For me I like it. It adds to the immersion of the game, though it depends on what game it is, but I think it's mostly on horror games. If I remember correctly there are some FPS games in it as well, I don't know, I'm not sure but if there are then I don't know how would that be...I got used to having my mouse deal with the direction my character is facing.
I never bothered to purchase a previous gen console, and I currently have no interest in buying an Xbox One or a PS4, but the Oculus Rift is absolutely something I have my eye on. I won't necessarily purchase it immediately, but as soon as I hear the resolution is up to gaming standards and there are a few solid games that are fully supported, I won't hesitate to pick it up. It's going to be interesting to see what Valve has in store for it with their Steam Machine, since it's pretty clear that they're partnering up at this point.
I saw some videos on youtube about that. Some youtubers playing games using the Oculus Rift. Watching it was kinda dizzying but I guess experiencing on your own is a whole different thing and perhaps even better.
O_o o_O