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Campaign 88: Allied Pity Map



  • 1.AR-GSC-XXX1.AR-GSC-XXX Member Posts: 7
    No explanation from OKW and none needed - the silence for 24h when asked about this as well as the absence of certain HC during that timeframe is all you need - also nobody wants to get into trouble, understandable - then or now...
  • BodkinBarberBodkinBarber Member Posts: 106

    It's a sign of desperation when someone has to resort to insults and questioning a persons intequity. Why do you want to know my game name so much? Are you really that interested about one single player (because that is what I am) or is it so you can attempt to slander me and make myself an example of for daring to point out that your arguments lacked foundation?


    Players views of CRS when playing the game should be like people's attitutde towards politcal views. There's a time and a place for discussion and argument and there's also a time and a place for letting things go. Playskool forums are heavily moderated so people voice their views here but that doesn't mean you take it to the game world. Why would I want to play alongside players who I know are folking out big money for the game while I critisice the poor past development decisions by the devs? From what I see you only want to confirm my name so you can damage my future gaming experience. I'm happy with my relations with lots of players in game thank you and would expect better from someone who even bronco considers 'classy'.


    I'll be fair, I shouldn't of reciprocated some of your not so great behaviour, was an interesting back and forth. However from that wall of text and your responses I have odviously triggered an emotional response but what have I actually done?

    - Showed that you think axis should'nt be frustrated about Antwerp but if the same situation happened to yourself you would be frustrated

    - Made a counter to your point that a server reset on a setup for Sittard or when there is a spawnable in Ciney is the same as a server reset on Antwerp when it has 3 CP's left

    - Your argument for justifying CRS giving Antwerp back to the allies was purely based on what if's and maybe be's of what allies could of done (with a population that was underpop and would of had its morale shattered)

    Anyone who wants to check what was said feel free to see the posts. (and thats not bringing up Jsilec's arguments and your reply to those as they are odviously coincidental)


    Now you can continue on with your vendetta against myself because I'm sure lots of vocal people will support you, not neccessarily for what you've said but what they make you out to be. You came on these forums half serious, half troll and you've ended up being the one wound up.



    Following from what depot said if they really have nothing to hide about the resets why delete all threads about them?

  • JsilecJsilec Member Posts: 36
    Gsc u totally disregard the fact that the axis did in fact have a breakthrough 2 days after january 3rd...axis brokethrough at sedan and attempted to cutoff our southern divisions only to get cut off themselves in charleyville.....if there was some power over okw then how would they allow a sedan cut which has awlays been horrible for morale....end result of the sedan cut was bar and members from my squad cutting the axis off at charleyville....more conspiracies anyone?
  • pittpetepittpete Member Posts: 233

    David, didn't mean for it to sound like that. Poor choice of wording by me.

    I was trying to say that for a game thats dead, theres so much discussion,anger,excitement,focus &attention towards it.

    If DOC/CRS purposely reset the server to save Antwerp, than they aren't very smart.

    I guess anything is possible, but it just seems like committing game suicide.

    I mean the game is where it's at now because of decisions CRS have made in the past.

    One thing I'm certain of is that the server will be reset and a new Campaign will start again.

    CRS has now changed their daily resets to a certain time, like a lot of us suggested in the past.

    That is the good thing we get out of this whole mess.

    I've pretty much been diehard Axis my whole time here & only changed sides to help balance out the sides in hopes of helping the game.

    Game existance comes first, then the Axis side.

    What I'm trying to reiterate constantly is yes the game  is slowly dying and yes it has a multitude of problems.

    If all was fine and dandy I wouldn't be here in these forums day after day.

    I don't get anything out of it except the chance to keep playing.

    There is no game out there where you can follow a map that is constantly changing, has players from around the world able to play on one server and is based on the WWII timeline.

    If i don't know about it, can you please tell me what game and I would honestly like to try it.




  • JsilecJsilec Member Posts: 36
    should i say the 10 axis map wins in a row were pity maps because 75% of ahc quit after a certain cinc was removed? of ourse not and the axis earned their wins just like WE earned our win if we manage to finish it up....belittling the hard work players put in on the allied side because of unsubbers on the axis side is like us complaining about an axis win because a bunch of quitters folded up their tents after we lost brussels or antwerp....comprende?
  • XOOM-CRSXOOM-CRS Member UncommonPosts: 43

    We placed on article on the main with a routine schedule that will be followed as long as conditions permit. That means if the server is acting up during an un-scheduled time we will still have to make an adjustment. DOC has personally been following this program religiously.

