My favorite pet is Dixie the Jellyfish, she was my first healing pet, and has traveled through many characters and battles with this old Grandma Nicole Lionblood (presently death school 90)
My favorite pet by far is the White Winter Owl. I love that it gives me extra protection(Tower Card) plus it looks so cute! I love how it flies alongside me rather than being on the floor during quests and battles!
I think I'm gonna be the only one to say this, but my favorite pet is Gigi! A satyr. ( If I said it twice I clicked something worng) I love my Satyr, Its soooo awesome! ;p its a wonderful pet.
It is super cute! It is a very usefull flying frog, as it gives you cleanse charm, and will give you a humungo frog card latter on. I also LOVE the Humungo frog, for it's awesome cuteness and all together loveableness. If their was ever a frog this big, I would give it a HUGE hug!
My favorite pet in Wizard101 is the Deer Knight to the fact that it gives a feint card and heals my wizard whenever i need to heal. but the most useful part is the feint card that it gives because it goes against the rules of some bosses such has Luska in The Waterworks.
My favorite pet of all time would have to be my mischievous minstrel because it is the only pet I have right now with the fairy heals on it and also dispels life spells.
MY Own Penumbra Drake
chunk of coal i think thats how its spelled
Vigilant Dragon
my fav. wizard 101 pet just has to be the forest beast! i just love it
My favorite pet would be my Forest Lord.
It's fluffy and looks vicious and cute in a cool kind of way, and it represents life.
It has green glowing eyes which also represent life.
If you think about it though, it kind of looks like a yeti :P
Shaolin Monkey!!
No one can replace my baby monkey!!!!!!! XD
I LOVE the Toaddle!
It is super cute! It is a very usefull flying frog, as it gives you cleanse charm, and will give you a humungo frog card latter on. I also LOVE the Humungo frog, for it's awesome cuteness and all together loveableness. If their was ever a frog this big, I would give it a HUGE hug!