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I always gravitate to RP (or roleplaying) servers. Not because I'm a hardcore RPer, but because I like a measure of immersion and the RP servers tend to have a more mature crowd, in my experience.
Do you think MJ will decide to provide the option for an RP server? Or, should he?
Emeryc Eightdrakes - Ranger of DragonMyst Keep - Percival
Most games have one or at least one the players consider RP. So I expect this to be in.
But don't expect/demand special code to be written to support it.
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
I am actually one of those geeks who, coming from tabletop rpgs and rp muds, does actually rp on such servers, but if I am grouped with people who are just there for the less spazzy crowd and don't rp, I don't rp.
Funnily enough, I have always wanted a ffa pvp/rp server.
My BEST memories of DAoC occurred on the roleplay servers. Every game developer since Mythic Entertainment has been very crappy when it comes to enforcing an RP server policy.
Hell, I remember leading raids all the time (including relic raids) while never breaking character. Ahh.. the good ol' days.
See, there is the problem, you want an RP server then you demand companies start expending extra resources for it.
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
That being said, the best RP I've ever seen implemented was in Dark Age of Camelot on Guinevere, Percival and Nimue. Before anyone says RP is lame! and refers to Moongard WoW - recall that RP used to mean that you merely kept to the personality of your race and class. You didn't Shakespear, you spoke as a dwarf would speak, a paladin, and so forth with no reference to real world speech forms (emo, text talk, pwn face, l33t sp33k, etc).
That being said, it can be done again.
Do you even understand the point of a roleplay server? Or did you not understand my post? RP servers allow deeper immersion within an IP's lore. Furthermore, I never stated I was in favor of an RP server for CU - I'd rather CSE use those resources and develop an amazing game instead of catering to an even already smaller niche crowd. However, if it were presented I would certainly play there.
Relax, young skywalker.
Because i have also played tabletops rpgs many years, played LARPs too, build scenarios for them, had "actor" roles in 'em too, i usually love to roleplay.
But since i'm french canadian, i tend to have a more practical use of my english, but its not good enough for me tu actually RP in english without sounding like a total retard lol, plus the accent, pretty quick i'd RP alone with trees playing the crazy scout
And i wont play on EU servers because of the time zones.
so i'm sticking with regular servers
Bowbow (kob hunter) Infecto (kob cave shammy) and Thurka (troll warrior) on Merlin/Midgard DAoC
Thurka on WAR
Role play is generated by the players, not the server.
How many games have you logged on to a so-called "RP" server only to find it's the same as all the rest?
I'd be more in favour of those players who want to role-play getting together and deciding on a server to make their unofficial RP home.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
Ahh Guin... There were some really good roleplayers there man. Memories. I had some great 8mans full of them, and doing that when not breaking character made it soooo much more fun.
I used to piss people off (unintentionally) on Mordred too by not ever breaking character. One notable time was a minstrel jumping my champ near the parth farm. Minsrels fared quite well on the Dreds in those days, and he was kinda pissed when I smacked him dowm easily (champ vs minst one on one was ouchies.) So I honorably bowed and spoke some words about it having been an honor to meet such a worthy adversary in so dreary and dour a wood.
He didn't take that too well and went into "fu noob you got lucky with fuckin iwin debuffs ima rape you."
Well he never did, nor did he learn to not pop a champ of somewhat equivalent level (he was orange.) Through it all, I kept in character. So satisfying.
As you might imagine, I love the idea of RP servers but I also do not like how RP servers are pretty bad on the MMORPGs I've played over the last ten years. One idea I've toyed with over the years is to have a strict RP server that has an extra price tag associated with it. FYI, we have not discussed this idea at CSE so before anybody jumps to conclusions, there are no plans for this right now. In exchange for a higher fee the players would get stuff like:
1) In-game GMs running events, enforcing rules.
2) Very strict naming policy (possibly even only allow generated names).
3) Strict guildelines for chat systems.
Lots more but I need to get back to work.
