Blizzard Entertainment has released a new 'sizzle' trailer to show off Diablo III on the big screen thanks to the PlayStation 3 version of the game. It was also announced that the PS3 version will not have DRM or an auction house. Check out the trailer to see what you think!
PS3 will not have a DRM of AH.
Thanks for shafting PC...
I wonder how well this is really going to sell on that console.
There's just so many other games I'd rather be playing. I still have Assassins Creed 3 sitting over there and I haven't touched it. I'd rather play Boarderlands 2 than this stuff. Haven't picked that up.
I think a lot of gamers who own a PS3 are a little more used to more dynamic games than D3. Top down view, running around dungeons killing monsters in just a constant hack and slash is something that really doesn't begin to compare with a host of better games with open worlds, 3D environments and engaging stories on the system.
My thoughts exactly. "Oh no, offline-mode is impossible", they said, "Game is based around RMAH", they said. And if it is unclear who "they" are, Blizzard.
Then they officially announce console versions, and guess what, offline-mode as standard and NO auction houses. It's one of the biggest FUs that a game company can do. Blizzard can go screw themselves, not getting a penny of my money again.
They didnt say any of that.. Ever.
Always on was DRM nothing more. And the RMAH while dumb has nothing to do with anything. The AH as a whole is the problem.. Makes it to easy to find top items so Blizzard HAD to mess with the roll quality of items. Very stupid.
The PS3 version does look pretty fun and I am glad that the console players will once again get to experience Diablo.
I'm pretty sure they did. Either on the forums (either their own or otherwise) or some other media. It also could have been said in not-so-direct way, if you get my point.
And I wasn't saying that I agree with any of it, I'm just saying that someone from Blizzard mentioned these at one point or another. It was either before or after the launch.
I think both of the choices were awful ones, and I know that it was DRM, but also the fact that you couldn't run auction houses, especially the RMAH without the game being always-online, because of cheats and the-like, and this is what Blizzard said also. Well, at least they tried to justify it with that.
Morhaime seems keen to tackle “the perception that the online requirement is nothing but an ineffective form of copy protection that has already been cracked.” He mentions that Blizzard haven’t yet encountered any functioning cracks, but suggests that security isn’t the main purpose of the online-only requirement.
“I fully understand the desire to play Diablo III offline; however, Diablo III was designed from the beginning to be an online game that can be enjoyed with friends, and the always-online requirement is the best way for us to support that design,” he says.
...was just a lie and the fans that defended it were wrong? Or maybe the back lash was so much they had to give in and make offline play available fearing that no one else would be buying D3 after all the negativity that some tried to deny existed?
Who knows, I just think its funny as hell that the selling points for the PS3/4 version of D3 is that it has offline play and no RMAH considering those were said to be core features of D3 lol...
It's all lies, lies I tells ya...
And yeah, I would say it is funny, but seeing as I got D3 on PC, its not really that funny LOL
I am most interested in the new camera system and if that will be coming to PC. I just can't accept the mediocre game when I try to play and view it as a diablo game, it makes it absolutely stink in comparison. Maybe if I could play it with a controller and see it from a different angle I could enjoy it for what it is: An average game made by people that seem to have no knowledge or experience in the genre.
I reinstalled it recently to see if the new features made any difference in my enjoyment of it. No, no they did not. So sad this happened to the diablo ip.
Edit: The only new camera angle I saw was at the end of the video.. is it only on bossfights? I hope not, that is just worthless.
If I had the ability to trade in my PC version for the PS3 version, I'd do it, but I'll never buy this game again. It sounds like it'll be WAY more fun on consoles than the PC version, however, which is a real shame for what was a PC-based series.
It'll sell well, no doubt, but it's really too bad they didn't release the original PC game with the same frame of mind. Hell, even if they wanted to keep some form of DRM and just removed the AH, I'd have been happy.
Well, I mean happy as long as I ignore the crappy storyline as well.
