatment some of their sistren believe they are entitled to simply because they have a vagina instead of a penis. After all, gentlemanly behavior is oppressive, right?
That's what I got from this one-sided article. It's based on the prejudicial premise that men's behaviors are inherently bad, and that women are the arbiters of right and wrong. I reject the notion that women hold that authority. In the same way women refuse to be defined by men, I think men should similarly refuse to be defined by women. That would seem to be more "equal", and seems to be the way society is heading.
[mod edit]
Rohn's post is probably the most rationally thought out response I have seen in this thread, and your reaction to it is quite abrupt in contrast.
I think it is you whom needs to return to reality.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
This post will be from the perspective of a guy, so I am going to try and explain what we think and if I say anything rude I am not meaning to.
Guys want to feel tough or want to feel superior to the next person it just seems to be our nature we are very competitive. Some will deny it, but we always pick someone that we want to aspire to be and maybe surpass. Now we want to look manly or tough in front of other men if we don't it makes us look weak. Which is why guys rarely cry we think it makes us look weak and are generally laughed at unless we are under extreme physical and sometimes emotional pain.
Brief intro to the explanation ^
So why are guys sexist in games? Well a lot of guys when hanging out with friends will do things like insult girls and many times will hit on girls. Throughout history men have always looked down on women and those who do look tougher and are generally physically stronger than others. So why dont some guys stand up to this? The answer is simple it makes us look weak even in a game we don't want to be the enemy we want to be with the crowd. Also since it is the internet it does not matter if someone curses and threatens you we just curse the guy out that is just what people do.
More Detail Summary Below v
To sum it up guys want to look tough and it is the internet we think you want to curse me out I will do the same to you. The best thing to do is realize on games sexism is a big thing but don't take it to seriously want to annoy his report his account and hope he gets banned.
so it's are own fault we get harrassed ? because we chose to make a female character or a female name? so if I make a male character with a manly name I ll be safe right? .... but wait ....what happens when I need to use voice communication to warn my team mates their geting flanked, or when leading a raid ?
wow! just wow!
dont game with people on your team that care if you have a vagina or penis?
lol .... I agree completely.
Agreed, wish I could have shortened my version to this!
This looks like a job for....The Riviera Kid!
Well I re-read the article several time and what I come up with is this. The OP has many hurt fealings and blames men in general for those hurt fealings. It is all the mens fault. What I took away from it is somebody who wants to feel entitled to being a victim of circumstance. You know what stand up for yourself and don't play the victim any more. I did not treat her this way, but I am being blamed for somebody who did.
This article serve no purpose for gaming and really should not be on this site. there was nothing gaming releated other than somebodies hurt feelings.
I realy tried to treat it as a legitimate piece of journalism but it is not.
I met my girlfriend playin World of Warcraft. We now have a beautiful baby boy who is 10 months old. I don't game as much with her as I used to, but this topic has sort of come up before. I was always amazed at the fact that she never seemed to be ridiculed or tormented online in any instance I had seen. Quite the opposite actually with many people being impressed when they actually found out she was a woman. If a guy said something somewhat snarky she would quickly shut his mouth with her own, very often even more vulgar statement.
Infact the only people she had trouble with in an online gaming community were other woman who she liked to call "attention seekers". You know the ones... The ones who would act and say things very sexual to get attention and then get offended when the topic they started went overboard. Or the girl who is only playing the game to say "look at me I'm cool" and they happen to be the guild leaders girlfriend so you had to put up with them failing at every little task simply because of their sex and position in the guild or community.
I have no doubt that women are harrassed online, many people are. But it is not nearly so black and white as this article would have you believe. Just as my lovely lady likes to say now, some of these "girls" go out looking for this stuff just so they can trump up noise about it. I can say this because I've have a lady gamer in my life and I never ever once have ever seen these issue's come up with her, but I have bore witness to harrassment on both ends and I've seen how childish both men and women can be when seeking attention. Actually, this article is just that in my opinion, attention seeking flame bait.
I knew this arguement would arrive sooner or later. I generally Take fire from my own side (Female) because i dont think guys should make every consession. There is shit on both sides of the fence in this catagory but mainly people wish to say that their shit smells worse, Where as if we both walked to the fence it would smell fine. Alot of Women need to learn to take care of themselves better and not allow a situation to get out of control over acceptance. Also alot of guys need to not be Doushebags.
I'm not saying every situation is like this, however alot of them tend to atleast start off this way. I was harrased though highschool mainly cause the people responsible knew they could get away with it (That is another thing that causes it, not being able to tie any comment to any person). Eventually i had enough and broke a stick over one of their heads, i stopped being harrased. Course i got suspended but it was a good lesson for them to learn.
