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Anybody knows Kripp?
Can someone inform him about CU. I'm sure he would be interested in this game. He played daoc. He wants to have a challenging game which he can play for years. This is the chance. Maybe he could inform people on his stream / youtube channel. Kickstarter would get pretty good boost from him. I'm sure he would like how this game is gonna head towards.
Yes ^^ That guy. I'm sure he would love the concept of CU. If he advertised CU on his channel it would get probably like 5k more backers. I'm sure he would like it, because he wants the game that can be played for a very long time and that will allow to kill many ppl if you are good. I remember how he complained about GW 2 and that the best player in game has no chance to beat two good players etc.
Sometimes i feel like PoE got advertised to be so demanded by him lol. He was the first person who killed diablo on inferno on hardcore on the hardest patch. So he has masses who follows him.
Hm, his GW2 comment is pretty god damn accurate. Pretty much my biggest gripe with the game as well.
He is a known exploiter who has cheated in every game he has been involved in.
Maybe some of you should actually look into people abit more before jumping on the fanboy bandwagon? This is the last type of person who should have any impact on the game.
some people can only see black and white i guess. i am not sure about you but it seems that the bulk of the hardcore follower/gamer pledges for KS are done and we didnt even come close to 1mil. we need all the help we can get...i honestly do not care where it comes from. donations are needed to hit 2 mil or NONE of us get to play the game. regardless of personal agenda's/vendettas you or anyone else has about someone exploiting d3.
and not even a fanboy. i just understand that streamers with 5k constant viewership can serve a big impact for this KS.
Kripp is the standard blizzard dick muncher. he is also a pretty pathetic and spoiled exploiter/cheater who will find and spread cheats like wildfire and get mad after he is banned. he will quit PoE 4 weeks after retail release liek all non-blizzard games he plays. don't fuck with him, let him stew in his own shit. CU fans on here act pretty dumb in general, but let your first smart choice be to keep your game out of Kripp's sight.
the only thing good(on the surface) he can bring is more sales, but then that will be followed by a massive backlash when the game has no pve, no training wheels, no modern graphics, etc. you're better off with him being oblivious.
but it's pretty good idea.
You don't understand that he shows all exploits on youtube in order to make them repaired/fixed fast? He wasn't able to communicate with d3 devs so he had to do it that way.
If you gave him a way to communicate with Mark, which he has now he would probably help more than most of us making this game bug free.
He doesn't keep for himself exploits, haven't you noticed? How can you call him cheater because of it? He shows it to ppl so it gets repaired faster.
You can always show it to other people to try to get it fixed faster but the other people in almost all cases are not as noble as he may be. It might get fixed faster but how many people are going to get in trouble for it?
That's their fault they used exploits on purporse. It's better to show something up and get it fixed then have few people using it while nobody knows and have adventage over everyone.
Sometimes things are easy to track in the game. Like the idea of reselling items for gold. Something are alot harder to track, like using a piece of armor ass a barrier to keep mosnsters from hitting you. Both effect the game in one way or another. Telling the devs about it and showing them is a great way to get things fixed. Telling the devs and showing everyone on the internet about it is a great way to cause way more for the game than it would have been.
Personally, i think that telling people about the exploit is fine as long as you dont go out and say Hey exploit this so they fix it sooner.
You don't understand. In order to talk with d3 devs you had to do it that way otherwise it wouldn't get fixed. What's more d3 devs were so bad that they didn't fix things almost at all or very slow.
In CU it's different. He can communicate with them very easly. On forums you can even talk to Mark and he responds. He could make this game better, because he is good in finding things like that and he loves it.
Freaking wall of text reply.
Oh i get it about D3. That was probably the only way to get things done in that game. But he also played GW2 and showed those exploits which got more than a few people banned, including him.
From a get the game funded standpoint i dont see a problem with getting people invovled. If you want to contact him just email him on twitch.
to the OP
so you think the guy who does nothing but play video games 16 hrs a day, needs to be informed of CU?
Oh god... Kripp Fanboys... how I wish they would all just 'disapear' and suck elsewhere.
that might be true, but he is just playing games, maybe he doesn't look for it specially right now.
he knows about it, trust me, every break from gaming, hes surfing game sites
I would never assume someone already knows about CU and its kickstarter. Tell anyone who you think would be interested.
Also, we should appeal to other gaming personalities to atleast share thier opinion on CU. It matters little if the individuals opinions are good or bad, in the end a larger audience will be aware of CU. If Totalbiscuit were to do a video on the CU kickstarter, a lot of money will be donated as a result.
I was on twitch last night and posted the kickstarter page to a number of channels I thought was appropriate (make sure to ask permission first from the mods). There were a surprising amount of people who didnt know about CU and were interested in it. If I have time later I will do it again sometime during the week.
Wow...jealousy seriously rears it's ugly head.
I'm not a big fan of anyone in particular but EVERYONE would use most of the "exploits" that he or any of the other streamers have. No one on here is as noble as they pretend to be and it's more likely that they're just jealous that he's "spoiled" and doesn't have to actually work to play. I know I'd love to be able to just play games without worrying about work or any other responsibilities.
Be real with yourself before you come on the forums and make yourself look like a clown.
Just because every car has similar features doesn't mean that Ferraris are copies of Model Ts. Progress requires failure and refining.
That's what i'm talking about. We need boost from people like Kripp and other streamers / youtube channel gurus. That's why we need to inform as many ppl as we can.