i love the rain beetle pet. i love the way it dances and heals a lot sometimes. also the fire beetle pet is also amazing. it looks as good as this web site.
I really like my ice bat "king cooper" he is a fast learner and is strong and likes most of the items that i have been feeding it! we need more pets like him that can eat our extra stuff and in exchange either grow or give us valuable/usefull items in return! I hope everybody else has a pet as cool as mine.
my favorite pet is a firebat. I got it when wizard101 accounts rolled back and they fixed the problem and gave me this pet. Its name is Zeus. It gives a firebat at ancient and i want it so bad that i trained it for a longg time and i finally got my first ancient pet : )
The Goat Monk is my favorate. Can you please pick me.. i am going though some very hard times. Both of my parent are unemployed and i can never get anything for my wizards
i like the orthrus pet ( fluffy ) , basilisk (spike) and emberstone tiger (ruby)
Hunter DragonBlade
my favorite pet is my cautious hound
the hummongfrog it comes with is awesome!!!
it has helped me out so much and never fizzles
currently it is my only ancient pet
I really like my ice bat "king cooper" he is a fast learner and is strong and likes most of the items that i have been feeding it! we need more pets like him that can eat our extra stuff and in exchange either grow or give us valuable/usefull items in return! I hope everybody else has a pet as cool as mine.
my favorite pet is a firebat. I got it when wizard101 accounts rolled back and they fixed the problem and gave me this pet. Its name is Zeus. It gives a firebat at ancient and i want it so bad that i trained it for a longg time and i finally got my first ancient pet : )
My favorite pet is my Jade Oni named Princess Sasha. I got her from Pagoda. I was so excited because I am not a member a