I boubt I will get picked but my favourite pet my blaze beast callled COOKIE. He`s really cute and gives me the card "Fire Blade".I won him in one of the bundles and it was love at first sight.
My favorite pet is the deer knight.Because it can use a well pretty good spell .And well it was my first pet ever so i always have it by my side.Plus it has a pretty high pedigree .
My favorite pets are the kraken,storm bettle,pheonix,and the death minotaur.But my favorite pet would have to be the pheonix.The death minotaur is my 2nd favorite.The kraken is my last favorite.ttyl -_-!
My favorite pet would be my baby leopard. She does not give battle cards, yet I do not need battle cards when I got good armor. The reason she is my favorite is because I named her Kitty, and all my friends think its cute. They always want me to use her and not my other pets.One friend was jealous and wanted to name her fire cat Kitty, but she changed it becuase she said it was not the same. So even though my pet baby leopard does not give battle cards, I think its fair to say that she has the power of cuteness instead XD
aztca dinosaur
I love all my pet, But my favorite is my Heckhound, Duke Dakota. I also love the beast pes.
My favorite pet is a hydra it's a cool and reliable pet. it's just plain awesome pet!
i like the snow dragon because its pretty cute, but i also like my phoenix because it helps during battles alot