Let's not forget that PoE just recently has entered Open Beta. It's pretty far from release. Yeah, everybody can play it, and play for keeps, but the Beta designation is still there for a reason: GGG considers the game to be not up to the standard they want for a release version.
I particularly like that they continue to improve on so many levels. I'm sorely tempted to try my hand on some sort of tanky Shadow or Ranger just so I can see all the new graphics for shields. And my first look at the new gem icons: Nifty, but it seems support gems are harder to distinguish now.
Oh well, back to deciding if it'll be Shadow or a Ranger...
While it is inevitable that games that follow the same basic design formula ( Diablo / PoE / Torchlight / Krater / etc. to name some recent ones) will be compared to each other, It is sad that they can not be judged on their own merits and "fun factor" a little more often. All the posts that argue endlessly about how "X" feature was copied from "Y" game, seem to forget that games are lumped into particular genres for a reason. . . Because they are similar in basic mechanics, and play style. It is a very rare game, coming along only once every few years, that is truly unique. Those rare games are usually the ones that invent a new genre entirely. RPG, FPS, ARPG, MOBA, MMO, RTS... they all started somewhere. And they were all copied, and refined. But it is ok, because that is how games evolve over time. That is why the next game can be better. Why does it matter who did it first? Why can't it just matter if it is fun?
For me, I played Diablo for several years. It was one of best online games of its day. Did it invent the top-down isometric game? Hardly. But I had years of fun with it.
I played Diablo 2 for a year or so. It was great as well. I loved most of the changes from the original, but there were a few things I didn't. It also did not hold my interest for anywhere near as long as the original. Because it didn't evolve enough. See, I had already spent close to 4 years grinding for loot in D1... I had been there, and done that.
Diablo 3. I played through the main story over 3 days when it released. And I have logged in only a dozen or so times since I completed the story, regardless of how much my friends have tried to get me to play. Playing the same short story over and over no longer holds any interest for me. Is it a bad game? No. Do I find it fun after playing through the story once? No. There just isn't enough customization in the game to interest me. My character will only ever be different from any one else's because of equipped gear. Which I must spend endless hours grinding for. Everyone will unlock the same skills in the same order at the same levels as everyone else playing that class. In D1, I could learn whatever spellbooks I wanted. In D2, I could build how I wanted in my skill trees. In D3, I can... endlessly grind for levels and end up with exactly the same skills as everyone else. And I don't want to play the auction house mini-game to buy gear for a new "build", nor do I want to grind for it. Diablo 3. For me the "3" stands for 3 days of fun.
Which brings me to Path of Exile. I bought into the closed beta. I played it off and on (2-3 days a week), and I still do. I still have yet to make it to the end of the current content, nor have I made it past level 35 for that matter. I keep re-rolling characters to try different ability combinations and passive skill progressions. Do I like my Shadow better using daggers or fist weapons? ie: build around life on hit, or global crit chance? Or, maybe I might like to build him focused on INT, and go mage. But if I do that, should I focus on energy shield, or evasion armor, or both? These are all questions I have asked myself, and things I have tried. But I will most likely re-roll him again, because I think I want to try to make a viable STR build, just to see if I can make it work.
There are many things about PoE that still need work, but I really enjoy making my character however I want, even when I build him badly and have to start again because it isn't a viable build. What matters is that it is fun to me. I may be playing the same content over and over, but because I can build my character however I want, I can play through that same content in an almost infinite number of ways. Or at least PoE has created a very nice illusion of that feeling.
And to bring my long-winded post back on topic... These look like more nice improvements GGG has added for us. For a small company to try so hard to make a great game well, It almost brings back memories of Blizzard North. I really hope GGG can continue to release updates this frequently, and push hard to polish up all the potential PoE has.
