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Dark L3gion Top 3 Formed Xbox360 Guild

xI_PsYcHo_lxxI_PsYcHo_lx Member Posts: 3
imageThe Dark L3gion
      Dark L3gion
  • Recruiting up to 50 Players Max. This is to organize our roster and we could expand in the future. 
  • ?We host our own community forums at where you can apply to join. 
  • We are in the Top 3 for the largest Defiance guild for Xbox 360.
  • We are active on our forums and the Defiance community forums a lot.
  • We have a structured guild ranking system. The more a guild member contributes, the more he/she is renown. 
We will also have Guild Events for our members to earn rewards in-game.
Guild Events:
Four Wheeler Races:
  1. I know for a fact they have races track but I don't know how many if any limited is placed on them. If there is a limit then a lottery will be held winner of that will race.
?Speed Run Raid:
  1. As stated you do though a place of my choosing with guild members of your choice and the fast team/teams wins. Team number may vary.
Scavenger Hunt:
  1. Guild members group up and I mail you guys a list over xbox live and the first team back to me wins (not sure if this one is doable in Defiance) Team number may vary.
  1. I will be save up and buy things for you guild members and when I have enough I will hold the lottery and the best thing about this is all you have to do it buy a ticket and get the winning number. Ticket limit is about 5 and prices may vary.
  1. I and other members will be save up for items and sell them to our members in auction held every month.
To join us to help prepare for the launch of Defiance go to :
Dark L3gion

Xbox360 GT: xI PsYcHo lx


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