Originally posted by odiasuda So, in defense of this game, people say it's a good thing to have less information on how to play it and what's going on? I guess I don't get the whole sandbox thing. Sound like an exercise in frustration.
There's a nice in game guide, but no guide is gonna tell you how to take a page two of a book and sell it to somone who wants a a page one.
No guide is gonna tell you how to start a guild of friends and through alliances build it to powerhouse.
No guide is going to tell you how to control the market of one item, or how to get ahead of the trend.
Here's a good one, just happened. How to drop an Arena flag (summons the first player who accepts) on odd terran. Terran you're familiar with, instead of the standard area outside the main city, and dominate the poor soul who comes through.
Ok this guy ^^^ . . . this is a guy who understands AoW. /bowtothemaster
Ok this guy ^^^ . . . this is a guy who understands AoW. /bowtothemaster