    But it should be noted, that anytime there's a need for a server reset during combat operations, it can (or will) be frustrating (for you and us). But it's a necessity to keep the server as smooth as possible and we're being more transparent on expectations.

    Though many of you have your grievances against DOC for various reasonings, he continues to be a vital component behind the scenes ensuring WWII Online's best possible operational status, and puts in a great deal of personal time to see to it.
    Cornered Rat Software

  • 1.AR-GSC-XXX1.AR-GSC-XXX Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Jsilec
    Gsc u totally disregard the fact that the axis did in fact have a breakthrough 2 days after january 3rd...axis brokethrough at sedan and attempted to cutoff our southern divisions only to get cut off themselves in charleyville.....if there was some power over okw then how would they allow a sedan cut which has awlays been horrible for morale....end result of the sedan cut was bar and members from my squad cutting the axis off at charleyville....more conspiracies anyone?


    The flag situation was as embarrassing on Jan 5th for allies as it was in the SS provided then? No...

    Was it as bad as on the day we had Aarschot bunk capped 47% when everything was put to a halt, threatening 3 allied divs w a cut-off? No...

    Was it as bad as on the day Ant was almost capped, nothing behind it? No...

    Cville and the flags N as well as W of it AND S were in good positions and Cville was the chokepoint, hence no need to interfere...


  • CeTheGreatCeTheGreat Member Posts: 84
    @ barber- Your name is important for one reason. That reason being able to prove if all your posts are typical xxxxx. I find it funny that most of the people here are hiding lol. Idc if you post, but to bash wwiiol daily and flame people I know behind this persona that nobody knows is cowardly. Your posts aggrivate me for that reason. Its your right to crituque CRS, but don't do it behind a curtain. This tells me ( I think pittpete touched on it) that you still log in and still use main forums . Which again tells me that you know this forum will dismiss your typical flames and bashing BS. Ill continue this when you decide to man up.

    @ Gsc- Just because you were at 47% that means it should of been handed over? From what I understand we were hitting that bunker back in massive force, so again your assuming you would of gotten it? A lot of axis assumptions roll around here, very little fact. Man, I feel like I'm in PS forums.

    @ pete- Its amusing all the "game is dead" posts. For those of us who can still log in, its far from dead :) FF are growing and I cant believe they let you in :D


  • HodoHodo Member Posts: 542
    Originally posted by Jsilec
    should i say the 10 axis map wins in a row were pity maps because 75% of ahc quit after a certain cinc was removed? of ourse not and the axis earned their wins just like WE earned our win if we manage to finish it up....belittling the hard work players put in on the allied side because of unsubbers on the axis side is like us complaining about an axis win because a bunch of quitters folded up their tents after we lost brussels or antwerp....comprende?

    So if those were pity maps, explain the first 2 years?   Were they pity maps to when the Axis won over 75% of the campaigns? 


    I remember that CinC removal, that was one of the biggest mistakes CRS made.   Honestly developers should stay out of the player run community.   If they only dealt with complaints by the community, like inactivity or abuse then the game would be fine.  


    I would be HC if I hadnt disliked CRS meddling in HC activities and basically trying to run the game.   


    The game ran fine when Squads were in charge and before UMS were put in.

    So much crap, so little quality.

  • rendusrendus Member UncommonPosts: 329
    Originally posted by CeTheGreat

    @ pete- Its amusing all the "game is dead" posts. For those of us who can still log in, its far from dead :) FF are growing and I cant believe they let you in :D

    Anyone can log in and see the population.  Deadness is relative.  Compared to PS2 or this game in '05, it is dead.  If you like small unit tactics by all means give it a shot.

  • JsilecJsilec Member Posts: 36
    To hodo....i dont think they were pity maps at all as a matter of fact i was an axis player when they were winning 3 out 4 maps and switched allied because of that scenario.....axis earn their map wins just like allies have and this pity map bullshat is what i came in here to dispel.....i was in SG with oj years ago so ofcourse i miss the days when squads ruled the game and wish that would return but it wont.....
    Gsc....your saying that the same okw who cut off the whole allied army just 3 weeks before didnt move through flavion because crs told em not to?....i highly doubt it especially seeing their reaction to what they thought happened in okw moved through sedan because there was a good chance allies could cut it off?....these conspiracies are not really probable when you actually step back and look at things from an impartial perspective
  • CeTheGreatCeTheGreat Member Posts: 84
    Rendus- as I posted in another bash thread, planetside 2 is crap. Its a run where ever and shoot. Its laggy, its renduring sucks, and its just a game you play when your bored. Wwiiol is 12 years old and imho will be around for a long time


  • david06david06 Member Posts: 183

    There's no conspiracy, just some actions that are almost perfectly in line with the developers previous statements, a not-so-good official explanation with even worse damage control.

