The pet i really love the most would have to be the Basilisk :P i pick the basilisk because he has a very strong attack and millions of perk posabilitys.
and the basilisk is a very cool looking pet and not only does he have many hybrids he is also a great companion for any school (prefirably Myth Lol)
that is why i picked basilisk as my favorite pet. Hope you all liked my comment on my favorite pet thank you!
It's difficult to pick just one pet... for my Life wizard, Grace, it is my Giraffe, Luna; for my Balance wizard, Mason, it is Stella the Snake in a Basket; for my Fire wizard Scarlet, my favorite pet is the hatched Ember Tiger that gives spritely; Fierce Hound Lola is the favorite pet for Death wizard Rylee; and for Artur the Myth wizard I like my Brave Hound.
The pet i really love the most would have to be the Basilisk :P i pick the basilisk because he has a very strong attack and millions of perk posabilitys.
and the basilisk is a very cool looking pet and not only does he have many hybrids he is also a great companion for any school (prefirably Myth Lol)
that is why i picked basilisk as my favorite pet. Hope you all liked my comment on my favorite pet thank you!
Sincerely- Myth Wizard,
Starfish pet
William Nightmancer Promethean Thaumaturge
My Favorite Pet Is My Rain Beetle.
my favorite pet on wizard 101 is a hollow knight , because I love the way he acts so brave its so cute!
thank you,
hope you guys pick me it would make wizard 101 way better for me .
My favourite pet is the Sea Dragon, It has grea stats even when its bought and not hatched!