EDIT: Oh and let's not forget this hilarious video of a marauder missing ALL attacks... http://youtu.be/7hrF3eUbuMg
Weird,..my game didn't break and I'm on my second play through with my duelist. As far as the maurader missing, you can tell by looking at his cursor he isn't targeting the creature. EDIT: I just tested what I previoulsy wrote and I'm retracting it. However, I still personally havn't had any of those issues posted in those videos, so /shrug
EDIT: Oh and let's not forget this hilarious video of a marauder missing ALL attacks... http://youtu.be/7hrF3eUbuMg
Weird,..my game didn't break and I'm on my second play through with my duelist. As far as the maurader missing, you can tell by looking at his cursor he isn't targeting the creature. EDIT: I just tested what I previoulsy wrote and I'm retracting it. However, I still personally havn't had any of those issues posted in those videos, so /shrug
If you standstill and attack, as its common practice in most ARPGs, you will get that problem.
The correct way would be to attack all thats within your weapons range and in the direction you are swinging. So yeah, as you can see by the video I was attacking and the mob would simply be unharmed no matter how close I was to it...
You might not feel that much as a ranged/spell caster, but it is a major pain with melee characters.
EDIT: Oh and let's not forget this hilarious video of a marauder missing ALL attacks... http://youtu.be/7hrF3eUbuMg
Tbh I feel you have kinda missed the point of the combat system in general. I think you are playing with the expectation that if you face the way of the monster and attack, standing still or not then monsters close by will be damaged by your weapons 'arc'.
This might be the case in Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2 (been a while since I played them) but this is not the case with PoE. You cna't play the game with how you want the mechanic to work, you actually have to learn to play the game with how the mechanic is designed.
Now, I watched your YT video and the impression I got from your gameplay is exactly what I said above. I play Melee in this game and I have no difficulty with it what-so-ever although, coming from Diablo 3 I will confess that I did also hold shift and attack expecting to hit things. That was, until I understood what the game was looking to do.
Since then, no problems what-so-ever. To help explain my point and demonstrate, I made a quick video on YT with annotations. Please, I hope you don't take it the wrong way, I merely just want to enhance my point
EDIT: Oh and let's not forget this hilarious video of a marauder missing ALL attacks... http://youtu.be/7hrF3eUbuMg
Tbh I feel you have kinda missed the point of the combat system in general. I think you are playing with the expectation that if you face the way of the monster and attack, standing still or not then monsters close by will be damaged by your weapons 'arc'.
This might be the case in Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2 (been a while since I played them) but this is not the case with PoE. You cna't play the game with how you want the mechanic to work, you actually have to learn to play the game with how the mechanic is designed.
Now, I watched your YT video and the impression I got from your gameplay is exactly what I said above. I play Melee in this game and I have no difficulty with it what-so-ever although, coming from Diablo 3 I will confess that I did also hold shift and attack expecting to hit things. That was, until I understood what the game was looking to do.
Since then, no problems what-so-ever. To help explain my point and demonstrate, I made a quick video on YT with annotations. Please, I hope you don't take it the wrong way, I merely just want to enhance my point
But in practical terms and the way it has been with all the Action RPGs I can think of, if you stand still and attack it should really do cover the area you are attacking without the need to click individual mobs.
When you swing your weapon like that, the swing is a very small AOE hit, hitting enemies within that area, so there is no need to awkwardly click each and every enemy. What would therefore be the point of AOE attacks then?
I understand they took it in a different aproach with POE, but in my gaming experience innovation is not always synonym with better gameplay experience.
To me, if you shoot in a direction or swing your weapon, it should hit (or miss within reason with hit rating stat) all the time, regardless of clicking the mob or not.
And it was exactly that very awkward feeling that made me quit the game, I like the D2 and D3 and Torchlight way of dealing with the hit/miss mechanics, but I have no idea what the POE devs were thinking when they thought they knew better and decided to implement this click-on-enemy-or-miss-it-completely sort of thing... Sad because if not for that, I would have spent a lot of money on the game.