    Do you guys seriously think that CRS would be fine with axis capturing Antwerp and causing a massive(and probably map-winning) breakthrough during lowpop? It flies in the face of everything they've said in response to similar situations in the past.

    They're trying to get all the old allied players back playing again and probably the biggest complaint from "US prime" allied players was that they would fight and roll several towns, make good gains just to have axis players in lowpop/TZ3 recapture everything.

    There's some borderline lying-by-omission going on in this thread. Plenty of allied squad leaders and HC systematically lobbied, threatened, complained about this problem. Along comes a situation and DOC takes extreme measures, yet no one here mentions that what he did(prevent a lowpop capture of a major town) was exactly what they demanded, and they just say that anyone who thinks this was a deliberate intervention is paranoid.

  • mlinemline Member Posts: 14

    One of the most active GHCs decides to become absent during his CinC term

    Spawn delay changes when ASA began resuming its SN (including the threshold whereby it kicks in being changed from 10% to 5%)

    Retarded armour number differences between sides (Axis armoured brig 36, Allied armoured brig 52! this was changed after it was pointed out but no apology given)

    Resupply timers changed from 7hrs to 8hrs after the Allies broke through the north and obtained functional AFs close to German factories. 

    Despite this the stubborn axis continued fighting and almost broke through at Aarschot, but doc makes an emergency entrance and announces server coming down, Axis still have time and look to be beating the timer so capping gets locked

    As GSC points out Antwerp was the realisation point that no matter how hard they fight back, they are not supposed to win this map. The server gets reset (blindly according to doc to remain 'neutral' which is a cop out) after 5hrs of fighting over the biggest most difficult to cap cities in game. GHC in TS are locked out of the rat TS room with only NY75 allowed within.

    Explain all that.

    If you were in Axis' shoes, how would all this appear to you?

    How is this not intervening by developers to try to change the outcome of the campaign? You guys really dont feel cheated or patronised by this as well? I know some Allies were upset with some of the decisions as well, and I salute them like no other, they have INTEGRITY. I respect the hard fighting the Allies have done this map. But to say Axis are upset this campaign because they cant stand losing? That is a cop out. I loved the fact that the next day after the Antwerp reset when Axis were attacking that city again doc was there recapping it for the Allies, after fucking up all their hard work the night before and losing the trust and subscriptions of alot of well respected Axis leaders you'd think he'd be there fighting with the Axis (especially in Antwerp) for every PR reason available and show he is a stand up guy. 

    Im interested to hear other's views

    S! Socom.


    PS: I was just as pissed when CRS removed Oyaji from AHC, that was bullshit. The fact that this game can be personal between players and certain devs shows no professionalism at all from the devs side.

  • BodkinBarberBodkinBarber Member Posts: 106
    Originally posted by david06 Along comes a situation and DOC takes extreme measures, yet no one here mentions that what he did(prevent a lowpop capture of a major town) was exactly what they demanded, and they just say that anyone who thinks this was a deliberate intervention is paranoid.

    I think they should introduce a rule for HC (just like the past rule about cutoff brigs) where you cannot place an AO on one of the few large towns (Brussels, Antwerp, Liege etc) during the 4 hours of the lowest pop (when theres at most 20 a side). If the AO was placed before the time it can run on. Would reduce the possibility of important towns being lost capped by a dedicated few while the PB aren't playing whilst retaining what is left of the sandbox element in not constricting HC.

  • 1.AR-GSC-XXX1.AR-GSC-XXX Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Jsilec
    Gsc....your saying that the same okw who cut off the whole allied army just 3 weeks before didnt move through flavion because crs told em not to?....i highly doubt it especially seeing their reaction to what they thought happened in okw moved through sedan because there was a good chance allies could cut it off?....these conspiracies are not really probable when you actually step back and look at things from an impartial perspective

    Why not probable?

    OKW cuts all allied divs and runs over England - Allied PB in the sack

    OKW breaks through here and cuts off, xx flags in the sack as well as allied morale, again.

    It's highly probable if you look at it from an impartial perspective, heck then esp. its feasible...

    That same OKW all of a sudden does NOT lounge at THAT flag arrangement ? With Divs to spare and arranged for having a go at it? What's more probable, that they didnt feel like it (suddenly, for some reason or other) or that they were not allowed to? Hell on the SS you see 2 Flags in Hastiere, at times there was only the HQ of that Brit flag in Hastiere with all other flags in Beauraing and even VIREAUX, leaving only HQ in Hast and 2 routable french flags in Flav against 2 full german divisions prepared to jump at them - and they didn't...

