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A Massively Multiplayer Research!!!

Hello folks,

Let me start with introducing myself. My name is Evren Koptur. I am a Ph.D. student and a part time faculty member at Kent State University. Currently, I am at the research/dissertation phase of my doctoral study. I have prepared a survey in order to determine the real-life transferability of learning skills gained while playing MMORPGs and in particular, World of Warcraft. I need volunteering participants to take the survey and this is where you guys come into play. It is not a long survey. It will only take 5mins. to finish it up. In addition, at the end of the survey, you will have a chance to win some digital items like WoW in-game pets, game card and ect. I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out this survey. You should be over the age of 18 to attend to this study and have played World of Warcraft at least for 6 months. Feel free to share this with anyone that played WoW. 

Here is the link:

The flyer for this study:


Transferable Learning skills of an MMORPG: A World of Warcraft Quest

Be a Part of My Study and Get an in-game item

Have you ever wondered if you could learn something by playing World of Warcraft? Can you transfer these skills to real life? I am a PhD candidate at Kent State University and I too have often wondered about these questions. And that's what this study is about.

In recent years, Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games have become increasingly popular. With this increasing popularity, it emerged as a potential educational tool. The purpose of this study is to attract attention to Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games in general and World of Warcraft in particular as interactive and effective learning environments for today’s educational needs and demands.

To be a part of this new research project only takes about 15 minutes to complete a web survey. By completing this survey, you will automatically enter a rare WoW in-game item lottery. Ten winners will be selected randomly and they will win one of the WoW in-game pets below.


Click on this link to begin:

Other Ways You Can Help

I would really appreciate your help in spreading the word about this study. The more WoW players I can get, the better my findings will be. A post on your guild's forum, a quick twitter mention, or telling a real life friend who plays WoW are all ways you can help.

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