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A receptionist from 19-year-old high school student Travis Clawson's optometrist's office left him a message about an upcoming appointment. She was concerned that his voicemail greeting said he was "shooting people outside of the school," so she contacted Ambridge Area High School officials, who then contacted local police.
All schools in the county were locked down for about 20 minutes while authorities located Clawson in his school guidance office. It turned out his voicemail greeting was just his rendition of the theme sung from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," in which rapper Will Smith says he's "shooting some b-ball outside of the school."
Haha, fun. Sorry, I guess you were in a dozen kinds of trouble, but it's still fun. Yeah such things are human mistakes. They happen.
Recently in the newspaper I read about "Carbomb in Syria" and in German the word is "Autobomb" which I read as "Atombomb" (Nuclear Bomb!), and I almost spilled my coffee thinking OMG a nuclear bomb dropped in Syria! XD
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
An elementary school here got locked down because a teacher saw a kid (a little girl) with a gun shaped cookie. They had a picture of it (edit: well, girl was holdting it). It was pink. So they locked down. The whole school. Wish I was joking...
maybe they thought cause she had a gun shaped pink cookie, that she was a threat to the school. Gotta watch out for those cookies!
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