Now the big difference is that on the internet we cant see who is doing what, we cant make them eat their own words and of course we have the nasty trolls (talking 4chan not who make it their Lifes Work to ruin other peoples lives. With how the internet is, so long as there is the ability to remain annonymous there will be the Internet Dickwad Theory coined by Gabe of penny arcade.
That leaves the big question. Say we found a way to connect everyone with their comments so that they would "be good" would it honestly be worth it. I can't say it would be, Lets face it the inability to track us is why we use the internet for half its uses. Everything from Forum to email, If we gave somone else the ability to go though all our comments sure everything would sound alot nicer, but what other monster would be unleashed by that.
When it comes to forums and Comment sites, i tend to just ignore it since half the time its some 16 year old trying to look cool to his friends. It's all we can really do without opening another bag with potentially worse outcomes.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
eh pathetic article. males get just as much crap (if not more) than females do in online games. its just that men dont give a shit and keep doing what they like doing unlike stupid feminists who qq about everything. Ive been called noob, faggot, virgin, neckbeard. I have been told to prepare my anus, told that my penis is small and asked even if I even lift. boohoo
im sorry but competitive video gaming is a mans world. people shit talk all the time. it happens in IRL sports as well. if you cant handle the heat gtfo.
people insulting people on the internet is rarely about real discrimination. people use race, sex etc etc merely as a backbone for insults because it works. it gets people ultra mad. feminists are stupid and have nothing better to do than look for things to qq instead of focussing on real issues. OH WAIT there are no real issues? females and males have equal rights legally (in 1st world countries at least).
this topic is a bit one sided because all of these issues go both ways, it is true gameing was mainlly played by men up until the last few years, and the larger percentage still is, that isnt our fault we dont tell ya you cant play.
as for men being asses guess what women do it to in fact women are harsher on other woemen then men are.
im not saying your point is stupid or anything like that, but you need to stop makeing sexism a onesided thing because last time i checked women hated guys who where ugly as well, unless we have lots of money
we didnt ell you to make preference like that, and it also happens the other way around lok and see how many ugly women have a hot husband that has lots of money
im getting long winded here which is bad so ill just finish with my main point is this articule was to one sided when reality is anything but
F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used to
Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.
There will always be problems in the real-world that will probably never go away. But gaming isn't suppose to be about the real-world, infact it is suppose to be the very opposite. Point of gaming is to get away from real-life not drag the real-world into the game world. A stress-reliever not a stress-builder.
Problem is when game companies and others start to shove politics into gaming world. Then we wonder why politicians and interests groups get ahold of games and want to either censor them, or prove "Links" that video-games promote violence or other fibble-flabble!
It shouldn't be this way and this is not what gaming was originally intended for or suppose to be a political avenue. Gaming Entertainment is a form of free-speech, and regardless of it's content the games state what they are, what age they are appropriate for, and what they contain.
If a female or male finds a skimpy-clothed video-game offensive, then he or she is more than welcomed to play other games that do not have that. If he or she is surronded by rude-talkers, then he or she can either move on to something else, correct them or leave.
Has the game society become so oversensitive and thin-skinned that they take the words of strangers on the internet to heart? They do not know you, you do not know them. They are not face-book friends they are strangers playing video-games. Most of the gamers playing on video-games are in their own social-pow-wow, trolls, or steam-relievers.
As much junk is said on the internet, guys do speak junk to one-another as well too. Only difference majority is that they don't care that much or will say something snarky back. A female does it, and she is a pity-party victim forever.
This x1000.
Having a few female friends who game, I watch them and see them exploit mens generosity first hand. Actually one guild I know of in TERA fell apart because there was actually a guy using a voice changer who used his apparent feminisity to gain power and trick the entire guild into thinking he was a female. It shows how much power just a female voice brings to the table. There's a few e-dating hoes that go around getting guys to do things for them, theres a few girls who had random guys go on their accounts and run dungeons for them all day to gear themselves up.
And while some girls are great players, the majority of the ones I knew were so bad it literally made me weep.
All that being said i'm still nice and don't treat girls any differently, well I sort of do, I have to watch what I say, if they do something stupid I can't call them out on it like my guy friends, or else it's apparently a personal attack because shes a girl then I get blocked for a day.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if I only had to deal with guys while playing games. Keeping up all this bottled rage towards so many of the ones I know right now who do so many things to piss me and everyone else off isn't healthy, but I can't say anything because unlike guys, they take everything really seriously and i'll probably never talk to them again.
exept for the friends i play with on vent i assume everyone is a it until i know otherwise and i dot really treat anyone diffrent based on sex in game or real life, i always beleaved if ya can do it ya can do it if ya cant then ya cant and there should be no diffrence in requirments based on sex.
it also helps that im married and stopped anything to do with E-dateing after that so im immune to stuff like that
F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used to
Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.