EDIT: Oh and let's not forget this hilarious video of a marauder missing ALL attacks... http://youtu.be/7hrF3eUbuMg
Tbh I feel you have kinda missed the point of the combat system in general. I think you are playing with the expectation that if you face the way of the monster and attack, standing still or not then monsters close by will be damaged by your weapons 'arc'.
This might be the case in Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2 (been a while since I played them) but this is not the case with PoE. You cna't play the game with how you want the mechanic to work, you actually have to learn to play the game with how the mechanic is designed.
Now, I watched your YT video and the impression I got from your gameplay is exactly what I said above. I play Melee in this game and I have no difficulty with it what-so-ever although, coming from Diablo 3 I will confess that I did also hold shift and attack expecting to hit things. That was, until I understood what the game was looking to do.
Since then, no problems what-so-ever. To help explain my point and demonstrate, I made a quick video on YT with annotations. Please, I hope you don't take it the wrong way, I merely just want to enhance my point
But in practical terms and the way it has been with all the Action RPGs I can think of, if you stand still and attack it should really do cover the area you are attacking without the need to click individual mobs.
When you swing your weapon like that, the swing is a very small AOE hit, hitting enemies within that area, so there is no need to awkwardly click each and every enemy. What would therefore be the point of AOE attacks then?
I understand they took it in a different aproach with POE, but in my gaming experience innovation is not always synonym with better gameplay experience.
To me, if you shoot in a direction or swing your weapon, it should hit (or miss within reason with hit rating stat) all the time, regardless of clicking the mob or not.
And it was exactly that very awkward feeling that made me quit the game, I like the D2 and D3 and Torchlight way of dealing with the hit/miss mechanics, but I have no idea what the POE devs were thinking when they thought they knew better and decided to implement this click-on-enemy-or-miss-it-completely sort of thing... Sad because if not for that, I would have spent a lot of money on the game.
I understand what you mean, mainly because the manner you are speaking to is a means that I would expect most avid of ARPG fans would be familuar with. I could say this might be a matter of taste for it doesn't bother me at all and I just consider it an in-game mechanic.
Usually when I hit the level 15 bracet I seldom use the attack in this manner, it becomes all skill based for me. Rounding up mobs and AOE skills just seems a much faster way to farm that individually tackling them on head first.
I would imagine GGG might address the concerns you have if they find that there is a lot of feedback about it, they seem to be a good developer with passion for their game so I imagine they will always look for ways for it to be improved.
I am hoping more skills come available with weapon types, like spears and polearms which might have arcs how your wishing, or perhaps even passive skills which allow this. After all from their posts on the official site they have said that now this patch has dropped they are looking to add more skills and items to the game.
This is a step in the right direction but Path of exile has a long way to go before i would call it a successor to Diablo 2.
Yes i know its in open beta but imo it doesn't exclude the game from criticism. Actually being hard on the game now will make it much better when it is in "release" state.
1. We need act 3 finished. Right now the main bad guy (the awesome dude from the release trailer) isnt in the game. Act 3 is also missing serveral zones, monsters, quests and voice acting for NPCs.
2. We need the two or three dozen skill gems they promised. Right now melee is lacking both AOE specific attacks and support gems to make the playstyle viable. This needs ot be fixed asap.
3. Open pvp league? Where is it? What about all the other pvp modes like CTF and King of the hill?
4. Place holder armor skins need to go. Recently GGG replaced old sheild skins. They look brilliant, we need the high level 40-50+ stuff thats all reused models to be updated. Me and a ton of people that I play with are tired of looking like crap.
5. I want to support GGG but there's nothing in the shop I want! Where is the gender swap? the gore effect? the custom leagues? Name changes? Armor skins? Dyes? They placed the most simple effects in the shop and want me to pay 20+ dollars for them...
