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first impressions

korrikenkorriken Member Posts: 40

When I fired up this game and realized that each of the classes are gender locked, I rolled my eyes and almost quit.


so I made a character and began playing. I half expected to walk out of town and beat up on jellies for an hour for no apparent reason.

I was wrong. I have yet to find a single jelly. what I found was actual monsters

now, combat takes place in instances, but with a game like this, that's for the best. you don't run around fighting single monsters. you fight groups and sometimes armies of monsters.

you'll find certain stats that are common in other games missing from Dragon Nest. Dodge, Parry, Block, evade, these skills don't exist. if you wanna dodge an attack you better move your character out of the way. if you aim a spell or attack poorly, it won't connect. on the bright side, you can't slam your hammer across the head of your enemy just to see "miss" flash above its head. if you hit, you hit. if you miss, you miss.

now, there is a cash shop. however, as far as being pay to win for pvp, it's not so simple. your success in pvp is going to depend on your skill. there is costume gear and it does give some stats (rather minor at max lvl) but a single purchase of about $25 gets your a set of permanent gear. you can't purchase victory in this game. there are powerful potions for healing you can pay NX for, however, it can't be used in pvp, or even in Nests (which are like dungeons, but much harder).

the first nest is the Minotaur Nest. now, if you're wondering why Minotaurs would have a nest, think of it more as a lair than something birds lay eggs in. it's actually a combat arena... with a LOT of minotaurs to fight. if you can't dodge hits and know how to fight, you're going to die. a lot.

I'm having a blast playing as a paladin in this game. each class has 2 subclasses, each subclass has 2 subclasses, so you really have 20 classes to choose from.


  • ElmollElmoll Member Posts: 11
    Honestly i don't like instance dungeon and also the gender lock but my friends are enjoying this game.  But once I tried it I don't like the system well it's just my own preference on choosing a game.
  • abiwilson424abiwilson424 Member Posts: 9
    Originally posted by Elmoll
    Honestly i don't like instance dungeon and also the gender lock but my friends are enjoying this game.  But once I tried it I don't like the system well it's just my own preference on choosing a game.

    Similar to PSO2 (Phantasy Star). Also, I've seen a trailer of Wildstar that seems to have a similar controls or gameplay (looks easier though).

    I don't like the system too. Dragon Nest looks like RO2 too. haha

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