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Camelot Unchained Roleplay

Evening all!

So with the Camelot Unchained Kickstarter going live, I figured tonight was as good a night as any to toss up a link to a new community website; (address and name subject to change in the near future).

Our intention with CU-RP is to create a community hub where roleplayers can communicate, get together, post up stories, guild listings and so forth, in a cohesive enviroment. I noticed we have a number of people here who are rp'ers, given a number of threads and polls on the topic.

The website is rather new and still under a fair bit of construction, as the rather default design and lack of topics will tell you, but I felt I might as well get the word out now in order to help grow the community. So feel free to register and introduce yourselves! - A hub for roleplayers in Camelot Unchained!

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