    You're an experienced player - you tell me what you would have done as Axis HC  looking at that map constellation depicted in the SS...? 

    Whats more probable - x amount of players logging in, looking at that chance, ex-HC (AHC & GHC) looking at it and requesting AOs and ***silence*** - for 24h until the flags stretched and routable in flav were halfway back together, or that there was some "HALT"-Order on the grounds of that being a map-breaking constellation IF axis would have gone for that?


    re. Sedan

    OKW didn't move through Sedan because there was a good chance for allies to cut it off - OKW moved through Sedan because it was the usual chance, what OKW does and we did it. The issue at hand here is that the allied Flags around THAT breakthrough were not in a hopeless clsterfcked arrangement - while it was still a "breakthrough" it wasn't a "Map-Breaking" breakthrough, allied flags from cville were bounced N, cville remained the chokepoint and thus there was no obvious reason for any interference from higher up, again, as that breakthrough at sedan was not map-breaking and could not have resulted in a roll as it was checked at, what was it, Chilly? Attigny? and then cut off at cville. If the cut off at cville had not come and IF there would not have been a block at aforementioned towns, IF there would have been some chance of expanding into the undefended Hinterland w possible cut-offs off allied flags.......etcetc


    Ce -

    When the announcement came for SR in 5 Minutes, we had the first guy rush into bunk "Quick, everyone in, we can beat that!", RUSH RUSH, we can make it in the 5 minutes until SR - at around the 4Min SR announcement we had bunk packed, between 10-13 guys in there, AB was camped, same number of guys outside "cutting" and on top of that IIRC we mainly encountered ei RIFLES to boot - at the 3 Min mark w/ Bunker packed as mentioned above, "Spawning/Capture/Killing" was suddenly disabled when we had bunk at 47%, the remaining 53% would have been done in under 1 - 1:15 mins at most - what you see on the SS in PS Forums "Aarschot"-Thread is when players already left the bunk again to tool around outside and / or desp out of disgust. Add to that that AFTER this timely Reset Gembloux turned up Allied again...was axis before and you have a real Shtstorm waiting to hit the fan...


  • CeTheGreatCeTheGreat Member Posts: 84
    Accept the fact you got stomped, and you will feel better. I'm tired of trying to reason with you guys. Its a 24/7 bitch fest with you.
    You would bitch if you won. Omg crs didn't call the map sooner! Like little babies.


  • mlinemline Member Posts: 14
    Originally posted by CeTheGreat
    Accept the fact you got stomped, and you will feel better. I'm tired of trying to reason with you guys. Its a 24/7 bitch fest with you.
    You would bitch if you won. Omg crs didn't call the map sooner! Like little babies.

    You've got no response so you come up with that rubbish. gg being doc's pet then, because you at least sure as hell dont mind receiving your little doggie treats to help you win a campaign.

  • JsilecJsilec Member Posts: 36
    Originally posted by 1.AR-GSC-XXX
    Originally posted by Jsilec
    Gsc....your saying that the same okw who cut off the whole allied army just 3 weeks before didnt move through flavion because crs told em not to?....i highly doubt it especially seeing their reaction to what they thought happened in okw moved through sedan because there was a good chance allies could cut it off?....these conspiracies are not really probable when you actually step back and look at things from an impartial perspective

    Why not probable?

    because okw have players like igor/dcoy who would salivate at an opportunity like that and would not allow crs to dictate to them as to how to cut the allies off....cutting the map and running to england through flavion corridor?

    OKW cuts all allied divs and runs over England - Allied PB in the sack

    you underestimate the allies will to push back this map as seen time and time again in the north and in towns like flavion which changed hands at least 4 or 5 times 

    OKW breaks through here and cuts off, xx flags in the sack as well as allied morale, again.

    okw did breakthrough this map and no our morale was not crushed like past maps 

    It's highly probable if you look at it from an impartial perspective, heck then esp. its feasible...

    unless i hear axis okw come in here with proof of that actually happening i refuse to acknowedge it....and i think there are plenty of upset okw officers that visit here who would probably be happy to produce evidence like that

    That same OKW all of a sudden does NOT lounge at THAT flag arrangement ? With Divs to spare and arranged for having a go at it? What's more probable, that they didnt feel like it (suddenly, for some reason or other) or that they were not allowed to? Hell on the SS you see 2 Flags in Hastiere, at times there was only the HQ of that Brit flag in Hastiere with all other flags in Beauraing and even VIREAUX, leaving only HQ in Hast and 2 routable french flags in Flav against 2 full german divisions prepared to jump at them - and they didn't...

