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Well after a year off I am contemplating on coming back this week end, maybe on the free trial.
Reasons I left were because for me the world felmt empty and devoid of life. I was an avid rper at the time as well, and the lack of speech bubbles got to me. The world just felt like one big single player game to me. So I am now flirting with the idea of coming back. Is it safe to get back in the water? Is the game running better? The last time I played it loading between planet took FOR-EV-ER! So that was a real bug for me. Have the population levels improved? I am on tomb of freedon nad.
My other main gripe is that I hardly ever met republic in the open world? It’s as if they did not exist. Does that ever actually happen?
Also can anyone advise if I have to dl the client again to get access to the F2P? Or can I just put in my od details and ill be F2P anyway?
just use your old account
yeah the game improved in some way
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Don't waste your time. Worlds are unchanged. No chat bubbles. There are more people around as they consolidated servers. A significant number of reports of even worse performance than before.
I imagine you will log in anyway, but you will leave soon after. Bioware won't fix this thing. It's an "as is" f2p property.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
There Is Always Hope!
My Jedi Consular's storyline is the weakest of the three storylines that I have completed. The Imperial Agent is the best so far. I am getting ready for the Sith Warrior (which is the favorite for a lot of people).
No, you die in seconds, it is classed as an exhaustion zone.
Depends where LOL. You are going to get a fair warning if you are in exhaustion zone.
Sith Warrior - Story of Hate and Love
Imperial Agent - Rise of Cipher Nine
Imperial Agent - Hunt for the Eagle Part 1