6. Difficulty Balance, The game as a solo player is perfect. its a challenge, it takes patience and the game kicks your ass until you learn the basics. However group play is such a face roll that it turns a game thats supposed to be hardcore into hello kitty adventure island... MP0 diablo 3 is harder than the majority of merciless poE in a full group... THis needs to be fixed ASAP!!!! Over tune the monsters, increase damage and speed the more players that join... do something!
7. A tutorial... i know this might seem minor to a lot of you hardcore guys but this game has exactly one tool tip... one... This needs to change, the game needs to explain the skill tree better, the vendor recipes, basic UI function from trading to using the billboard to find public groups, it needs to explain what and how the materials work...
Now before anyone replies to me saying PoE is a work in progress and will have all of these things over years of development... Stop! Dont bother. Everything I listed is planned for the RELEASE VERSION of POE. All of this is to be copmpleted by Q3 2013 to Q1 2014. All of these items need to be in the game for PoE to be officially content complete once its content complete GGG can continue adding to the game (more acts, monsters and skills) but for me and many other people to consider POE the new leader in ARPG it needs to be a finished product.
PoE is what D3 SHOULD have been. After reading alot of the replies above, it is obvious not many have tried D3 or PoE or they would realize PoE is a MUCH BETTER Game and cost $59.99 less than the crap that's called D3.
PoE is what D3 SHOULD have been. After reading alot of the replies above, it is obvious not many have tried D3 or PoE or they would realize PoE is a MUCH BETTER Game and cost $59.99 less than the crap that's called D3.
Let's not forget that PoE just recently has entered Open Beta. It's pretty far from release. Yeah, everybody can play it, and play for keeps, but the Beta designation is still there for a reason: GGG considers the game to be not up to the standard they want for a release version.
I particularly like that they continue to improve on so many levels. I'm sorely tempted to try my hand on some sort of tanky Shadow or Ranger just so I can see all the new graphics for shields. And my first look at the new gem icons: Nifty, but it seems support gems are harder to distinguish now.
Oh well, back to deciding if it'll be Shadow or a Ranger...
Please refer to this, the most gamebreaking thing I had come across in POE.
EDIT: Oh and let's not forget this hilarious video of a marauder missing ALL attacks... http://youtu.be/7hrF3eUbuMg
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Booom !
In your face blizz-Fanboys.
Wait, Im a Blizz fanboy myself... well however PoE > D3 . WoW > all other mmorpg
While it is inevitable that games that follow the same basic design formula ( Diablo / PoE / Torchlight / Krater / etc. to name some recent ones) will be compared to each other, It is sad that they can not be judged on their own merits and "fun factor" a little more often. All the posts that argue endlessly about how "X" feature was copied from "Y" game, seem to forget that games are lumped into particular genres for a reason. . . Because they are similar in basic mechanics, and play style. It is a very rare game, coming along only once every few years, that is truly unique. Those rare games are usually the ones that invent a new genre entirely. RPG, FPS, ARPG, MOBA, MMO, RTS... they all started somewhere. And they were all copied, and refined. But it is ok, because that is how games evolve over time. That is why the next game can be better. Why does it matter who did it first? Why can't it just matter if it is fun?
For me, I played Diablo for several years. It was one of best online games of its day. Did it invent the top-down isometric game? Hardly. But I had years of fun with it.
I played Diablo 2 for a year or so. It was great as well. I loved most of the changes from the original, but there were a few things I didn't. It also did not hold my interest for anywhere near as long as the original. Because it didn't evolve enough. See, I had already spent close to 4 years grinding for loot in D1... I had been there, and done that.
Diablo 3. I played through the main story over 3 days when it released. And I have logged in only a dozen or so times since I completed the story, regardless of how much my friends have tried to get me to play. Playing the same short story over and over no longer holds any interest for me. Is it a bad game? No. Do I find it fun after playing through the story once? No. There just isn't enough customization in the game to interest me. My character will only ever be different from any one else's because of equipped gear. Which I must spend endless hours grinding for. Everyone will unlock the same skills in the same order at the same levels as everyone else playing that class. In D1, I could learn whatever spellbooks I wanted. In D2, I could build how I wanted in my skill trees. In D3, I can... endlessly grind for levels and end up with exactly the same skills as everyone else. And I don't want to play the auction house mini-game to buy gear for a new "build", nor do I want to grind for it. Diablo 3. For me the "3" stands for 3 days of fun.