    you suggested that the allies were pushing through south of ciney.....i no map expert but if axis pushed east with their southern flank exposed you would have lost alot of important territory not factoring in what we held north of namur and possibly had yourselves and 2 divisions cut off....darthmarty had the map alot in that timeframe and he knows what he is doing   

    You're an experienced player - you tell me what you would have done as Axis HC  looking at that map constellation depicted in the SS...? 

    i have never been in hc outside of a squad liason officer and since i cant see the whole map i would have no idea what to do....certainly attacking a weak area would force a pullback but i seriously doubt that there would have been a march to england or a map ending morale underestimate what happened at sedan since we had vets screaming in allied secure about losing it  

    Whats more probable - x amount of players logging in, looking at that chance, ex-HC (AHC & GHC) looking at it and requesting AOs and ***silence*** - for 24h until the flags stretched and routable in flav were halfway back together, or that there was some "HALT"-Order on the grounds of that being a map-breaking constellation IF axis would have gone for that?


    re. Sedan

    OKW didn't move through Sedan because there was a good chance for allies to cut it off - OKW moved through Sedan because it was the usual chance, what OKW does and we did it. The issue at hand here is that the allied Flags around THAT breakthrough were not in a hopeless clsterfcked arrangement - while it was still a "breakthrough" it wasn't a "Map-Breaking" breakthrough, allied flags from cville were bounced N, cville remained the chokepoint and thus there was no obvious reason for any interference from higher up, again, as that breakthrough at sedan was not map-breaking and could not have resulted in a roll as it was checked at, what was it, Chilly? Attigny? and then cut off at cville. If the cut off at cville had not come and IF there would not have been a block at aforementioned towns, IF there would have been some chance of expanding into the undefended Hinterland w possible cut-offs off allied flags.......etcetc

    axis know how important sedan is so dont belittle what happened there.....the only reason we got the cutoff at charley was because axis were slow to respond on the ab ninja by about 30 seconds.....30 seconds more and that cutoff holds and we lose our southern flank which would have been a crushing blow if it had 30 seconds in this map was a major turning point just like when matamor and friends ninja'ed turnhout cutting off our northern push which was an excellent move by axis since that was a turning point in the axis favor reflected by our retreating of the yes axis had their moments this map and so did the allies both pre anywerp and post antwerp     



    nothing personal gsc your a good player and we have tangled quite a bit ;) but there are alot more stories involved in map 88 then antwerp

  • CeTheGreatCeTheGreat Member Posts: 84
    And .................another awesome post from an axis whiner. Let me ask, is it a requirement for a new guy to be a bitter whiner to join an axis squad? And for the record, nit all axis are whiners, just most


  • CeTheGreatCeTheGreat Member Posts: 84
    They hear and see what they want to hear silec, your beatinf a dead horse


  • JsilecJsilec Member Posts: 36
    Originally posted by CeTheGreat
    They hear and see what they want to hear silec, your beatinf a dead horse

    they dont realize that i probably have more career kills as an axis soldat then they do.....i invite them to go to csr and check for themselves....i know both sides of this game very well and to belittle 1 side of our fun game is just an endaround way of not ackowledging the hard work that was put into it by the winning side....axis have had the better hc and squads for a looong time i wont deny that BUT the axis cant deny that the allies have gotten better themselves in both aspects and now its anybodys game to win....whats so hard about acknowledging this?

  • CeTheGreatCeTheGreat Member Posts: 84
    Because the axis want a crutch or something they can use as an argument or an excuse. Read wwiiol forums, 99% of the whines and cries come from axis players. Even when we lost 5 in a row, I don't recall one whiny post from an allied. At most a population balance issue. And it will neverrrrrrrrrrrr end!


  • BodkinBarberBodkinBarber Member Posts: 106
    Originally posted by CeTheGreat
    And for the record, nit all axis are whiners, just most

    "Read wwiiol forums, 99% of the whines and cries come from axis players."


    And facts to back that up?

  • rendusrendus Member UncommonPosts: 329
    Originally posted by CeTheGreat
    Rendus- as I posted in another bash thread, planetside 2 is crap. Its a run where ever and shoot. Its laggy, its renduring sucks, and its just a game you play when your bored. Wwiiol is 12 years old and imho will be around for a long time

    Try to stay on topic.  I was talking about which game has a larger/healthier playerbase.  Not which game you prefer to play. 

    And I've never had an issue with lagging or "rendering?".  Must be on your end.

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