I'm looking for a mmorpg to help ease my mind from all my worries and I'm thinking about giving second life a try again. I use to have a second life account back a few years ago but stopped playing with it and recently deleated it because I found most of the other people too immature which makes me second guess if I should sign up for a new account. So now I'm wondering if I should join second life again or not.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
No probably should concentrate on the first
Most of the older MMos (pre WoW) seem to have pretty mature player bases and most of them have free to play options.....As a general rule, I find the newer and more populated games often have the less mature playerbases also...
Diverting your attention from your worries will not solve them, dealing with those worries will, if your unable to deal with them then find someone who you can talk to about whats worrying you, I'm not being an a$$hat, I'm trying to help you because burrying your head or diverting yourself away from them doesnt solve anything. I do know, I've been there and done it.
Talking is good.
^ This.
In the meantime, have you tried WoW? I hear that a lot of the RP and RP-PvP servers are full of mature folk. I forgot if you said the game should be free, which WoW isn't... Might want to give it a try!
Played: Ultima Online - DaoC - WoW -