Which brings me to Path of Exile. I bought into the closed beta. I played it off and on (2-3 days a week), and I still do. I still have yet to make it to the end of the current content, nor have I made it past level 35 for that matter. I keep re-rolling characters to try different ability combinations and passive skill progressions. Do I like my Shadow better using daggers or fist weapons? ie: build around life on hit, or global crit chance? Or, maybe I might like to build him focused on INT, and go mage. But if I do that, should I focus on energy shield, or evasion armor, or both? These are all questions I have asked myself, and things I have tried. But I will most likely re-roll him again, because I think I want to try to make a viable STR build, just to see if I can make it work.
There are many things about PoE that still need work, but I really enjoy making my character however I want, even when I build him badly and have to start again because it isn't a viable build. What matters is that it is fun to me. I may be playing the same content over and over, but because I can build my character however I want, I can play through that same content in an almost infinite number of ways. Or at least PoE has created a very nice illusion of that feeling.
And to bring my long-winded post back on topic... These look like more nice improvements GGG has added for us. For a small company to try so hard to make a great game well, It almost brings back memories of Blizzard North. I really hope GGG can continue to release updates this frequently, and push hard to polish up all the potential PoE has.
Weird,..my game didn't break and I'm on my second play through with my duelist. As far as the maurader missing, you can tell by looking at his cursor he isn't targeting the creature. EDIT: I just tested what I previoulsy wrote and I'm retracting it. However, I still personally havn't had any of those issues posted in those videos, so /shrug
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
If you standstill and attack, as its common practice in most ARPGs, you will get that problem.
The correct way would be to attack all thats within your weapons range and in the direction you are swinging. So yeah, as you can see by the video I was attacking and the mob would simply be unharmed no matter how close I was to it...
You might not feel that much as a ranged/spell caster, but it is a major pain with melee characters.
New players can get a welcome package and old/returning players can also get a welcome back package and 7 days free subscription time! Just click here to use my referral invitation
OH Man The late nights on Mplayer and Heat.net Collecting ears from noobs in God Mode what fun games were back then!!!!
Tbh I feel you have kinda missed the point of the combat system in general. I think you are playing with the expectation that if you face the way of the monster and attack, standing still or not then monsters close by will be damaged by your weapons 'arc'.
This might be the case in Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2 (been a while since I played them) but this is not the case with PoE. You cna't play the game with how you want the mechanic to work, you actually have to learn to play the game with how the mechanic is designed.
Now, I watched your YT video and the impression I got from your gameplay is exactly what I said above. I play Melee in this game and I have no difficulty with it what-so-ever although, coming from Diablo 3 I will confess that I did also hold shift and attack expecting to hit things. That was, until I understood what the game was looking to do.
Since then, no problems what-so-ever. To help explain my point and demonstrate, I made a quick video on YT with annotations. Please, I hope you don't take it the wrong way, I merely just want to enhance my point
Thanks for the input and the effort to explain.
But in practical terms and the way it has been with all the Action RPGs I can think of, if you stand still and attack it should really do cover the area you are attacking without the need to click individual mobs.
When you swing your weapon like that, the swing is a very small AOE hit, hitting enemies within that area, so there is no need to awkwardly click each and every enemy. What would therefore be the point of AOE attacks then?
I understand they took it in a different aproach with POE, but in my gaming experience innovation is not always synonym with better gameplay experience.
To me, if you shoot in a direction or swing your weapon, it should hit (or miss within reason with hit rating stat) all the time, regardless of clicking the mob or not.