I have been in may guilds during my online playing over the years and personally i will not join a guild that does not have woman in it. No i am not looking for a pickup of any kind having been married for 28 years (happly to boot). Woman bring balance to a guild i fine. They seem to talk more then the males do and that brings the guild together more as friends as well as teammates. If someone does start talking down to a female in the guild i will speak up and inform them to be a gentleman. If it does not stop with that i will whisper them as a father would to a unruly child. I have seen it over the years and do not understand why in the would any male would want to make some woman who is just playing a game that she and all of us enjoy a living hell being there. Woman on any online game should be welcome to play along side us males without the drama. I say if you see it where someone is giving a woman a hard time over being a woman playing a game be a MAN and put that person in there place on the spot ......
Not to sound overly insensitive, but this just all seems a little bit like "The girl who cried wolf" story...
See, I was even Politically Correct with that quote.
BRB, gonna go walk on some eggshells now...
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
[mod edit]. its a +1 for trying to make ppl discuss the issue coz it does exsiste but more in general then specivic in gaming and a big -1 for using random out of context "facts"
all the items on the year list are media blowing stuff out of porportions, theres not a single thing on the list that "proofs" any form of related and deeper rooted sexism specivic against woman alone. at best it shows that there are jackasses who are sexual fustraded and do/say stupit shit. but those come in any form in any part of live.
[mod edit]
If you dont like how people talk (if they do go to far for some reason) tell them so and they shutup 99% of the time AND learn from it. the 1% that does not are the uneducated assholes (guy and gal) you mute or call a cop on. making a "article" filled whit personal .."issues" and backedup by false claims of sexism does nothing.
again, assholes exsiste but its not a gaming issue, or gaming related, its cultural and upbringing. and the only way to stop the 1% of gamers that are that way is to simply talk to them.
(ofc a idiot that shows or ask you to touch his a game-con should just be arested just like the idiot that does it at a football game or in the shopping mall or ..on aside note females do that to )
Perhaps people could just take the end point of it all and just respect each other online. I play fantasy games so that particular fantasy falls right in - never happen.
And why attack the writer for speaking her mind? I just don't get that. Don't we all speak our minds every time we post here or anywhere? Be reasonable.
Have an issue with how people on your team/guild are talking to you... DON'T PLAY WITH THEM.
Holy crap, its not hard to start a 'family friendly' guild. I almost exclusively raid with such guilds, that doesn't mean I am going to take my moral rod of manliness and make people not in my chosen circle of players act how i want them to act.
People smack talk A LOT in competitive everything. I have played competitive sports and online games. Both males and females say some messed up stuff. It is not gender exclusive.
Men get told they will be raped, their familes murdered, that they have a tiny dick, are an opposite sexuality to their real one... what do they do........ THROW IT BACK AT THEM, or roflstomp whoever is smack talking.
If you take a picture doing a seduction face with a remote hanging out of your mouth.... yes, you will spawn jokes, many many jokes. But you know how many meme's are MORE popular than that one, tons. Go to Reddit, read, enjoy.
If you do not support someones right to publish tentacle sex, why should anyone support you? (i think owning a gun is stupid, but i support the right to do so.)
What happened to Anita shouldnt have happened. However, I will fight tooth and nail to have my avatar in a chainmail bra. (Mind you I did not specify gender)
Clearly the game that came out about her was made by someone with the INTENT TO TROLL. and guess what, it worked. You want to know how it would have failed........ not talking about it, not spreading knowledge of it. Until this article I had never heard of the game.
Does anyone deserve to be harassed at a Convention... NO.......... Does wearing a bra and undies that are 2 sizes to small as an "outfit" seem like the best plan ever? No..... It screams "Pay attention to me" well with good attention comes bad. If you dont want to be sexualized.... go as a character that your gender isnt the highlight.
Soooooo... you dont think people at bars on a daily basis world wide have someone whip out their genitals for some random reason that at the time seems like a great plan?
I believe in equal rights. I work in a field that is mainly female dominated. Dont try and tell me women are less dirty of mind and mouth than men. I raid with women, i game with my GF trusting her to do her role more than most people.
Get a backbone, don't play with d-bags.
From the heinous, in-team abuse on Cross Assault in February, to the explosion of #1ReasonWhy on Twitter in November, there was hardly a month when sexism wasn’t a major topic in gaming circles.