It wouldn't be an "Everquest Legends" setup nor that price tag but enough to cover the staffing required to deal with the issues as they occur (and by that I mean real time not file a protest, wait a week). This RP server wouldn't involve lots of new coding, areas, etc. but really just extra staff and some really good tools.
Anyway, just a thought.
Mark Jacobs
CEO, City State Entertainment
Agreed, but in DAoC it was pretty sweet to have a server with naming rules at least, and it did make for a more mature population overall, in my personal experience.
Omg I would gladly pay a higher sub for exactly what you just described.
I would gladly pay extra for a policed Role Play server. (Maybe 20-40% higher a month...)
Just avoiding the numerous Legolez, Leggolez, leGgolasszz, etc
LOL! Always reminds me of this:
Aspiring Game Musician <<>> Inquiring ears, feel free to visit:
I would be happy with simple name restrictions, too. If I never see another name like BadAzzRanjah again, it will be far too soon.
MJ's idea sounds intriguing... never even thought of that. I would definitely pay a bit more for that option.
Emeryc Eightdrakes - Ranger of DragonMyst Keep - Percival
The only one where I have seen it enforced since is LOTRO.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Sign me up.
DAOC's RP server rules were just right, IMO. I'm pretty sure it boiled down to "no out-of-period names", "no out-of-character chatter in public channels", and "don't be a dick, dude".
I love the idea of RP servers. I'll be the first to admit that I have no interest in RP'ing. For me it's more about maturity and immersion. I'm sure the true RP'ers are grinding their teeth now, but lets be honest. Without the people like me you'd never have enough population for a complete RP server. I'm there because I hate seeing chuck norris jokes in chat non-stop, I hate people that type like "wut r u doin tday?!???", and last because I hate seeing names like stabzuintheback or arrowtotheface.
I'd be up for paying as much as $5 more a month to play on a strictly enforced RP server as MJ described.
DAoC had/has RP servers???
At least not in Europe, despite the fact we had great rp guilds (like Nation Kobold on my realm). Theses guilds fit perfectly in the server and didn't need anything special to exist and play. In GOA policy, all servers were consider as RP. (mmoRPg, remember? ^^ )
Since that, I have created a dwarven clan for warhammer (and keep going), we tried a RP server and honnestly we prefered normal servers... We were in an under-populated servers (cage?) with too much strict rules, killing the fun (seriously a dwarf mate had to change his khazalid name because of some whinners -_- )
BTW if you create RP servers:
- theses servers won't live long (mainly because of the pop)
- Secondly, and the most important point for me, it means the other servers have no rules and all names will be allow, spreading a bad spirit into the community. Do you really want to see "darkL33T just killed leLOLas in emain macha" ?
- an other point is about the definition of "RP". To be frank, most "RP players" bored me. You don't have to act like lordies to play RP.
In every RPG in play my character the way it will give me fun, and I use to play dwaves, smash every ennemies with the clan, comb my beard and drink like a fish at the same time until I sink (well, IRL too )
that big reply to say: as a RP player since I'm a child, I never felt the urge of having a dedicated RP server
Not to rain on your parade or anything, but the RP servers in DAoC (Percival, Guinnevere and Ector(?)) had some of the highest pop of all the servers for the longest time.
And, regarding names and such... that's part of the point of an RP server. If you want to name your Elf "Alf CaPWN" you can do so on a non-RP server. I don't have anything against people who like this type of name and play, but I would rather have a more immersive environment.
Emeryc Eightdrakes - Ranger of DragonMyst Keep - Percival
It is a bold statement to claim that RP servers won't live long. Granted, this is 201, not 2001, and MMOs have changed a lot since then. Personally, I could never imagine playing on a non-RP server because I like immersion, and as a Guinevere veteran who fought beside Shadowclan and had the dubious pleasure of spending time with Mourginn, the dwarven berserker, I can only hope for some similar experiences in the future.
And yes, I'll chip in some additional coppers for a RP-server where rules are enforced.