Yeah, it's sad that only Blizzard has a means of keeping track of achievments and allowing you to chat with friends while playing games. Some day PC, Xbox, and the Playstation will have some means of tracking achievements and allowing you to talk with friends. Some day games themselves will have built in achievement systems so that you don't even need something like to keep track of them.
Feeling that someone is full of it does not mean that they were misunderstood.
To be honest, I would, reluctanly mind, accept some of the DRM as well, if the game would work as it should. Loot system as it should be, epic drops etc., revamped skill system (IMO the one they came up with in the end is rubbish) and so on.
However, seeing there is little or no hope of it ever being the game it could have been, I wish this all would just die off.
This console version thing just reignites the whole D3 discussion again, and I do believe that this one should have just been left alone.
I do agree though, that console version players will most definitely get ton more out of this game than PC users ever did.
One thing for example; because there is no AHs you will actually FIND the loot YOURSELF, wow, there is a shocker for a Diablo game.
Tbh I can't actually grasp this one...What in the world stops you FINDING the loot YOURSELF in D3 on PC? It's as simple as not clicking AH you hate so much. Voila you have self funded D3 experience.
However...let other people play as they like, selling gear they don't need and buying the one they want. Whole issue with AH is result of bad itemization they acknowledged and fixing atm.
Anyhow there is nice game called Path of Exile for D2 diehard fans. Free, with skillpoints and skilltrees, trading in chat and forums, scrolls, managing inventory, shared loot in multiplayer, potions.
What prevents this is simple. Loot drop ratios, that were specifically designed auction houses in mind. I'm just comparing that to D2 for example, where you could actually find epic loot by yourself. Drop ratios in D3 were deliberately low to accommodate both AHs.
You just couldn't get anything decent to drop (legendarry items or sets, common issue with nearly everyone), not the way it should have been anyway. And I'm aware of the fact that they are fixing it or should I say trying to, coincedence that Wilson left and changes start to happen?
What I also read that they said they were looking for ways to either minimise the use of AH or get rid off it completely, who knows maybe that can still "save" the game? Not for me though, I don't think. I'm pretty much done with it.
I'm actually playing PoE already, it is a lot fun and like you said it doesn't cost anything
Does not need always on cus there is no RMHA... simple as that no shafting going on here.
Even if blizzard wanted RMHA on console, Sony, M$ would not allow it, so the only option is to strip out the AH systems and cus the game no longer has AH(s) there is no need to have always on cus they dont need to protect players from hackers dupping items etc.
Really find it hard how people cannot grasp this concept?
I'm just wondering what Blizz dev's must be thinking when they see all these haters
I mean I'm sure they are not happy but they still move forward and try to make even more money out of this piece of crap If it where a new game nobody would buy it! but because it has the name of Diablo and Blizzard people rush to it. But I really think Ps3 wont sell more than 1 ,2 mill copies anyway. Blizzard time is over I didn't buy HOTS , I wont buy D3 expansion and i don't care about TItan and I will never buy Blizz game again and I think lot of people think the same.
I decided this because selling a shit game is one thing but implementing this gready RMAH ...
I don't care at all if the ps owners are so stupid to buy D3 after this all negative forums, it's their problems, but I dont see any reason to play D3 on console game where D3 advantage was always the rpg keys in it. Blizzard is the most greddy company ever.
Could D3 have been better? Sure. Was D3 some gross exploit of the diablo franchise? NO.
D3 was a modernized version of a 10 year old game. It was almost exactly what I had expected. It also had only a fraction of the impact the first two had. Which should have been expected or at the least recognized. It is no different in other genre's. Look at wolfenstien, doom, quake, command and conquer, starcraft, everquest, ultima, wow, compared to other modern games.
D3 is a better game than what came before. It is practically a wishlist of all the things people wanted when diablo was in its prime. It is also low impact, and mediocre to true vetern gamers, which should have been obvious because at this date a truly high impact revolutionary game willl be 1/1000.
D-pad works fine to go through inventory on consoles. Of course they would have to change the console inventory for a more console friendly one (like most rpgs that go cross platform)