That's a matter of perception. If an extremist is looking for evil, he/she will find it, whether it actually exists or not. It will also be routinely blown out of proportion, and spun in a way that makes it most supportive of The Cause.
Oddly enough, this was not a major topic in any gaming circles I frequent. Then again, I just play games, and don't hang out in circles that presuppose sexism at every turn.
And by sexism, I mean a tsunami of bile and loathing aimed at women (not only in gaming) in geek circles across the board, mostly for the crime of Existing While Female.
Which wouldn't be substantively different from this gender-baiting article, frothing at the mouth with the condemnation of an entire gender for behavior the author doesn't like.
Given the one-sidedness of the diatribe, it does appear to confirm the bias that only men can be sexist, which is sexist itself.
I didn’t want to come off as “too angry” or, to use phrases commonly slung at women: strident, humorless or shrill. Well, screw that, I am angry. I’m angry at the men who think they have any right to direct and determine what their fellow human beings are allowed to participate in and enjoy. I’m angry at their mob mentality fervor and self-righteous indignation every time a woman dares to express an opinion on a subject they consider their own. Piss on game territory all you like, fellas; it still doesn’t belong exclusively to you.
Is anyone physically denying access to a game? No.
Speaking of self-righteous indignation, how dare a man disagree with a woman's expressed opinion. The nerve!
My anger, however, doesn’t stop there. I’m angry at all of us. I’m angry at otherwise good men who don’t speak up when their petulant brethren get out of hand online or in public.
The author appears to feel entitled to define what is or isn't a "good man". Given the context, it appears that a "good" man would be one that acts or believes in a way in which she approves. How convenient.
Similarly, who defines when someone gets "out of hand"? Out of hand, according to who? Who believes they have the authority to set that standard anymore? And before anyone claims common civility, realize that civility has changed through the years, and will continue to do so.
Many women have raged for over five decades against men defining them, or having expectations of behavior from them, and yet, in the same breath, these same women believe they have the moral authority to define men's behavior as good or bad. They don't.
That aside, I believe most feminists would label what the author demands of men here as paternalistic or patronizing behavior, wouldn't they?
I’m angry at women who, terrified of not being allowed in “the club”, rush to disassociate themselves from their slandered sistren with cries of, “I’m not offended!” or “I’m not like those other women, I can take it.”
Or, perhaps they are simply more fair, or less thin-skinned about certain topics, and don't expect some of the "courtly" treatment some of their sistren believe they are entitled to simply because they have a vagina instead of a penis. After all, gentlemanly behavior is oppressive, right?
That's what I got from this one-sided article. It's based on the prejudicial premise that men's behaviors are inherently bad, and that women are the arbiters of right and wrong. I reject the notion that women hold that authority. In the same way women refuse to be defined by men, I think men should similarly refuse to be defined by women. That would seem to be more "equal", and seems to be the way society is heading.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
so it's are own fault we get harrassed ? because we chose to make a female character or a female name? so if I make a male character with a manly name I ll be safe right? .... but wait ....what happens when I need to use voice communication to warn my team mates their geting flanked, or when leading a raid ?
wow! just wow!
dont game with people on your team that care if you have a vagina or penis?
just a theory
Rohn's post is probably the most rationally thought out response I have seen in this thread, and your reaction to it is quite abrupt in contrast.
I think it is you whom needs to return to reality.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
This post will be from the perspective of a guy, so I am going to try and explain what we think and if I say anything rude I am not meaning to.
Guys want to feel tough or want to feel superior to the next person it just seems to be our nature we are very competitive. Some will deny it, but we always pick someone that we want to aspire to be and maybe surpass. Now we want to look manly or tough in front of other men if we don't it makes us look weak. Which is why guys rarely cry we think it makes us look weak and are generally laughed at unless we are under extreme physical and sometimes emotional pain.
Brief intro to the explanation ^
So why are guys sexist in games? Well a lot of guys when hanging out with friends will do things like insult girls and many times will hit on girls. Throughout history men have always looked down on women and those who do look tougher and are generally physically stronger than others. So why dont some guys stand up to this? The answer is simple it makes us look weak even in a game we don't want to be the enemy we want to be with the crowd. Also since it is the internet it does not matter if someone curses and threatens you we just curse the guy out that is just what people do.
More Detail Summary Below v
To sum it up guys want to look tough and it is the internet we think you want to curse me out I will do the same to you. The best thing to do is realize on games sexism is a big thing but don't take it to seriously want to annoy his report his account and hope he gets banned.
The Arcade Corner
The Daily Exposition
I think you missed the point?
but thats just a theory to