And it was exactly that very awkward feeling that made me quit the game, I like the D2 and D3 and Torchlight way of dealing with the hit/miss mechanics, but I have no idea what the POE devs were thinking when they thought they knew better and decided to implement this click-on-enemy-or-miss-it-completely sort of thing... Sad because if not for that, I would have spent a lot of money on the game.
New players can get a welcome package and old/returning players can also get a welcome back package and 7 days free subscription time! Just click here to use my referral invitation
I understand what you mean, mainly because the manner you are speaking to is a means that I would expect most avid of ARPG fans would be familuar with. I could say this might be a matter of taste for it doesn't bother me at all and I just consider it an in-game mechanic.
Usually when I hit the level 15 bracet I seldom use the attack in this manner, it becomes all skill based for me. Rounding up mobs and AOE skills just seems a much faster way to farm that individually tackling them on head first.
I would imagine GGG might address the concerns you have if they find that there is a lot of feedback about it, they seem to be a good developer with passion for their game so I imagine they will always look for ways for it to be improved.
I am hoping more skills come available with weapon types, like spears and polearms which might have arcs how your wishing, or perhaps even passive skills which allow this. After all from their posts on the official site they have said that now this patch has dropped they are looking to add more skills and items to the game.
Be nice to see what they come up with
This is a step in the right direction but Path of exile has a long way to go before i would call it a successor to Diablo 2.
Yes i know its in open beta but imo it doesn't exclude the game from criticism. Actually being hard on the game now will make it much better when it is in "release" state.
1. We need act 3 finished. Right now the main bad guy (the awesome dude from the release trailer) isnt in the game. Act 3 is also missing serveral zones, monsters, quests and voice acting for NPCs.
2. We need the two or three dozen skill gems they promised. Right now melee is lacking both AOE specific attacks and support gems to make the playstyle viable. This needs ot be fixed asap.
3. Open pvp league? Where is it? What about all the other pvp modes like CTF and King of the hill?
4. Place holder armor skins need to go. Recently GGG replaced old sheild skins. They look brilliant, we need the high level 40-50+ stuff thats all reused models to be updated. Me and a ton of people that I play with are tired of looking like crap.
5. I want to support GGG but there's nothing in the shop I want! Where is the gender swap? the gore effect? the custom leagues? Name changes? Armor skins? Dyes? They placed the most simple effects in the shop and want me to pay 20+ dollars for them...
6. Difficulty Balance, The game as a solo player is perfect. its a challenge, it takes patience and the game kicks your ass until you learn the basics. However group play is such a face roll that it turns a game thats supposed to be hardcore into hello kitty adventure island... MP0 diablo 3 is harder than the majority of merciless poE in a full group... THis needs to be fixed ASAP!!!! Over tune the monsters, increase damage and speed the more players that join... do something!
7. A tutorial... i know this might seem minor to a lot of you hardcore guys but this game has exactly one tool tip... one... This needs to change, the game needs to explain the skill tree better, the vendor recipes, basic UI function from trading to using the billboard to find public groups, it needs to explain what and how the materials work...
Now before anyone replies to me saying PoE is a work in progress and will have all of these things over years of development... Stop! Dont bother. Everything I listed is planned for the RELEASE VERSION of POE. All of this is to be copmpleted by Q3 2013 to Q1 2014. All of these items need to be in the game for PoE to be officially content complete once its content complete GGG can continue adding to the game (more acts, monsters and skills) but for me and many other people to consider POE the new leader in ARPG it needs to be a finished product.
Thank you
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
PoE is what D3 SHOULD have been. After reading alot of the replies above, it is obvious not many have tried D3 or PoE or they would realize PoE is a MUCH BETTER Game and cost $59.99 less than the crap that's called D3.
Nice try thou. Move along.
"My Fantasy is having two men at once...
One Cooking and One Cleaning!"
"A good man can make you feel sexy,
strong and able to take on the whole world...
oh sorry...that's wine...wine does that..."